Page 29 of The Craving

“Okay, slow down and tell me again,” I ask.

“Si, sorry, Nic. The water pipes, they are old. They burst on the first floor, which collapse the ceiling in the reception area and kitchen.” I can tell he is waiting for the explosion from me, and I’m trying so hard not to prove him right, but I’m failing.

“Fucking hell! Was anyone hurt? How bad is the damage, are we able to stay open?” Knowing our bookings are strong there, to close down now would be detrimental to our chain’s reputation. Especially when I’m looking to expand there.

“No injuries, no. I am setting up a temporary reception area in the ballroom as we speak, and so far, the builders think the first floor is safe, so no rooms affected with flooding. We have shut off the water until we can get some temporary pipes laid to get water to those rooms affected. A big mess, but I am handling it.” The confidence in his voice tells me that he is. “Do I need to do anything for insurance?”

“No,grazie, my office will handle it. I will send our building supervisor, Laurence Wetherington, as soon as I can to help. He will take over from you so you can concentrate on the hotel operations. Timing could have been better, but at least we are over the summer peak season.”

“Si, Nic. I will handle it.” He yells something in Italian to the side of the phone. I can imagine the chaos that is happening there.

“Go, Marco, and just keep me up to date with what is happening. I appreciate your help.”

“Arrivederci, Nic. Talk soon.”

As soon as the call is over, I want throw something across the room. What is happening here? In the last week, there has been more drama than in the last six months. I’m not superstitious, but I keep thinking back if I have walked under a ladder, or a black cat crossed my path. Or maybe it was a certain fiery redhead!

Shaking my head at the ridiculousness of my thoughts, I know what I need.

With no hesitation, I punch a message into our group chat.

Nic: Beers at 6. Meet at the usual.

Flynn: I could go a pint.

Forrest: Make that 3.

Flynn: 3 pints? Steady on there, brother.

Forrest: 3 people, you twat! Why do I always have to explain everything to you?

Flynn: Because you love me.

Forrest: Barely.

Nic: Settle down, children, can we just concentrate on the beer? I need a cold one, it’s been a day.

Remington: What did I miss?

Nic: Beers at 6pm, be there! Cold ones, not those warm-as-piss ones you drink.

Remington: That’s because we don’t live in a country that’s hotter than hell.

Flynn: Wait, you are back in the country, and I wasn’t told?

Forrest: Are you his boss?

Flynn: No, his work husband, I need to know these things.

Remington: Fuck off, Flynn. But just to shut you up, I landed an hour ago.

Flynn: No respect in this group.

Nic: Just shut up and be at the pub at 6. Your turn to shout the round for being annoying.

Flynn: WTF?

Forrest: I second that.