Page 8 of Better Day


Walking into headquarters at the start of a new job always brings mixed feelings. There is the adrenaline surge of not knowing what your assignment will be, but then part of me always has the thought that I’m only here because someone is in trouble and needs my help to stay alive.

That fear that my new client must be feeling right now, I will never understand it because it’s never been me. When we are on the run and keeping them hidden, I always know what’s happening in front of me. That’s the handler’s job, to make sure I have the information I need to navigate me through the worst of it.

“Morning, Boss,” I say, placing my coffee on the desk as he slides a file across to me.

“Ghost. Sorry to do this, but I needed you. Bravo has a family issue, and he needed to leave urgently.” That's one thing about this job, you never get told more information than you need to know at the time. It’s obviously something personal for Bravo, so it's none of my business.

“No problems, Rocket.” I drop the word Boss now that we're sliding into the case; it’s more appropriate to call him by his agent code name. Although I was complaining last night to Bull, this morning I’m back in work mode and ready to go.

“Good to hear, now let’s get on with it. Your client is Leah Templeton. She's been placed into protection due to providing information to FBI agents about her partner, or shall we say ex-partner, Senator Jason Condell.”

“Oh, just what we love, men in high places with resources at the tips of their fingers.”

This job just got a little more interesting.

“Exactly. Nothing new, Ghost. We've been here before. Same shit, just different politician this time.” He sits back in his chair and rolls his eyes at me.

“So that’s why you needed me. This is an intelligence job, as well as protection.” My head is already running through the list of things I want to be looking at in the background about our senator.

We aren't given much information on the actual case, just the basics we need. Our job is to keep the witness safe, not investigate the case. But to do the best job I can, I need to know what I can about this guy and what resources he has at his disposal to find my client. That’s where my computer skills come in handy. The boss won’t tell me to go and drag up all the intel, but he knows I will. Sometimes you just need to assume things, but to keep your nose clean, you don’t say the words out loud. To get the information I need, I’ll be hacking into places I shouldn’t be. All I can say is, they should be grateful I’m working for the good side of the law with what I’m able to get access to.

“Glad you understand.” He looks down at his phone to read a message that has come in. “Now the FBI already had an investigation underway on the senator, but Leah coming forward has given them the information they need to put the wheels in motion. They expect to bring charges within the week and will be pushing for an early court date to try to nail him before he gets a chance to manipulate the system.”

“The power of money and having politicians in his back pockets. And who said the justice system in this country isn’t full of corruption.” I take another sip of my coffee as I open the file to flick through and get the details I need on Leah.

The first thing I see is an A4-size headshot photo.

My senses are on overload, and the protective nature I get just hit overdrive.

Staring back at me are the biggest brown eyes, and they already tell me her story. She's scared. Which is not unusual and something I see in almost every client, but these eyes pull at something in me that I’ve never felt this strongly before. Lust, and it’s racing through me like a freight train. Fuck, this isn’t a good sign for a job where I need my full concentration.

I try to push it down to wherever it came from while I take in her whole face. This is the face I need to have imprinted on me for however long this job lasts.

Her skin is a beautiful, flawless olive complexion, with not a single blemish on it. Straight, brown, shoulder-length hair.

I can see why the senator would date someone like her. She would look very attractive on his arm in his line of work.

Now I just need to make sure he never gets to see or touch her again.

Realizing I have been staring a little too long at her picture, I quickly turn it over to read through her personal details.

Leah Templeton, twenty-six years old. Height five-foot-three, brown hair, brown eyes, and olive complexion. Born in Cleveland to Frank and Beatrice Templeton who are both deceased. Was living in New York before moving to Washington. Occupation, accountant for Roblowen Financial, a large firm in the Big Apple with offices around the country.

Okay, so I have her basics.

Next is her new identity.

“All you need is there. The usuals—driver’s license, birth certificate, social security number, passport, and medical ID.” I hear my boss’s voice, but I’m still taking in all I’m viewing in front of me.

Time to meet my new client.

Miss Cassandra Matheson.

* * *

The drive out to the safe house takes me a few hours, giving me time to try to work out what that deep feeling of lust and sexual energy in my gut was, as soon as I saw her picture.