Page 66 of The Craving

I soften my voice slightly, hoping he will continue to talk. “None of what, Nicholas? I have no idea what is going on.” Walking from the window, I sit down on the couch in front of him. “Explain it to me.”

It wasn’t until now that I could see how tired he looks.

“You haven’t seen the media reports?” he asks skeptically, dropping his hands and placing them on the edge of his desk, hanging on like his life depends on it.

“No, I’ve been busy working for some cantankerous client,” I say snidely, giving him a small smile to try to calm the situation a little.

“Then you should get rid of him. Sounds like an asshole.” His words are still strained, but he is trying to calm himself down, knowing I’m prepared to listen to him.

“Funnily, I call him that on many an occasion. And he usually deserves it.” I take another drink of water from the bottle and then place it on the table.

No matter what he is about to tell me, I don’t feel scared to be in his presence. It’s the same feeling of getting into the car with him, or the plane off to another country. Not once have I ever felt unsafe with him.

“Victoria, I’m so sorry to drag you into all of this. I was taken in for questioning on Saturday about some drugs that were found in my car at the hotel in Rome after we were there on Thursday night. I can assure you they aren’t mine, but I need to prove it.” He taps his fingers on the table from his nervous energy.

“That’s easy to prove. You were with me.” Why didn’t he just tell them that? It’s so obvious.

He sighs like he is about to tell me that he ate the last cannoli. “The problem is that I wasn’t with you all night.” He drops his head so he doesn’t have to look at me. “After you fell asleep, I needed some air to sort through some things. So, I went for a drive in the Maserati to clear my head and then went to the gym downstairs for a few hours to work out.”

Wrapping my arms around myself, I feel a cold shiver run over me. “You weren’t in bed with me all night? But I would have felt you leave, wouldn’t I?” In my heart, I believe he is innocent, but something in the back of my mind is still scared he is playing me.

Looking up, he gives me the smallest of smirks. “I wore you out. You were snoring and in a deep sleep. You didn’t even flinch when I got up." He looks slightly proud of himself.

“Ah yes, multiple orgasms will do that to a girl.” I squeeze my legs together, remembering every single one of them that had me screaming his name in ecstasy.

He must see the tiniest doubt in my face. “But I promise you, that’s all I did. I would never put you in danger by involving you in something like that. I might be an asshole like you tell me on a regular basis, but I’m not a bad person.” Deep down, I know it’s true.

“Then why did you leave me? I don’t understand. I thought that night was incredible, and then you totally shattered me that morning. What did I do wrong?” I can feel tears welling in my eyes, that I have probably been holding back since that morning. I told myself that I was too tough to let it affect me, but I was wrong. It hurt… a lot.

In seconds he is across the room and sitting on the coffee table in front of me. His long legs are on either side of mine, and he takes my hands from around my body and holds them in his, gently stroking his thumbs over the tops of my hands with such emotion.

“Oh, beautiful, it wasn’t you. My demons make me do stupid things, and I fucked up epically that night by leaving you. I can’t explain it, but just please trust me, it had nothing to do with you and how amazing you were.” He drops one of my hands into my lap and takes my cheek in his large masculine hand. I can feel his sincerity in the way he’s stroking my face with all the emotion he has been holding inside too.

I lean forward, needing to feel close to him. I want his lips on mine again. But just as we are about to touch, the door flies open and in storms Flynn and two other men I don’t know.

“Out!” Nicholas screams at them.

“No can do. Trouble is brewing, and you are needed in the boardroom,” Flynn announces while one of the other men walks to his chair where he threw his suit jacket. “Good, you’re here, Victoria, you might be helpful.” The creases in Flynn’s brow let me know this is serious.

Nicholas jumps up and stands in front of him. “Leave her out of this!” he demands.

“No choice now, Nic, Jocelyn has rallied the board, and they are arriving now to pass a motion of no confidence in you to run this company. So, anyone who can save your ass needs to be in the room. Like your girlfriend that was with you in Rome.” Flynn is not taking any prisoners with Nicholas. “The lawyer is on his way, but you two need to have your stories straight.”

My heart is beating so hard it feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest. I might be strong, but this is next level.

I blurt out, “I won’t lie for you.” My hands are starting to tremble, the shakes now moving through my body.

“You don’t need to, sweetheart, they know he left the hotel. It’s on the security tapes. But can you at least keep with the girlfriend story?” one of the other men asks me, a look of hope in his eyes.

“Who are you?” I ask. I feel a little overwhelmed with all the men around me.

“Sorry, I’m Remington Elders, and this is Forrest Taylor. We are this idiot’s friends who are trying to keep his ass out of jail and at the head of his own company.”

I look at Flynn and then Forrest, seeing the similarities their last name implies.

Forrest steps forward with his hand extended. “Yes, we’re brothers, unfortunately, and I’m sorry this is happening now, but we don’t have a lot of time.” Shaking my hand, he then steps away quickly as Nicholas glares at him.

Nicholas takes my hand and pulls me toward a door I hadn’t paid attention to, until we end up in the bathroom. Closing the door, he places his hands on my shoulders.