Page 36 of The Craving

Suzi: Shut up, Theo, and let the girl explain. Where are you going?

I’m not someone who likes to lie to anybody, but in this case, I’m too embarrassed to answer the truth.

Tori: Mr. Darby wanted me to get a better understanding of the hotels to help with the rebranding. So, we are visiting some of them.

Suzi: What? As in you and Mr. Darby are travelling together. OMG he’s a total babe!

Tori: No, he’s a total asshole!

Theo: That’s what they all say when they are pretending not to like the boss.

Tori: It’s a business, Theo, what part of that did you miss?

Theo: I missed the trip, that’s what. If you had taken me with you, I would be travelling with you tomorrow. This sucks big time!

Suzi: Stop complaining, Theo. Maybe if you worked harder, you’d be given bigger accounts.

Oh, that was harsh, although I totally agree. Theo is a nice enough guy, just not good at his job. I don’t have the mental capacity to listen to his childish complaining right now.

Tori: Got to run, I have a lot of work to do before tomorrow. See you next week.

Theo: Does that mean you will miss Friday drinks?

Suzi: Obviously, stupid. Have fun, Tori, call me if you need anything.

Tori: Thanks, Suzi. Theo, there will be another Friday.

Putting my phone down, Lou starts up again with whatever she has found out.

“Did you know he was raised in Australia by his single mum and his father died before he was born? His grandfather found him a few years ago and brought him to London to inherit his empire. Like, what the actual fuck? One day you are poor, then the next thing you are a billionaire and living a life of luxury.” Lou spins her laptop around for me to see what she’s reading.

“It doesn’t give him the right to be such an asshole, though,” I say, before taking the computer from her and reading through the article myself.

“Oh yeah, a real asshole. He hated your idea you pitched him, but instead of kicking you to the curb, he is flying you all over Europe to check out his hotels with him. On a private jet, all expenses paid, and then giving you a second chance to come up with a totally new proposal. Yeah, he is such a dick.” When I look up at her, she is rolling her eyes at me, but I know she has a point.

“There sure are a lot of different women hanging off his arm every time he is photographed out in public. I suppose that’s what money buys you then, pretty arm candy.”

There is something bugging me about all these pictures. He is never smiling. Why is that? Don’t any of these women make him happy? Maybe he should be reexamining his attitude and that may change how the women perceive him. Although, I’m sure by these photos, how they look at him is as a man who has lots of money and is sexy as sin. To me, that is not enough to fall in love with a man. I want more than that in whoever I finally fall for. And I don’t plan for that to be for many years yet. I have a career to build… on my own without the help of a man.

“That’s it! Give it back, little miss negativity. I’m taking your place on this trip. Tell him you’re sick and your assistant will take your place. I’ll start googling now how to be a designer and marketing guru. It can’t be that hard. Pick a name better than The Big Dick Hotel, draw a logo, and pick out some fancy colors to decorate the inside with. That’s what you do, isn’t it?” Lou is trying to keep a straight face, although not very well.

I can’t help laughing out loud. The more I laugh, the more the tension leaves my body.

“You… do… my… job.” I can’t even string a sentence together. “You teach five-year-olds and spend all day tying up their shoes and wiping snotty noses,” I say, trying to get myself under control, even though Lou is laughing along with me now.

“Hey, I spend a good part of my day working with colors and trying to make things sound way more exciting than they are. I think I’m perfectly qualified.”

“Well, I better watch my back, otherwise you will be taking both my job and my man.”

Shit, why did I just say that!

Nic’s not my man, nor would I want him to be. Well, maybe just a smidgen, but we aren’t going there. Or even for a moment in time, just to taste him and see if the saying is true, about if a man with big feet has a big dick. But who am I kidding, there is no way, no how, I’m even in this man’s league, and after the way this morning went, I doubt I want to be either.

Seeing the smirk on Elouise’s face at what just fell out of my mouth, I point my finger at her. “Don’t you even say a word, not one!”

Giving me the most dramatic “who, me?” action, she pretends to zip her lips, but I know that is never going to happen. Neither of us can keep our mouths shut when it comes to guys.

I resign myself to the fact that I knew from the moment he opened his arrogant mouth I was always going to take the flight tomorrow, and my head is screaming the biggest red alert in my brain.