Page 62 of Better Day

“I turned and walked away from them and have never seen them since. I called the lawyer and told him the deal was off and that I would not be sharing one single dollar with them.” I can imagine him stomping down the pavement and issuing the instructions with all the hurt he had built up inside of him. “It was around that time I had heard about the jobs at WITSEC, so I changed my name, invested the money offshore under various aliases, and joined WITSEC under my new identity.” He stops in his stride across the room and looks straight at me.

“I promise you with all I am, Cassie, I never did anything illegal with that money, and every dollar I have accumulated I did through good investments. When you’re all alone in the world there is plenty of time to research companies and also spot the ones where something doesn’t seem right. So, I just kept the money safe from anyone taking it and made anonymous donations all over the world to people who really need it. I’m a good person, Cassie, I’m not evil like them.”

I jump from the couch and wrap him as tightly as I can in my arms, and his head drops onto my shoulder. The loudest sob escapes him, and it has my tears now pouring out of me too. Standing here, both of us let it all out, all the trauma we have both been holding onto for years. I doubt Ghost has even grieved for his grandfather, a man he was never allowed to know, or the immense pain he is holding at being abandoned by the people who are always supposed to love you, no matter what. My tears are for the little boy who never knew love and who has been holding on, for all his adult life, the thought that maybe deep down he is evil like his parents.

“Shh, shh,” I soothe, rubbing his back as the sobs subsids and his breathing slowly settles back into a normal rhythm.

“Noah, you are the most loving, honorable, gentle, but at the same time the strongest man I know. You are loyal to a fault, and although I wish you wouldn’t put others’ lives before your own, you always do. So, no, Noah, you are not evil. You may share their DNA, but evil’s not in your heart.”

His head finally raises up off my shoulder. “That’s how stupid they were. All I would have to do was take a DNA test and it would’ve squashed their claim, but they were ready to disown me anyway.” Standing up straighter, he lifts the bottom of his shirt, wiping my tears off and then his own.

“They say real men don’t cry.” His voice is hoarse from the emotion, but he’s trying to break the moment.

“Bullshit. They aren’t a real man if they can’t show emotion, and I don’t want a man who is made of stone, Noah. Wait, is that even your real name?” I want to hit myself for saying that. It’s not like I’m using my real name, so what does it matter?

He shakes his head back and forth. “My birth name was Boyce, but like you, I don’t want anything to do with that life. Noah was my grandfather’s middle name, so I took that as my legal name in the real world. But I’ve never told another person who mattered to me this name… except you. I’ve had to use the name Noah for legalities with my investments, but never with anyone in my circle of friends. Bull doesn’t even know my legal name, and to be honest, you saying it sounds foreign sometimes, because no one ever calls me by that name.”

Reaching up on my toes, I whisper in his ear, “The number of times you’ve made me come and have me screaming your name, I doubt it sounds foreign anymore.” The low groan from him sounds like it’s coming from deep inside his body. A place of desperate need.

Biting his earlobe a little and dropping back to my feet, I can see the change from moments earlier.

“Keep that up and you’ll be screaming it over the back of this couch.” Lust is burning red hot in his eyes.

“Really…” I drag my hands slowly down his abs, feeling every rise and fall of his breath. Opening my mouth, I run my tongue around my lips. “Make me then, or are you just all talk?” Stepping to the side of him, I watch over my shoulder as I sway my hips, walking around to the rear of the couch. “Do you mean right here?” I whisper as I pat the couch in front of me.

“Cassie.” My name on his lips has me shivering. “I’m wound too tight, I’ll hurt you.” He’s torn between the need to fuck my brains out to take away the pain, and the softness of the emotions he just released.

“Maybe I want you to hurt me, in the best possible way,” I say, flicking my shoes to the side and dropping my sweatpants and underwear in one go.

Noah is still standing there frozen with his fists clenched, trying to hold back, but I don’t plan on making it easy.

“Get dressed.” The deepness of his voice just makes me wetter than I was before he spoke. No deterrent to me at all.

I pull my crop top ever so slowly up over my head, with his eyes glued to my breasts. So, I give him what he wants.

“Did you say undressed, Nooaaahhh?” I taunt, dropping my bra to the floor.

With him still standing in front of me, I use the last trick in my book which is pushing me so far past my comfort zone, I’m not sure how I feel, but I will do it for him. Whatever he needs.

I drop my hand down to my sex and slowly drag my fingers through the wetness. Noah can’t hide how turned on he is becoming. He grabs his cock through his pants to try to control himself.

My self-consciousness kicks in at that moment, and as I’m starting to pull my hand away, he finally speaks.

“Don’t! You started this, now you are going to give me the show you promised. Keep stroking, you know you want to.” He’s right, and I can’t stop the little moan that drops from my mouth as I swipe over my clit the first time.

“Oh yeah, that’s it. Get yourself nice and wet.” I watch his shirt come off, and he flicks the button on his pants open now. The more I stroke, the bigger his pupils dilate. I never knew this could be so sensual and feel so beautiful. His pants are now sitting on his hips, open, and his cock is out in his hand. He slowly pumps himself backwards and forwards to gain some relief.

“So sexy.” His voice is heightened now. “I want you to make yourself come, Cassie. I want to see you enjoy your own body and for you to know how much you are making me want to fuck you harder than I ever have before.” Between his words and the overpowering need to find my release, I can’t stop now. My other hand is on my breast and squeezing hard, pulling my nipple just like I love Noah doing to me with his teeth.

“Yeah, baby, you’re close. I can see your body starting to quiver.” Oh God, I don’t know if I can do this, that awful word in my head now.

“I’m not a slut,” I whimper as my body is stuck on the edge of a cliff I just can’t seem to jump off.

“You are mine, and you are beautiful. Come now for me, Cassie, shout my name!”

His words are enough to have me screaming, “Noah!” like a wild animal, for the whole world to hear who I belong to.

My eyes slam shut at the sheer force of the electricity running through my body.