Page 64 of The Craving

“You had fun, that’s all you need to worry about.” Theo starts to snap out of his strange mood. “Now, let’s talk about this job. Do you need my help now that Gwenda is not here?” What is it with Theo? He constantly wants to get involved in this job. It’s not like he was that excited about the other files I was handed on that first day.

“No, I’m fine, thank you. Were you given my other jobs?” His face tells me he was, and he isn’t happy about it.

“Yep, I got the shit ones, nothing like what you got, golden girl.”

Time to back away, Tori. Theo is not a happy boy this morning. Obviously got out of bed on the wrong side. I’ve learned not to take on anyone else’s problems, just stick with your own—and I have plenty of them this morning.

Opening my emails, I see that Mr. York, the head boss that Nicholas called on the plane the other day, has emailed me directly, explaining that Gwenda will be away and that I am to step into her role temporarily. My main portfolio is the Darby Hotel file and to supervise Theo in all the other files he has.

Oh, wow, no wonder Theo is pissed at me. I’ve walked in and straight away been promoted above him. That must hurt for someone who has a belief that men are needed in high places. A bit of his ego must be crushed, but I don’t give a damn.

* * *

After working on the file all morning and doing my research, my brain is fried, and I could use some food to fuel it. Evan surprisingly messaged me this morning asking if we could meet for lunch at a café nearby. It turns out that our offices aren’t that far from each other. And his office is close to the Darby Hotels’ headquarters. So, I’ll meet up with him and then head to the office and see if I can get in to see the jerk face himself. The element of surprise will hopefully get me a meeting. If I tried to schedule one, I’m sure he would be busy from now until Christmas.

“Hey, you.” Evan stands up from the table that he already grabbed for us when he got here before me. It looks like this is a popular place and is currently in the throes of the lunchtime rush.

“Hi, Evan, sorry I’m a bit late,” I say, giving him a hug, which is what friends do, and since we are now firmly in the friend zone, it seems appropriate.

“Nothing new. You were late to every date we had,” he sasses.

I laugh with him because he is right. Being punctual has never been my strong point.

Conversation flows easily like it did the other night, and I wonder why we didn’t discover this back when we were together. I’ve never really had a male friend before, and although on the first day of this new job I thought Theo might be one, he’s turned out to be a whining co-worker who just wants what I have.

Finishing up my salad, I know we will need to wrap it up shortly so he can get back to his office and I can try my luck with Mr. Darby.

“This was fun, we should do it again,” I surprise myself by asking for another lunch date with Evan.

“I agree. I’ll message when I have a free lunch time again. But I can go one better. I actually have a big favor to ask you.” He hesitates for a moment and then continues, “I have this charity event on Saturday night that I need a plus-one for. Would you be free, by…” His eyes almost pop out of his head before he can finish the sentence.

Before he even says a word, I know Nicholas is behind me. That alluring aftershave he wears is already swirling around me, making my heart race.

“She’ll be with me,” his deep raspy voice booms from behind me. My body responds to him like I have no control over it, but this time, I’m not taking his bullshit.

“Victoria.” His eyes are burning through me as he steps into my view. He says my name in such a deep dominate tone. He turns me to mush, and I don’t know how to resist him, but I have to try.

“Nicholas, good afternoon,” I say, not giving anything away and trying to hold my voice strong. I had my whole speech rehearsed for when we met in his office, but this is not the place for our verbal foreplay, which is what it has become.

Feeling a kick under the table, I remember Evan.

“Nicholas Darby, this is Evan Ratten.” I should have said a friend of mine, but I want to keep him wondering, making him feel irritated, like he makes me on a regular basis.

No hand is extended to shake, and Nicholas’s eyes have moved to stare down Evan. If he could incinerate him, he would. He is pissed, and I can’t help but feel satisfied at his obvious jealousy. And at least it confirms that our night of passion wasn’t one-sided like he made me feel it was.

So, what the fuck is wrong with him?

“Time to leave, we need to discuss your proposal,” he says, not even looking at me, his attention still on poor Evan who looks like he is about to shrink into his chair.

“Wait, what meeting? I hadn’t even scheduled one.” That he knows of, anyway. Surely, he can’t read my mind.

“I’m scheduling it now.” He pulls me up out of the chair. Although gently enough he doesn’t hurt me, it’s very controlling. This man really needs to pull himself together.

Only because I need to see him and thrash this out do I relinquish and lean down to grab my bag. It has nothing to do with my body being on fire from his possessiveness because he thinks I’m on a date.

My memory kicks in that pushing his buttons brings all sorts of fun, so I decide I’ll play with him a little more.

Leaning down and hugging Evan, I hear Nicholas growling from behind me. “Thanks for lunch, Evan, it was fun. Sorry I need to go.”