Page 53 of The Craving

The silence in the room is not what I was expecting and is a little off-putting. Just as I’m about to lift my head up to look at him, his hand moves from my back to my head and holds it on his chest tightly. Almost like he is making sure I can’t move on purpose.

Clearing his throat slightly, he says, “So, you intend to leave England and not come back?” What a strange thing to ask.

“I’ll come back at some point. I just want to experience life. I’m still young, and there is so much to see out there.” I know he doesn’t understand what it would be like.

He has probably been to every country in the world by now, owns a hotel or two in most of them, and I’m sure shagged plenty of women there too.

Again with the silence. It’s creeping me out.

“I’m tired. Best we get some sleep,” he mumbles.

That’s why he is quiet, idiot. He’s falling asleep. Poor old man can’t handle the young filly.

Luckily, that statement stayed as an inside thought this time.

“Yes, I agree. Good night.”

“Good night, Victoria.” His voice is not one of a man who has been sated by sex and wrapped around a woman for the night. But hey, I’ve given up trying to figure out this man, and to be honest, I’m exhausted.

Closing my eyes and listening to his breathing is enough to send me off to dreamland.

Only tonight’s dreams will be a whole lot more real.

* * *

“Victoria, wake up, please.”

Mhmm, I could get used to waking up to that voice, all gruff and sexy.

My cheek is touching a pillowcase that has a higher thread count than I know how to count.

I reach out to find the body I had fallen asleep on is gone, and there is nothing there but the feeling of cold sheets. My eyes slowly blink open to my name again.

“Victoria.” He sounds more impatient and certainly not the same tone I heard in my head all last night.

“Come back to b…” I don’t quite get the words out when I see him standing in the doorway, fully dressed in a dark navy suit, white shirt, and a navy tie that has a white pattern on it that my bleary eyes can’t quite make out what it is. He is such a stylish man. But then again, I’m definitely a sucker for a man in a suit. And if yesterday is any indication, it’s also my weakness, along with a man with strong hands. You know the type, with the veins that run across the top of them and have that bit of ruggedness to them too.

Snap out of it, idiot. That look on his face is serious and not happy I’m too busy ogling him rather than paying attention to him talking.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I knew he was talking, I just wasn’t listening. My brain is only just waking up and trying to function.

“Christ, pay attention, Victoria. You need to pack and eat breakfast; I’ve had it already brought to the room. Plans have changed. We are flying back to London in one and a half hours. Please be ready.” Turning on his heel, he is gone from the room before I can even utter a word to ask what happened.

Instead, all I hear is the front door of the suite banging loudly as he leaves me alone.

“What. The fuck. Just happened.” My voice echoes in the empty room.

How heavy did I sleep to enable him to leave the bed and I didn’t even notice?

Throwing the bedding back and jumping up, the cold air on my skin reminds me I’m still completely naked. Shit, where are my clothes? Thank God my bag is in this room.

Rummaging through it, I find my fluffy robe and quickly wrap it around me.

I don’t want to give him the luxury of seeing this body that he devoured again after the way he just spoke to me.

My thoughts are spiraling down in panic about what I’ve done. I need to find my phone. I jump up and run into the bathroom, where I left it last night, as I was in the bath before that thing that we won’t discuss crawled up beside me on the wall.

Thank goodness I have Wi-Fi in this room. Pushing the FaceTime button, she better goddamn answer to talk me off the ledge I feel like I’m standing on. No wonder this man is still flying solo in life. Because he is one hard person to work out what he is thinking.