Page 2 of Better Day

“Fuucckkk.” I push my palm into my cock that is trapped behind my jeans, trying to stop from exploding before I even get to move.

That woman is going to kill me, but oh, what a way to die!

I shut down the room with the security codes as quickly as I can and close the door behind me, the picture of Cassie walking out of here still burned into my brain. I flick the button on the top of my jeans and pull my shirt over my head while I’m moving down the hallway toward the end of the house where our bedroom is, preparing to be on my knees in seconds, worshiping her pussy while the warm water runs over our bodies. My name will be echoing off the tiles as she screams the orgasmic release I’m about to give her.

Suddenly, my feet stop as I hear the faint sound of tiny footsteps on the floor and my daughter’s sniffling before I make it to her door.

No, no, no, not now, my little princess. Daddy needs to take care of Mommy first.

But like every parent knows, your child’s tears trump everything.

“Daddy?” Bessy, the mini version of Cassie, is standing there peering up at me through her water-filled eyes, the long eyelashes moist and her little brown ringlets falling softly down each side of her face. Her big brown eyes ask me for the one thing that always makes it feel better. Crouching down before her and opening my arms, she launches herself into my body like I’m her lifeline.

“What’s wrong, princess?” Her little tears fall on my naked chest, slaying me more than a sharp knife could.

“I don’t know, I just woke up crying.” She looks up at me with confusion.

“That’s okay. Sometimes that happens. How about we just go and tell Mommy that I am going to read you another story.” She nods her head up and down and the tears are drying up.

“Where’s Mommy?” she asks as we head toward the master bedroom.

“In the shower that I have a feeling will now be cut shorter than she was hoping.” Bessy, having no idea what I’m talking about, just continues to burrow her head into my neck, and already I can feel her body relaxing in my arms.

“What took you so long? I was going to start—”

“Mommy, we have a visitor.” My words stop Cassie before she said something that we would be spending the next ten minutes trying to explain our way out of. Bessy may only be five years old—or nearly six as she would say—but growing up with only adults around her, she is wise beyond her years, which does make me sad in a way, that she doesn’t have a normal childhood, as hard as we try to make it happen.

“Ohhh.” She sticks her head out of the steamed-up glass shower door. “What’s wrong, Bessy?” Straight away, she switches to Mom mode and her own desires get pushed to the side.

“I missed my daddy,” Bessy says, the little sniffle still present in her voice.

I wrap my arms just that little bit tighter around her.

“Me too, Bessy, me too.” The sexual longing in Cassie’s eyes is burning. Okay, so maybe not all the desire has been pushed aside just yet.

“I’ll take her and get her settled again, read another story, and then I’ll be back.” I wink at Cassie, letting her know we are far from over. “I think you should finish your shower and get ready for bedtime too. We have some serious issues to be resolved.”

“And that’s a promise I expect you to keep,” Cassie replies as she closes the door, and I start heading back to Bessy’s room.

Oh, you better believe it, bright eyes. I never leave a job unfinished—or my wife unsatisfied.

That’s more than a promise, it’s a fact!

Walking back through the house to Bessy’s room, taking in my surroundings, my mind drifts to how lucky I am. Not many would consider the life we live fortunate, but I’m not like them. It was never how I imagined it, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Thinking back over the seven years and how we got to this point, part of me wonders if I will ever be able to free my family, or if this is what our life will always be like.

No matter what happens, I will always love them and keep them safe. They are the air I breathe.

Without them, I cease to exist.

* * *



“Seriously, is that the best you can do?”

I lean my back against the wall, watching Bull take his shot to try and sink the 3 ball in the corner pocket of the pool table. I speak out loud at just the right moment, as his stick is about to collide with the ball.