Page 93 of The Craving

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We got through all the normal work we had to discuss and left the hard discussion until the end. I already want to punch a hole in the wall.

“So, what you are telling me is that we have no security footage from the hotel, that it just mysteriously disappeared. There are no fingerprints on the drug package, so in theory it could have been me, and there’s nothing to confirm the time of night that I was out in the car because the cameras in the garage weren’t working. Fuccckkkk!” I slam my fist on the table, hard enough that pain radiates up my arm.

“Not exactly. We have street cameras that picked up the car leaving the hotel and at different points along the route to the fountain. Why the hell did you go to the fountain? It doesn’t fit with anything. Oh, and of course the security camera footage from there, that is grainy at best but shows you leaving the fountain then coming back ten minutes later, handing something to the homeless man, and you taking something back to the car.” Rem is loading pictures onto the three screens on my desk, and I can feel my stomach sinking further with worry, but it’s not stopping my anger at the whole thing.

“A blanket! It was just a fucking blanket because he was old and cold. He insisted on me taking the dirty scrap of thread he was using to keep his hands warm as a thank-you. More fool me for not wanting to insult him by throwing it straight in the garbage can nearby.”

Forrest places his hand on my shoulder to try to calm me because he can tell I’m about to explode.

“We know, and we will find him. I have men on the ground looking for him, but it wouldn’t make a difference in any court because he is not a credible witness. So, we need to work a different angle. I’m not telling you what that is, but you just have to trust Broderick on this one. That man has never let you down before, and as soon as he has something, we will move.”

“What the fuck do you mean?” Forrest yells, pushing me back into my chair and taking on my anger for me. “We are just simple, damn businessmen. We don’t live in the world of all this sort of shit.”

“Speak for yourself, I’m far from simple,” Flynn pipes up from across the table.

“Flynn!” we all growl at him at the same time. But he achieved what he was aiming for—getting our attention.

“Right, now listen up, all of you angry, alpha, testosterone dicks. We need to let Rem and Broderick do their jobs and continue to do ours, which is to keep fucking calm. We have an empire that needs our attention, an acquisition in Florence to complete, two women to keep safe, have every spare set of eyes on Jocelyn the wicked witch, and prepare for the visit next week from Mumma Sally. Now, if that isn’t enough to keep you all busy, we also have a charity event tomorrow night to turn up to and schmooze every influential person in that room, including the head of Scotland Yard who I have on good authority will be there, considering his wife is on the charity’s board. Show them all that Nic is some decent respectable man who couldn’t possibly be guilty of what they are accusing him of, hence why they haven’t laid any charges yet. Now I know it’s a stretch of the imagination to say he is a nice man, but do your best, people.” Flynn grins at his little speech.

I take a deep breath. I can’t even deal with everything he just said. All I can think is I know they aren’t my drugs, so I just need to trust them like they are telling me. But one thing really jumped out at me.

“Mumma Sally? What the fuck, Flynn?” I try not to laugh at the ridiculous name.

“Ahh, and there he is. Not so growly anymore. Can’t let you walk out of this room all grumpy and snarly. You will frighten Elouise away, and we can’t have that.” He knows how to poke the bear. I’m not sure that’s what friends are for, but Flynn loves to rile me up.

“Don’t you dare touch her. She is important to Victoria!”

“Yeah, yeah, and Victoria is important to you. I think we all got that memo already. And can I just say, I never thought it would happen, but about fucking time you started to chill out and let a woman into your life.” I can’t say he’s wrong. I’m still worried I’m making a mistake letting her get close, but not because of who she is but more of because of who I am and the baggage I’m bringing with me.

“I’m not convinced he is all in yet. Look at the way his skin is prickling when you talk about commitment.” Rem laughs, and I just look at all three of them. I want to tell them to fuck off, but at the end of the day, these guys know me. They might not know the reasons behind why I am like this, but they will have my back regardless. So, I think it’s time I start to let them in a little too.

“I’m trying. It’s the best I’ve got.” And the shocked look at my reply tells me they all understand how hard that was for me to say out loud. Victoria is not just a woman, she’s the only woman. The one who will break me, either by pushing down the walls and making this work, or breaking my heart into pieces, never to be repaired again.

Time will tell, but at least they know to back off and let me try to work through this the best way I can, in my own time, with Victoria right by my side.

“Understood,” Flynn says. “Now just one more thing to clear up. Who gets to be Jocelyn’s plus-one tomorrow night? I vote Forrest who seems to be the Jocelyn whisperer.”

Laughter rings out around the room while Forrest replies to his brother, “I hate you!” with a face that tells him he wants to wrestle him into a head lock like they did as kids.

“I know, but I don’t care. I’m ready for dessert. Who’s having pie?” Flynn stands up and starts to tidy the files we had on the desk.

“I’m never eating apple pie again because it will make me think of your dick, and that’s just wrong!” Forrest looks like he is about to be ill, and to be honest, I’m not sure I’ll ever bake apple pie again either.

Shutting down the computers, Rem and Forrest walk out of the office in front of me when Flynn pulls me aside.

“You know I only act like a dickhead to break your tension, don’t you? I’ve got your back, Nic, I’ve always had it. No matter what happens with this, or with her. I’m here and will fight like hell to protect you. Understood?”

All I can do is grab him with both hands and hug him as tight as I can. We have never said it because we have never needed to, but right now, I need to hear that. More than he will ever understand, I need him.

“Same, brother, same!” Which has him tightening his grip, acknowledging my answer, and then in a split second he is out of my arms and back to the ridiculous cocky Flynn that I love.

“Right, dessert. Oh how I could really go with a little extra cream tonight.” He walks away from me, leaving me shaking my head as I close the door on work for tonight.

Not that I can switch off my thoughts or fears, but I’m sure I know a naughty little lady who will help me try later tonight.

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