Page 22 of The Craving

“You know the answer to that. Now go and have a good night’s sleep and we will talk in the morning,” I say, looking out at the gloomy sky outside. London can be a depressing place some days. I miss the sun and surf at home. The beaches just aren’t the same here.

“Okay, and I’m sorry, Nic. I don’t want to become your burden as I get older.” Hearing the sadness in her voice, I know I need to lighten the conversation.

“What is this getting older nonsense? Aren’t you already there?” I laugh into the phone as she reacts just like I pictured.

“Richard Nicholas Weston, don’t you dare call me old. I’m still, what do they call them, a yummy mummy.”

“Oh my God, you did not just call yourself that. I can’t even… I’m hanging up now. I have visions in my head that you should never have of your mother.”

She’s giggling to herself now. “Or did I get it wrong, am I a MILF?”

“What the fuck, Mum, where are you getting all this from? What stupid television show are you binge watching now?”

“Never you mind. But I can’t be a GILF yet because you haven’t found yourself a girl to give me some grandbabies.”

“That’s it, I’m going. I can’t deal with this.” I’m shaking my head, but at least now with a small grin on it. “Love you, Mum, and make sure you get that car sorted first thing in the morning. No arguments.”

“Thanks, Nicky.” She knows exactly what she is doing by calling me that. It drove me nuts as a kid and annoys me even more now.

“Bye, Mum. Behave.” I hang up the call as she is telling me she loves me.

The guilt of being so far away when she needs me rises the moment the call ends.

“Fuck!” I shout, kicking the cushion across the room that was still on the floor from Flynn this morning.

“Lucy!” I can hear her moving at her desk.

Not even knocking, she comes rushing through the door.

“Are you okay?” She can tell something isn’t right.

“No! Find a private jet company that can get me to Australia at limited notice. Put them on standby that I might need to fly in the next few days. And if not, then book them to fly me home next Friday, I don’t care what it costs. Mum needs me. I’m going home for a short visit. Start clearing my schedule. Only leave the urgent things.”

“On it. Are you flying on your own?”

“Yes.” I need Flynn and Forrest here to keep their fingers on the pulse and watch for the knives being sharpened behind my back, because they are always there. And Remington will need to put out the spot fires as they begin simmering, like they constantly do. I couldn’t do this without these men.

“Plus, get me the details for the BMW dealership in North Sydney. I need a new car for Mum waiting for me when I land. I’ll let you know the model I want.” I could just order it from here, but I need to see Mum for myself. Something seems off, and I want to know what.

Without another word, Lucy’s gone, and I know before I even get through this next meeting everything will be in place. She’s that good at her job.

* * *

“Thank you, Miss Francis. I’ll look for the initial report by close of business on Wednesday.” I close my door behind her, knowing that Lucy will show her out.

I know the director of York and Webb wasn’t impressed at my fast track of the project, but I need this moving. Can’t give the board time to form too much of an opinion. Plus, with the possibility of being away to Australia, I wanted it started pronto.

I have hours of work to get done before I can even think about going out with the guys tonight. Messaging them to give them the heads up that I want to cancel is just futile. It will waste more of the time I don’t have, because Flynn will start blowing up my phone for trying to ditch them this early. And if I don’t respond, then he will end up in my office, which is worse.

Instead, I shoot a message off to Lucy that I’m not to be disturbed and ask if she can organize me some lunch to eat while I’m working. Opening the next email I need to respond to, I block everything out. It’s the only way I’ll get anything done. I learned very quickly after meeting my grandfather that he was a hard-ass, but it’s what got him to this level of success. He trusted me to continue his legacy the way my father never could. I’ll be damned if I let him down. Instead, I’m determined to make it the greatest privately owned hotel chain in Europe. Something my father would have been proud of me for. Because that’s the closest I can ever get to making him proud of the son he never knew.

My body is now fueled with food and a strong coffee that Lucy has learned how to make for me just the way I like it. I had to teach her purely because the British have absolutely no idea how to make a good coffee. Now I’m powering through my workload. The hours pass, with me finally getting a lot of the work sorted, and I feel like I’m back on top of everything. Even if the day has been so draining.

I start as my door is thrust open. “She is fucking infuriating!” The door slamming behind him, Flynn comes into my office whether I like it or not. Poor Lucy never stood a chance at holding him back. He doesn’t think any of the rules apply to him.

“I’m busy, Flynn, go complain to Forrest.” I don’t even bother to look up at him. It’s the same old story after every meeting he has with Jocelyn. To be honest, I don’t have the patience for it today.

“Well, I doubt you’re too busy to hear the bomb she just happened to drop about you.” I know Flynn can be dramatic but not usually like this. Something has ruffled his feathers, and it involves me.