Page 38 of The Craving

“Yeah, right, and who is going to tell my boss that when she returns?” Her eyes are now challenging me.

Taking my phone from my jacket pocket, I scroll through the contacts and press call on the one I need. I push the loudspeaker button so Tori can hear every word. Apparently, that’s how she uses her phone, anyway.

“Doug, Nic Darby here, how has your morning been already?” I say, smiling at Tori like I hold all the candy and she can’t have any of it.

“Nic, going grand so far, but it’s early yet. What can I do for you, did Ms. Packer arrive for the trip with you?” His voice is a smooth one, but I can tell he is distracted with something else while we’re talking. Something I can admit to doing when I’m in the office too.

“Yes, yes. She is here now with me. If you could just inform her that she doesn’t need to worry about any other projects this week. She seems to be under the impression she must still complete all her other work while she is on my time.” I stare straight at her with sheer delight at the cringing she is doing while I talk to the CEO of York and Webb, which is her ultimate boss. One she probably hasn’t even had time to meet face to face yet.

“Oh, certainly not. Ms. Packer, please just give Mr. Darby all your attention for the next week. Learn his business and help him to come up with the best rebranding project that we possibly can. I will make sure your other projects are handled. Is that understood?” The stunned look that she initially had has been wiped clean off her face and replaced with fury. Through gritted teeth, she replies to Doug in a super-sweet and polite voice, “Of course, Mr. York. I’m sorry the brief that was relayed to me overnight may not have been complete with all your instructions. I will email management the other projects that need dealing with straight away.” Flicking the top of her laptop open roughly, she sends daggers at me at the same time.

“Wonderful. Have a productive trip, Nic, and I will talk as soon as you return.”

“Thanks, Doug, talk soon,” I say, hanging up the call and smiling at her with great satisfaction.

“Well, that’s settled then. Sit back and relax while we fly to Rome,” I say, taking my seat. I watch her typing like a demon, trying to get her email sent before we need to shut off our devices for take-off.

“Settled? The only thing that is settled is that you are in fact the asshole I told Elouise you were,” she mumbles under her breath. I want to answer her, but I figure there will be plenty of time for our first full screaming match. No need to rush things.

As Tori slams down the lid of her computer, I can’t help but smile. Let’s see if she is talking to me again by lunchtime. The bets are on the answer being no, but the Australian charm has been known to sway plenty of women.

The flight gives me time to catch up on my emails so that when we arrive in the hotel, I can devote my time to assessing the damage with Marco and see how everything is functioning through the interruption to business. I’m sure Laurence and Marco have it all under control, but I want to see it for myself.

* * *

Landing in Rome after a smooth flight, it doesn’t take long for the hotel’s chauffeur to whisk us through the packed Italian streets toward the hotel. Today has already become a normal workday. I was consumed with emails in the air and now phone calls as soon as we touched down. Tori and I haven’t spoken a word to each other since the plane, and I can feel the tension coming off her of how uncomfortable she feels around me. I should be making an effort with her, but the calls just keep coming. I don’t think she is still as annoyed as she was on the plane with me, but I can’t say we are friends yet.

“Thanks, Lucy, I’ll sign off on it as soon as I have read the report. Let Flynn and Rem know I want to see their thoughts on the second report by five pm today. Can you also tell Forrest I want the numbers on that new location by tomorrow. Talk soon.” Lucy is used to just listening as I talk at her, it’s how we work. We don’t waste time with idle chitchat.

As I push the end button on the phone, Victoria shifts slightly on the seat, reminding me that she’s beside me. I do get caught up in work, and once I’m in that zone, my surroundings sometimes get blurred. I can’t say I forgot she was there because her perfume is wrapped around me like a lustful blanket that I can’t get away from. It’s just that I wasn’t giving her the time of day. I should be reading the report on my computer that Lucy just sent me, but my conscience pokes at me that maybe I’m proving Tori right and I am an asshole.

“Sorry, Victoria, my phone won’t stop and nor will work. You will just need to shadow me for a few days and take in what you can from the hotels and what is around us. I’m sure you weren’t expecting a sight-seeing holiday with me—or were you?” I look across to find her watching the world speeding past her from the car.

“Pfft. Furthest thing from my thoughts. I imagine you are an all-work, no-play kind of man anyway. Of course, except for your nights out with the disco ball woman.” Her contempt for me is welcoming and will help us to keep this a professional work trip. I don’t care how much she doesn’t like me really, as long as she gets the job done, that’s all I care about.

But I can’t help but laugh at her description of Simona that I was out with last Friday night. She’s not a regular fling but someone who is always pleasurable. And if it wasn’t for Tori’s interruption, then Simona would have ended up at home in my bed with me, enjoying such pleasure. Looking back, I’m glad that didn’t happen. Although blowing off some steam that night might have helped me get through the frustration of the next week.

“Disco ball woman, really, Victoria, how old are you?” It was a rhetorical question but one I’m quite curious to hear.

“Old enough to be able to pick a money muncher when I see one.” Turning to look sideways at me, I can see her disgust at someone she knows nothing about. Simona is not someone I would marry, but she’s nice enough and has never done anything bad to me.

“What the fuck is a money muncher? Or do I really want to know.” Why does nothing that comes out of Tori’s mouth ever surprise me. I have only known her a few days but already nothing shocks me.

“Someone who will sink her teeth into anyone who looks like money. Nibbling away until she can taste the main meal and claiming him by the end of dessert.” She looks quite satisfied with herself for being able to educate me in the language of the weird and wonderful world of Victoria.

Deep belly laughs in the middle of a workday are not what I’m used to, but there is nothing stopping the laughter from escaping me right now. I can imagine what Flynn would make of Tori’s description, and he would probably add a few colorful words to it.

“Why is it so funny?” Tori demands to know.

“If only you knew how close to the truth you probably are. Did you make that saying up?” I ask, trying to control myself to get the conversation back on track.

“Of course I did. Oh, and I know I am describing them perfectly. Just because I don’t have money or some high social status like you all do, doesn’t mean I don’t see through people to their real motives. And every woman in that bar on Friday night was eyeing you as a piece of prize-worthy food. Surely you aren’t dumb enough to think they are all in there looking for love,” she says, rolling her eyes like I’m stupid if it hasn’t yet occurred to me.

Her words about her social status piss me off, though. I have never looked down on a person in my life, over the size of their paycheck or where they live. She is again making assumptions but this time about me. I want to set her straight, but that would be giving away too much of myself which I vowed not to do this morning before I even left my apartment. The wordsbusiness tripagain spring into my mind, but it doesn’t stop me from instead wanting to know more about Tori’s personal life. Pushing her to open up and reveal more of herself, no matter if it’s a one-sided information trade.

“And what makes you the expert on the dating scene, Victoria?” It occurs to me that I don’t even know if she has a boyfriend, or a husband for that matter. Only that mystery guy from Friday night which I’ve been thinking about. But the answer to my question could also be the answer to my prayers. She will be so far off limits then that my dick will finally shrink back to a normal state—somewhat disappointed, of course, but still, it will be the best outcome.

“Didn’t say I was.” Getting defensive, she takes her hands and rubs them on her skirt to wipe the sweat off them. Paying attention to her delicate hands, I don’t notice a ring, so marriage is off the table, but now I need to know more.