Page 62 of The Craving

“You remember Evan, don’t you, Elouise?” I know she does by the way she looks at me, but her acting is perfect.

“The face is familiar. Where do I know you from?” she asks, looking so innocent but really is playing a game with him.

“Tori and I dated a few times before we realized that we weren’t compatible, except just as friends.” I feel a bit of relief at his statement, knowing that he isn’t looking for anything.

“Oh, that’s right. What are you up to these days, Evan?” She is good! She’s trying to get all the intel she needs on this guy for me, without me asking the questions and appearing interested in any way.

“I’m working in London for a big architectural firm. Finally landed the job I have been wanting for a long time. I’m actually living in the city now, just home for the weekend for Dad’s birthday tomorrow. I just came down to the pub to take a breather from my mother fussing over me.” He rolls his eyes like we all do when talking about our parents not understanding that we are grown adults who don’t need them for everything anymore.

“Good for you,” I reply.

“What about you, Tori, what are you doing these days? Still working for that dick you were when we were dating?” he asks, making himself comfortable in his seat. Shit, I think he is settling in for a long catchup.

I want to say “no, but I’m working for an even bigger dick this time,” but instead, I just reply with the basics.

“No, thank goodness, I have a new job I just started a week ago. It’s being a big change.” And that’s an understatement, looking back at what my first week on the job has been like.

“Well, while you two are slumming it with the big wigs in the city, I’m still learning my ABC’s and numbers, getting plastered with paint and glue on a daily basis, and I love it. You can have your stressful jobs. Give me little-people problems any day of the week.” Lou is making sure she is still in the conversation and stops it being just directed at me. We all start laughing, and then topics become much lighter, like what is the best type of beer in the pub.

* * *

Laughing at the last thing Evan said, I realize that we actually do make better friends, when the pressure of sex is off the table. The night has gotten away from us, as the bartender announced last call.

Although Nicholas has been in my head most of the night, the more I drank, the more determined I am to show him he messed with the wrong woman. I don’t have to put up with his shit. If he thinks he can just push me to the side and not have to deal with me on this job, well, he’s mistaken. I’m going to give him the best freaking proposal on his rebranding, and he won’t be able to ignore me.

“I don’t think I should have another drink. I’m on the edge of falling over the cliff of waking up with a hangover, and I don’t think I want that two weekends in a row.” Evan and Lou laugh at me, both having seen me at some stage of the disaster that was my drunken Friday night last week.

“Fair enough, and I have to cope with my mother bounding into my room at some ridiculous time in the morning for birthday breakfast for Dad. Ugh, I’m already regretting drinking so much and staying late. I blame you two,” Evan says, pointing his fingers at me and Lou as we giggle.

“We didn’t force you to drink. In fact, you kept buying, so it’s all self-inflicted, mister.” Lou stands, and Evan leans in as he puts his arm around her shoulders and gives her a squeeze. Then he walks around and hugs me, which surprisingly feels so different to when we were trying to date.

“True, but I’ll be blaming you when I explain to my mum in the morning why I’m a bit slow getting out of bed.” Evan starts laughing as we make our way to the door. “Let me walk you both home, you know, be the gentleman.”

A week ago, I would have said no, but after spending a fun night together, why not.

“Sure, protect us from the midnight gremlins,” I say, smiling to myself, knowing that I’d be far scarier than any gremlin if they tried to get near us. Drunk Tori has no filter.

Pushing between the two of us, Evan puts his arms out for us and links us all together as we walk down the road laughing, which turned into a really bad karaoke version ofFollow the Yellow Brick Roadat the top of our voices, while we skip down the road. I’m sure the neighbors will love it.

I think Evan turned up for a reason tonight, reminding me what I don’t want in a relationship. He is a sweet guy, but he’s not strong enough for me.

It’s becoming apparent, I only fall for assholes!


The last few hours have been a blur.

I’m furious, and I need to burn off the anger somewhere. I know what I really want, but I can’t even be thinking about her right now.

Instead, I just want to get home to my apartment and into my gym, to punch the shit out of a punching bag until I can’t hold my arms up any longer. Because I can’t imagine sleep is going to come easy tonight, if at all.

Flynn drives me home from the police station, still talking about how pissed off he is at today’s events that have stretched into tonight. I can’t talk, otherwise I will explode. I haven’t been charged yet but have been told not to leave the country. How fucking dare they! I don’t know what they think they have to prove it was me, when I know it damn well wasn’t, but it can’t be enough to press charges. They are getting all their information from the Italian police at this stage, and that is part of the problem, I think. Who knows what is happening over there.

I can’t decide what will upset me more. If someone is running drugs through my hotel or if they find I’m being set up. But I’m not waiting around for these idiots to work it out. I have already messaged Broderick, and he is on the case. If this man can find Mum, which would have been like finding a needle in a haystack, then I trust him to get to the bottom of this too. We have remained good friends, and he has always had my back ever since I met him. Grandfather told me that I could trust him with my life, and it looks like that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.

“Are you listening to me?” Flynn whacks me on the arm to gain my attention.

“No,” I growl.