Page 110 of The Craving



The days that followed that first night at the villa, Nicholas proved his point when he had said he was going to punish me. And the whole time I kept trying to think of things to do wrong so he would continue to punish his naughty girl even more. We didn’t leave the bed unless it was a necessity, and I still haven’t had one item of clothing on since we arrived.

On the balcony we have a hot tub that is shielded from anyone’s view, and every night he takes me out there to relax in the bubbles, but only after he has fucked me in so many different ways, each one taking me to new highs and places I didn’t know I wanted to go.

But the main thing we did was what we should have done in the first few days after we met. We talked and talked and talked. And I understand more now why it was so hard for Nicholas to open up to me at first. Pushing him to do it had only made things worse. His therapist explained to him that carrying such hatred toward his father for most of his life, and then finding out things were never as they seemed, had totally rocked his world. His subconscious was warring with itself, trying to turn his hate into a place of love and admiration, all the while not beating himself up for hating someone who didn’t deserve it. I think all of that mixed in with sadness and a massive change in his life circumstances led him to shut himself off to everyone, including himself.

When we met, feelings started to bubble away under the surface, and he didn’t know how to cope with it. It resulted in the push and pull that ignited our passion but couldn’t give us enough stable ground to base a serious relationship on.

As hard as it was for both of us, me leaving and severing all contact with him was the best weapon I had, to make him take action to help himself deal with years of hurt.

He finally understood that to let love in, first he had to let go of the hate.

I’m sitting out on the balcony when I hear Nicholas come up behind me. He was on a phone call with Broderick that sounded intense and had been going for a while. I don’t want to intrude on Nicholas’s work life in any way. We have been locked away from the world for a few days, but it would be naïve of me to think that it can continue that way forever. My boyfriend—which is still hard to let sink in, knowing it’s for real this time—is a high-powered man, and Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for the hotels.

“You’re dressed. I’m not sure I allowed that.” Kissing me on the cheek, he sits down in one of the chairs next to me. He is dressed too, but barely. Gray trackpants and a long-sleeve linen shirt that is still open down the front, giving me the perfect view. And of course, no shoes. What is with these Australian men and bare feet? Although, I must admit, it’s a hot look.

“It’s too cold to sit out here naked and not in the hot tub. So, give me a bit of leeway, mister. Besides, you are dressed too.” Reaching out, I take his hand as he smiles, looking out at the view. “Everything okay with work?”

“Mhmm,” he murmurs, clasping my hand tighter. “But it wasn’t about work.”

“Oookkkaaayyy?” He looks like the cat that ate the canary. “Want to share?”

He takes a moment because I can tell he is still digesting the phone call. “Brokerick called to ask my permission to date my mother.”

“Holy shit, what the hell have I missed? You better start talking, and don’t leave out any of the details.” I jump up from my seat and sit in his lap, curling up like a kitten.

“Damn women and their gossip, wanting to know everything. I don’t know all the details, only that he has been her guard while she was in London, and I have a feeling that they’ve been talking since he came to Australia to find us.” He laughs at me, because he can tell I want more than that.

“How closely was he guarding her? I can’t believe this all happened while I was gone, and I haven’t even met her face to face yet. Wait, what did you tell him? You better not have scared him off, that woman deserves happiness. Nicholas, don’t leave me hanging!” My squeal of excitement gives away how exciting this sounds for Sally.

“Steady on there. Firstly, I don’t want to know how close they have been. This is my mother we are talking about. And secondly, I did what any son would do, I told him that’s her decision to make, but if he hurts her in the slightest, I will personally kill him with my bare hands. Is that good enough?”

Snuggling down into his neck, I say, “Perfect, that’s what I would have said too.”

His deep laugh makes his chest shake. “Glad you approve.”

“But just one question. She lives in Sydney, and he lives in London; how will that work?”

“No idea, that’s for them to work out, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s time to buy a private jet of my own.”

“How much money do you have? Seriously. Who just ducks out to the shop and buys a private jet.” I look up at him because I can feel his body tense up a bit with my offhanded comments.

“You need to understand, I have more money than I can spend in a lifetime or ten. That doesn’t mean I flaunt it or spend it unwisely, but if I want to spoil the people in my life then I will. So, listen up and listen hard. The private jet is so you can travel. I want to show you the world like you always planned. If you want to travel on your own, then you take the plane and your guards and do that. Will I hate it? Abso-fucking-lutely, but will I stop you? Never. I don’t want you sleeping in backpackers’ hostels or dodgy motels. That stops right now! You will stay in my hotels or an equivalent five-star one. You have just about killed me the last few months, thinking about you sleeping in insect-infested beds, where there is probably more sperm on the mattress than in a sperm bank.

“I want us to travel and make memories, but I’m not stupid enough to ignore your stubborn independence. I’ve learnt that lesson, plus my mother dressed me down for not respecting you and letting you live your life without me hovering when she found out I was trailing you across Europe.” He rolls his eyes at me. I can just imagine Sally letting him have it when she arrived to find I was gone.

When I shift on his lap so I’m straddling him, I have his full attention. “I have an idea. We can travel your way, in full luxury as Nicholas and Victoria, and live your fancy life of private jets, fast cars, and five-star hotels. But once a year you have to travel with me as Nic and Tori, on a trip I plan and pay for, and you will have no input into where we stay or how we get there. And before you answer, Nicholas, this is non-negotiable.” Taking his face in my hands, I kiss him before he can retaliate with a negative answer.

“Then you better have a high-paying job, because I’m not a cheap date, you know, and it costs a lot to hire my private jet and stay in one of my hotels… and that, my bossy girlfriend, is my non-negotiable deal.”

“We’ll see. I can be very persuasive when I need to be.” I loosen the tie on the big fluffy robe I have on and reveal my cold nipples that are longing to be warmed up.

“So can I…” He takes my nipple into his mouth and laves it with his tongue, while the other is in his hand being gripped hard.

What was I thinking?! I’ll never win a battle with him if I’m trying to use sex as my persuasion tool.