Page 61 of The Craving

“Yes, I do, is there a problem?” Part of me breathes a sigh of relief that it’s not anything to do with Mum.

“Were you at the hotel last Thursday night?” he continues.

“Yes, what is going on?” I ask, getting frustrated very quickly at his slowness at getting to the point.

“Were you driving the car that night?” Grumpy Collins asks.

“Yes, I was. Now what is all this about? Just spit it out, for God’s sake.” I’m about ready to lose my temper with them. Don’t come into my house talking in riddles. I hear the chairs moving on the tile floor in the kitchen, the guys obviously hearing my voice raising.

Just as they walk into the room behind me, words I never thought I’d hear are directed at me. “Mr. Darby, we will need you to accompany us to the station in London for questioning.”

“What the hell for!” There is no holding back now.

“Distribution of drugs.” Sergeant Collins holds handcuffs in front of him.

“You have to be fucking joking.” What the actual fuck is going on?!

“You have the wrong person.” Flynn is beside me and saying what I should be saying, but I’m still in shock.

“I’m calling our lawyer, this is bullshit.” Forrest disappears out of the room with his phone to his ear.

“More will be explained at the station in London. If you will just come with us now, sir, please,” Constable Smith asks.

Taking a deep breath, my brain clicks back into rational thought. “I’ll come with you, but not in those,” I say, pointing to the handcuffs in his hand. “I’m no threat and I’m not resisting, so put them away. I have nothing to do with drugs, but if there is something going on in my hotel, I want to know about it.” Turning to Flynn and Rem, I say, “Meet me at the station, because I’ll need a lift home once this is sorted out. I’ll just get some shoes and my phone.” I walk toward the doorway of the room.

“Sorry, sir, but one of us will need to accompany you.”

Standing still to allow them to follow me, I mumble under my breath how ridiculous all of this is.

Having everything I need, Forrest lets me know Phillip Beck, our lawyer, is already on his way to the station to sort this shit out.

I can imagine the look on Mum’s face if she knew I was in the back of a police car being taken in for questioning. Or my nan and pop. Pop would be demanding answers and not from me—he’d be taking on the police.

The whole ride I’m trying to work out what is going on. I just want answers, and Dumb and Dumber in the front seat aren’t about to give them to me.

Is someone running drugs through the hotel? Did one of my staff use the car without permission? Both of those are incomprehensible. I’m glad my grandfather is not alive to see this. To have his family name tarnished by some lowlife would have devastated him. I need to get to the bottom of this before the media gets a hold of it.

Just when I thought the week couldn’t get any worse…


I’m standing at the bar at the Chester Arms Hotel, ordering another gin and tonic for Lou and me, when I feel someone slide up beside me, making me step to the side slightly.

“Always running away from me.” Evan’s voice grabs my attention.

“Oh, it’s you again.” I tap my card on the machine being held toward me, our drinks being put on the bar in front of me.

“Wow, what a way to say hello,” he says, laughing at me as he orders his beer.

“Sorry, you just caught me off guard.” To say the least. I’m out to drown my sorrows over one man; I don’t need another one lurking around.

“We keep running into each other. Let’s say we catch up a bit over this drink,” he suggests, lifting his beer in the air.

I want to say no, but it’s a bit hard. I don’t want to be rude.

“I’m here with Elouise, just over there. Sure, join us.” I want to kick myself for giving in, but he is a nice guy and is maybe just looking for a friend to hang out with for the night.

Placing the drinks on the table, I can see the surprise on Lou’s face when Evan stands beside me, waiting for me to sit.