Page 24 of The Craving

It’s like I have released some of the alcohol from my body because I feel a little bit more in control. It’s marginal, but I’ll take any little bit of sobriety I can get to help get me home.

Glancing up to the mezzanine, the blond god has gone, and as I predicted, I was imagining him.

Making my way back across the dance floor again, I run straight into Evan my ex-boyfriend from a few years ago. Well, I wouldn’t say a boyfriend really, he was just multiple one-night stands, and we knew it wasn’t going to work. We both wanted different things. He wanted to settle down, I wanted more out of life.

“Tori, what are you doing here?” I was actually thinking the same thing about him. This place is full of money, which neither of us had when we were together.

“Oh my God, Evan, how are you?” I say, trying to act less drunk than I am. We embrace each other like long-lost friends, which we aren’t. I haven’t spoken to or messaged him since the day we walked away from each other.

“I’m great. You look good.” He pulls back from me to look me up and down. Ugh, I probably look like trash. “Really… good.” The way he draws out his words, I have a feeling he has had plenty to drink too.

“I’m here with work friends, what about you?” I say, trying to steer the conversation back off him looking at me, taking a little step backwards out of his grasp.

“Same actually, I’ve got a job in the city now, and this is a regular Friday-night hangout.” Oh great. Just what I need, running into an ex-boyfriend every Friday night. Hopefully they change it up each week where they go for drinks. Maybe I can suggest that. Yeah, that will work. “Dance with me,” he says, stepping closer and wrapping his hands around my ass, dirty dancing with me.

“No, no, I need to go. I’m heading home now, nice seeing you, though.” I push off his chest with both my hands and almost fall over. I know I have to keep moving backwards, though, even if I’m feeling unsteady on my feet.

“I’ll come with you. I should probably head home too.” Shit! Now what do I do?

“Oh, I’m not going to my place, I’m staying with a work friend in the city.”

Finally, I manage to get out of his grasp. “See you around, Evan.” Turning sideways to slide between some more people, I hear him calling out to me that we should catch up again, and that’s a big no from my drunken brain. Quickly he is swallowed back up into crowd on the dance floor, and I know I need to get out of here now. It’s not that I have any problems with Evan, I’m just too drunk and will probably do something stupid that I’ll regret later.

Saying my goodbyes to Theo and Suzi and their friends, I finally hit the fresh air outside. It’s the end of September where the nights have the coolness of Autumn but are still gentle enough that it is actually a bit refreshing at times. And boy, do I need the freshen-up feeling. The exhaustion of my first day on the job, all the responsibility that has been placed in my lap, and of course, a few too many drinks tonight are all catching up with me. And then the blast from the past, that shook me a little. I’m so tired. I think I might need to set the alarm on my phone once I’m on the train to make sure I don’t miss my stop.

I pull my jacket a little tighter around me, while I think about which is the quickest way to a train station. My handbag is slipping off my shoulder, probably because there is too much weight in it. But it gives me a brain wave that I should change into my flat shoes again. The last thing I need is to roll my ankle. That would really finish off the day of clumsiness for me.

Balancing on one high-heel shoe while trying to change my other shoe, however, is not as easy as I was picturing. I don’t want to put my bare foot down on the dirty pavement, so in my head, the one-foot shuffle is the smartest move. It looked a lot more gracious in my head, but in reality, I look like one of those blow-up inflatable men they use at festivals and sales to attract attention. The arms and body flapping all around with no control. Of course, all the wobbling has now made my stomach feel like I’ve been on a boat for a few days. I just need to get home to bed.

With both shoes on, I’m just trying to take a few deep breaths. In my head, I keep telling myself I will not vomit. My stomach may not be on the same page, but I’m fighting it. My head still spinning, I lean forward, placing my hands on my thighs just trying to gain my steady place.

Concentrating on holding it together, I don’t hear the footsteps behind me until he speaks in that deep accent.

“Tori, are you all right?”

I squeal and fall flat on my ass from fright. So much for not touching the dirty ground.

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. Let me help you.” He is quickly in front of me, holding out his hands to help me up.

Looking up into those deep blue eyes again, I can’t help but let my embarrassment fuel my stubbornness. “No! I’m fine.” Well, that answers that question whether he would remember who I am.

I get awkwardly to my feet, a little wobbly, but I’m up. Shit, my right ankle hurts, I must have twisted it as I fell, not so graciously. But I’m way too close to him now to bend down and take a look. His cologne wraps around me, and as much as I know I should step back, I’m not game to move and fall again.

“Clearly you aren’t.” Why does his accent make me shiver each time he speaks to me as if I have annoyed him? “You’ve been drinking.”

“So have you!” Wow, great comeback, Tori.

“Great, now we have established we have both been drinking. Some more than others, obviously, so I’ll organize for my driver to take you home.” Wait, what did he just say?

“I’m no damsel in distress like your little floozy disco ball inside.” Crap, that’s when I notice her standing next to him, and if looks could kill, I’d be dead right now. I’m guessing I’m not what she was expecting when she walked out of the bar on his arm.

“I don’t need a man to step in. I’ll take the train home like I do every other day. Thank you anyway.” I start to move away from his side because I know I need to get away from the man before I do something stupid, like fall on him. Pain shoots through my ankle, but I try not to show any pain on my face.

“Not happening. You will go with my driver. It’s safer.” The dominant stare pins me to the spot, and I can’t seem to move my feet, but it doesn’t stop my mouth from working.

“Yeah, right. So much safer to get into a car with a strange man I don’t know and let him drive me to God knows where. Are you for real? How stupid do you think I am! I might be drunk but not dumb!” Oh, I’m all class now.

“Flynn, call your own car. I’m staying the night at the farm,” he yells across the road to another man standing with a blonde hanging off his arm next to a dark navy Range Rover with heavily tinted windows. “And take Simona home too.” Disco ball girl’s mouth now pouts at the disappointment that she isn’t getting laid by the golden dick tonight.