Page 11 of The Craving

“No, no, no, no. Sorry, no, not like you’re thinking. He just stole from me, but nothing like that. Shit, sorry, not that.” Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks slightly flustered.

“Okay.” It’s all I can muster, trying to pull back on my unnecessary rage.

Both of us sit in silence for a few moments too long which has now made this awkward. I try to change tack, but I’m too late.

“Anyway, I’m sure you were busy working,” she says. “I don’t want to interrupt you. Sorry about the stain. I’m sure it will dry okay. Enjoy the rest of your journey.” Without waiting for a reply, she places her earphones back in and looks out the window at the surroundings that are whizzing past.

I think I have been dismissed, which makes me chuckle a little. Normally it’s me doing the dismissing. But today, I’ll take it.

“Yes, you too, Tori.” As much as I would like to keep talking and find out more of what she means, my legs are thanking me for an excuse to turn my back to her and stretch them out into the aisle space.

I don’t want to go back to the game I was watching. I’m irritated and don’t even know why. Instead, I pull up emails again, that are just a never-ending part of my job. A job I never asked for, yet here we are. Living a thousand miles from home in a place that feels foreign yet in a way also familiar.

Noticing there are three emails on the top of my inbox from Flynn, one marked urgent, I can already tell that my day is not going to run to plan either.

Maybe it’s Tori’s fault. She spat the bad vibes onto me along with her cup of tea.

Looking at my watch, I see I have about seven minutes, so I shoot off a quick text message to Flynn and tell him to meet me in the boardroom before the meeting. Then I send Lucy, my personal assistant, a message to make sure she has my spare suit, shirt, and tie in my office bathroom ready to go, so I can change for the meeting. My phone buzzes in my hand with the replies, along with a message from Miles that he is outside the station waiting for me. At least I won’t be late for my meeting.

Well, of course, unless we hit a traffic jam. Shit, now that I said it, I’ve probably jinxed myself. Feeling the train starting to slow, coming into Paddington Station, people are starting to move and collect their things, ready to hop off and change to the tube if needed. I could have done that, but no need with my driver waiting outside.

I need to stand before others do, so neither my bag nor my legs are in the way. I stand and hold onto the edge of the seat as the aisle fills with people and the train comes to a stop. Tori is up and standing so close I can smell her perfume. It’s not all flowery and soft. Instead, it’s powerful and slightly intoxicating. One that awakens the senses.

Everyone is in a hurry today, but I just want one more moment to take it in.

Hearing the guy behind me clear his throat, I want to spin and glare at him but decide better of it.

“After you.” I motion for Tori to enter the aisle so I can keep the push and shove from the people behind me away from her, hoping this one small thing might improve her morning somewhat. She seems to have the clumsy gene, and I mean, Lord knows the shoving from the crowd behind might be the catalyst for her falling and creating a domino effect in here.

Once again, as she swings into the aisle, I dodge her bag that is like a lethal weapon. Shuffling along, we start down the stairs and out the door, along with hundreds of people all on their way to work. It’s every man, woman, and child for themselves in this morning rush.

As fast as she came into my world, all I can see is the back of Tori’s vibrant red hair as she moves away.

“Tori,” I yell.

She quickly turns with a look of a little frustration because she doesn’t have time to stop.

I might be a complete jerk most days, but something makes me want to reassure her that the rest of the day will get better. Call it a sensation of my mother screaming in my head to be nice, as if she can sense that I need to hear it. It hasn’t happened very often lately.

“Hope your day is the start of whatever amazing thing you want to happen.”

Finally, I get a smile, and fuck if it doesn’t light up her face. She should try that more often. If she were mine, I’d make sure it was a permanent fixture.

Not able to stop as the crowd keeps surging forward, she just waves at me, and then turning, she is again swept away in the sea of people.

There is something tugging at me about her, but I’m not stupid enough to entertain any more than that thought. The last thing I need is a woman in my life. I have enough sharks circling me every time I step foot out of the safety of my office.

Besides, I have more to worry about than a young redhead with fire in her eyes that sets my body vibrating. I mean, who wants to spend time thinking about the energy she brings to other parts of her life. She has chaos written all over her.

A bang into my shoulder by a man running past brings me back to reality.

I don’t have time to waste. Stalking toward the exit, I see Miles standing to the side and the car in the pick-up lane with the black cabs.

“Can I take your bag, sir?” he asks as I get closer.

“No, I’m fine, thanks. Let’s get going so I make this meeting on time.” As he holds the door open, I slide in and am back in the world of fast pace with no time to think except about what the next meeting is and what I need to know.

“How’s the traffic, Miles?” I ask, pulling out my phone again to check more emails.