Page 10 of Better Day

“I’ll put up with second-rate systems, but when the fucking gate alarm doesn’t even signal me, how the hell am I supposed to get any warning? I knew before I even got here this job was going to be in fucking shambles. I just signed off on you checking everything. Did you even leave the goddamn house? Imbeciles!”

Hearing talking behind me, Hammer’s giving the all-clear to the team arriving.

Linking my computer into the system here, I find there are several cameras that are blurry or not pointing in the right direction to give me the best vantage point.

“Get your fucking asses out there and sort out this clusterfuck. I want every camera clear, operational, and at least pointing at something useful! And expect a report to the boss when I get my client settled in on what a half-assed job you both did. This might have been a last-minute job, but that doesn’t mean I expect any less than our usual. I have been pulled off my leave to sort this shit out, and I don’t want to be here any more than you all do, so you better get it damn well sorted so at least I’m not stuck here trying to protect some woman with nothing more than my bare hands. Understood?” This is what lack of time away from the job does. It has me losing my patience when I should have been calmly telling them I want it fixed.

“I’m sorry.” A timid female voice behind me stops me in my tracks.


Turning around, standing before me is the beautiful face with those mesmerizing eyes.

I’m screwed. I thought her photo made me stop and take note, but here in the flesh, I can’t take my eyes off her.

Fuck, how am I supposed to protect someone who distracts me the moment she walks into a room, so much that I can’t concentrate on what I was doing?

This is a major problem.

“Ghost, sir. This is your client. I believe you have her new identity and documents.” Hammer’s now glaring at me, telling me to calm the fuck down.

Looking at her standing there, I can see the fear radiating off her. Not only at her situation but the whole fucked-up location she just walked into.

“Yes, sorry. Ma’am, I’m so sorry you had to hear that. And let me say you have nothing to be sorry about. I apologize for that. Welcome, please come in and take a seat.”

She's clutching her single bag to her chest for comfort. I’ve seen this before from other people as they arrive into our care. Everything that they own, that they haven’t had to leave behind in their old life, is in that bag, and they hang onto it like it's their only lifeline allowing them to breathe.

I extend my hand out to her. “My code name is Ghost, and I will be your lead agent for the whole time you are in our care. Nice to meet you, Cassandra.” Finally, her hand touches mine with a very gentle shake.

“Cassandra…” she whispers, as if trying her name out on her own lips for the first time. “That’s my new name, Cassandra?”

Guiding her to the seat at the table where my files are, I say, “That’s right, Cassandra Matheson, and a very nice name it is too. It will take a little time, but you will become used to it soon enough. You'll hear me call you that as often as I can so you'll get used to hearing it.” She just nods her head at me. I have to say, the name doesn’t suit her, but who am I to judge? It’s too longwinded and sophisticated for the woman standing in front of me.

“We have a lot to discuss and get through. I’ll show you the bathroom, and you can freshen up while I make you a coffee and something to eat. Does that sound like a plan?”

“Yes, thank you, that sounds amazing.” I’m not sure how long it's been since she left her home, but she looks exhausted and like she has been put through the wringer before she arrived here.

“Meanwhile, all these men have work to do.” Glaring at them, they all turn to move out of the house to start checking surveillance cameras and sensors, except for the agents who delivered her here. “Thank you, gentlemen. I will report in that the target has arrived safely, mission complete.” With that, they give me a chin lift and turn to leave the house.

We have found that it’s very daunting to overcrowd the client when they first arrive at the safe house. They have spent twenty-four, sometimes forty-eight hours with a sea of unknown faces. The sooner we get it down to just a few of us with them, the sooner we can let them start to settle a little and hopefully let us talk to them without wanting them to run as soon as they get the chance.

Now just the two of us in the room, I stand and hold out my hand for her bag.

“Let me carry that for you and show you the bathroom.”

Standing up, reluctantly she lets it go.

Our fingers brush each other, and her eyes open a little wider at the sensation.

“Don’t worry, Cassandra, you’re safe with me. I’ll protect you. I promise.”



As I get out of the car, the thought of putting one foot in front of the other is made a little harder with the yelling I can hear from inside.

I have to admit, it’s not what I was expecting after the whole trip here; the men in the car have hardly spoken to me.