Page 95 of Better Day

“Go.” I signal and walk back in to Cassie as I hear him talking on his way toward the elevator.

* * *

Talking to the kids without Cassie is a challenge. Obviously, Eli has no idea, he just smiles and drools, but Bessy wants to talk to Mommy, and the reasons as to why she can’t are running out fast. But finally, it has been a few days, and Cassie has her bandages off her head and just a small band-aid that we can cover with her hair. Luckily the patch they had to shave off isn’t too big and not directly at the front of her head which makes it easier to hide. Getting her dressed into her own clothes rather than a hospital gown will hide where we are, and with the app’s ability to change the background, we’re in business.

I jump on first and tell Bessy it will be a quick call, as Mommy and I have to go out. She’s a little confused, but I tell her to fill me in on everything she has been doing first, so by the time we get Cassie on, she won’t need to talk for long. It will wear her out just trying to be so upbeat for Bessy.

After talking for a few minutes, Cassie waves to Bessy. “I have to go now, princess, but Mommy misses you.” I can see Cassie is struggling not to cry saying goodbye.

“Daddy, I had a bad dream last night, can you tell me a story?” Bessy says and throws us both. Taking the tablet out of Cassie’s hands straight away, I can see her bottom lip quivering. She will be upset she wasn’t there for Bessy when she needed her.

“Sure, princess,” I tell her, moving across the room so Cassie can’t be heard sniffling.

“Uncle Kurt told me a funny story, but it just wasn’t as good as yours.” That made me happy and sad at the same time. Glad I’m not being replaced by Bull but frustrated I wasn’t there to chase the demons away.

We chatted for a few more minutes, and then she was happily giggling and ready to go off with Uncle Kurt for a walk to the cabin where they were going to do some drawings for Mommy. He had been using the cabin as a distraction for Bessy and a change of scenery for her too. I need to get off the call too, so I can comfort Cassie, and I tell Bull I will call him later.

Walking back over to Cassie, I sit on the bed and pull her tightly into my embrace, and she just settles there like it’s made for her.

“They’re fine. We will be back with them in a few days.” I haven’t yet told her that I will then be leaving her with Bull to make sure my plan for Jason succeeds. That will have her screaming at me, and in a place where we can’t afford other people to hear us.

“I know, it’s just hard. I know what it was like when my dad went away…” She trails off then pulls away from me, sitting up straight, and I can tell she’s thinking hard about something.

“He came to me when I was unconscious. He was talking to me to calm me. Holding my hand like when I was little. I remember now. It felt so real.” The longing in her eyes tells me how much she misses her parents.

“I’m sure they are both watching over you.” My hand is now resting on her thigh.

“I can hear his voice, the words he was saying. They didn’t always make sense, though. Something about going with him when the time was right.”

My stomach drops at the thought of when she was unconscious, there was a chance she was going to be taken away from us. I’m glad her dad decided it wasn’t time yet.

“Let’s remind him that no time before the age of one hundred for you will be the right time for him to take you away. He’d better be listening.” My words put a smile on her face.

“You’ll be sick of me well before then,” she says as she lays her head back down onto the pillow.

“Never!” I kiss her again to make sure she understands how much I mean it.

“Tate said we can probably take you to the apartment tomorrow, thank goodness. This roll-out bed is shit, and you know how I hate sleeping apart from you when I don’t have to. I need to be touching you all the time.” It’s not healthy for a man to sleep apart from his wife. There are nights I’ve had to when I’m working, and I absolutely hate it. And it’s never for more than one night. It may not be for the whole night, but a few hours of holding her tight is all I need to recharge and recenter.

“I’m surprised you haven’t asked Tate how long until we can have sex again.” The sound of her laughing after her tears will never get old.

“Oh, my poor deluded wife, of course I have. One to two weeks depending on you. So, we are getting close. Why, are you feeling a little lost without me inside you?” Raising my eyebrows at her brings more laughter. “What, it’s not funny. I’m fucking aching over here, woman.” I’m not used to abstaining from sex for so long. If there is one good thing about being tucked away in the mountains, it’s all the free time I have to please my lady whenever she’s ready. And that is all the time. Her sexual appetite has no problem keeping up with mine.

For that my cock is very grateful.

“You need to stop, otherwise I’ll keep thinking about it, and we aren’t allowed yet.”

“Who said I have to listen to Tate?” I tease, running my hand up the inside of her leg under her long t-shirt we dressed her in for the call.

“Me, because I’m not doing anything to risk having to stay here a moment longer. I want to go home to my kids!” The longing for me is now replaced with the torment of being away from her children so long.

“I get it, but when you’re ready, look out, beautiful, because it will be a wild ride, I can promise you that.” I take my hand back before I’m tempted to do more.

“It always is, Ghost, it always is.”

“Especially when you’re the one riding!” Now I’m standing and walking to the window. I can’t look at her for a minute. My cock needs to stop thinking about the vision of her on top of me naked, tits bouncing as she rides me hard. Head back, mouth open, moaning, her beautiful glistening skin with the sheen of sweat all over it that I put there and her pussy squeezing me so tight as she orgasms hard from the pleasure I’m giving her.

“Fuck, shouldn’t have said that,” I groan, pacing back and forth in the room.