Page 114 of The Craving

Hustling down the hall, I push open the door of our office.


It still gives me goosebumps seeing our dream name on the door. The one we thought of all those years ago in that hammock. Even more exciting is that it’s all ours. No answering to anyone else. We have worked hard, and this is our reward.

The noise in the office tells me Fleur already has everything turned on and is yelling down the phone at someone. Surely, we can’t have another disaster even before my first morning coffee.

“What the hell, Scott. I warned you not to go out and party too hard yesterday. Have you even been to bed yet? What the hell are you thinking, or have the drugs just stopped that peanut brain from even working?! You were already on your last warning. Find someone who will put up with your crap. Your job here is terminated, effective immediately.” Fleur’s office phone bangs down on her desk loud enough I can hear her from across the hall.

“Well, you told him, didn’t you? Now who the hell is going to run the waiters tonight?” I ask, walking in to find her sitting at her desk, leaning back in her chair, eyes closed and hands behind her head.

“I know, I know. I should have made him get his sorry ass in and work tonight and then fired him. My bad. I’ll fix it, don’t worry. Maybe it’s time to promote TJ. He’s been doing a great job, and I’m sure he’s been pretty much doing Scott’s job for him anyway.”

To be honest, I think she’s right. We’ve suspected for a while that Scott, one of our managers, has been partying harder than just a few drinks with friends. He’s become unreliable which is unlike him. Even when he’s at work, he’s not himself. I tried to talk to him about it and was shut down. Unfortunately, our reputation is too important to risk him screwing up a job because he’s high. He’s had enough warnings. His loss.

“You fix that, and I’ll find a new speaker. Oh, and 900 stupid mint-green napkins. Seriously. Let’s hope the morning improves.” I turn to walk out of her office and call over my shoulder, “By the way, good morning. Let today be awesome.” I smile, waiting for her response.

“As awesome as we are. I see your Good Morning and I raise you a peaceful day and a drama-free evening. Your turn for coffee, woman.” And so, our average workday swings into action.

By eleven-thirty, our day is still sliding towards the shit end of the scale. We have had two staff call in sick with the stupid vomiting bug. Lucia has called me a total of thirty-seven times with stupid questions. While I talk through my teeth trying to be polite, I wonder why she’s hired event planners when she wants to micro-manage everything.

My phone pressed to my ear, Fleur comes in and puts her hand up to high-five me. Thank god, that means she has solved her issues and we are staffed ready to go tonight. It’s just my speaker problem, and then we will have jumped the shit pile and be back on our way to the flowers and sunshine.

“Fleurtilly, you are speaking with Matilda.” I pause momentarily. “Hello, Mr. Drummond, how are you this morning?” I have my sweet business voice on, looking at Fleur holding her breath for my answer.

“That’s great, yes, I’m having a good day too.” I roll my eyes at my partner standing in front of me making stupid faces. “Thank you for calling me back. I was just wondering how you went with finding another speaker for this evening’s event.” I pause while he responds. I try not to show any reaction to keep Fleur guessing what he’s saying. “Okay, thank you for looking into it for me. I hope you enjoy tonight. Goodbye.” Slowly I put the phone down.

“Tilly, for god’s sake, tell me!” She is yelling at me as I slowly stand up and then start the happy dance and high-five her back.

“We have ourselves a pilot who mentors the boys and girls in the program. He was happy to step in last-minute. Mr. Drummond is going to confirm with him now that he has let us know.” We both reach out for a hug, still carrying on when Deven interrupts with his normal gusto.

“Is he single, how old, height, and which team is he batting for?” He stands leaning against the doorway, waiting for us to settle down and pay him any attention.

“I already called dibs, Dev. If he is hot, single, and in his thirties then back off, pretty boy. Even if he bats for your team, I bet I can persuade him to change sides.” Fleur walks towards him and wraps him in a hug. “Morning, sunshine. How was last night?”

“Let’s just say there won’t be a second date. He turned up late, kept looking at his phone the whole time, and doesn’t drink. Like, not at all. No alcohol. Who even does that? That’s a no from me!” We’re all laughing now while I start shutting down my computer and pack my briefcase, ready to head over to the function at McCormick Place.

“While I’d love to stay and chat with you girls,” I say, making Deven roll his eyes at me, “I have to get moving. Things to do, a function to get finished, so I can go home and put my feet up.” I pick up my phone and bag, giving them both a peck on the cheek. “See you both over there later. On my phone if needed.” I start hurrying down the corridor to the elevator. I debated calling a car but figured a taxi will be quicker at this time of the day. Just before the lunchtime rush, the doorman should be able to flag one down for me.

Rushing out of the elevator, I see a taxi pulled up to the curb letting someone off. I want to grab it before it takes off again. Cecil the doorman sees me in full high-heeled jog and opens the door knowing what I’m trying to do. He’s calling out to the taxi to wait as I come past him, focused on the open door the previous passenger is closing.

“Wait, please…” I call as I run straight into a solid wall of chest. Arms grab me as I’m stumbling sideways. Shit. Please don’t let this hurt.

Just as my world is tilting sideways, I’m coming back upright to a white tank top, tight and wet with sweat. So close to my face I can smell the male pheromones and feel the heat on my cheeks radiating from his body.

“Christ, I’m so sorry. Are you okay, gorgeous?” That voice, low, breathy, and a little startled. I’m not game to look up and see the face of this wall of solid abs. “You just came out that door like there’s someone chasing you. I couldn’t stop in time.” His hands start to push me backwards a little so he can see more of me.

“Talk to me, please. Are you okay? I’m so sorry I frightened you. Luckily I stopped you from hitting the deck.”

Taking a big breath to pull myself back in control, I slowly follow up his sweaty chest to look at the man the voice is coming from. The sun is behind him so I can’t make his face out from the glare. I want to step back to take a better look when I hear the taxi driver yelling at me.

“Are you getting in, lady, or not?” he barks out of the driver’s seat.

Damn, I need to get moving.

“Thank you. I’m sorry I ran in front of you. Sorry, I have to go.” I start to turn to move to the taxi, yet he hasn’t let me go.

“I’m the one who’s sorry. Just glad you’re okay. Have a good day, gorgeous.” He guides me to the back seat of the taxi and closes the door for me after I slide in, then taps the roof to let the driver know he’s good to go. As we pull away from the curb, I see his smile of beautiful white teeth as he turns and keeps jogging down the sidewalk. My heart is still pounding, my head is still trying to process what the hell just happened. Can today get any crazier?