Page 71 of Defining Us

All I can hear in my head are the words‘take the wind out of me’which is exactly what he has just done to me by the way he’s looking at me.

I can feel the heat, it’s piercing my soul.

Trying to push my body to move is almost impossible, but I can’t let him see how weak he makes me.

Comedy, that’s what I need. Break the moment.

“Got to have a brain in there first for it to be affected.” I push up onto my feet as he takes two steps toward me.

“And so it begins,” Xavier mumbles in the background on his way to the kitchen. “They’re always like this,” he’s telling Kane as their voices both disappear into the fuzziness that seems to be around Jordan. Actually, it’s not Jordan that’s making it blurry. I think that glass of champagne is tipping me over the edge. Crap.

“Hi, Nat, how’ve you been?” His arms reach around me, and I try to block out the smell that is wrapping around me. That distinct aroma that is all him. The cologne he wears, which I know he is the branding ambassador for, but he was wearing it before that. It reminds me of what I’m missing each time. The smell of forbidden fruit. It’s too late because it’s already invading my senses. It’s exactly what the ad campaign says.‘The smell of a real man,’—or as I like to say every time he says it to me, from inside my television, “The smell of my man.” Smiling to myself, I lay my head on his chest which makes him wrap me up that little bit tighter.

“Did you just quote my cologne ad?” I can actually feel his words rumbling through his chest.

Wait, what did he just say? “Oh shit, that wasn’t in my head, was it?” I pull back quickly from his hold on me.

“Do you want me to say yes, would it make you feel better?” The bastard is laughing at me. “Glad to know you like it. But not sure that’s the right line.” Backing away, he knows he’s rattled me, although maybe I still push him a little too.

If I wasn’t a little tipsy then his laughing would have had my hackles up by now and I’d be biting back, but I don’t have anything. Not a thing to reply.

“Whatever,” is all that comes out of my mouth.

“You okay?” The concern lines on his forehead tell me I’m not pulling off the calm, not-caring vibe I was going for tonight.

“Of course, just a little tired. Early morning, that’s all.” I flop back into my chair before I fall into it. It gets me farther away from the man who sets off fireworks inside my body and has my legs already squirming in my seat.

“Do you still love life? The training life, I mean,” he asks, fumbling over his words a little.

“Most days, yes. But there are some that make me question why I’m doing it.” Xavier appears at my side and hands me another glass of champagne. I know I should refuse but maybe I could just sit here with it and pretend to be drinking, until I can at least sober up a bit.

Xavier answers for me, “Of course, she really loves it every day. I mean, who wouldn’t when she gets to see me all the time.”

Everyone joins us back in the living room and Jordan takes a dining chair and places it next to me. Great! Just what I need. Can’t the man take the hint? Single woman sitting on the single chair. She needs to be left alone and given space.

“You keep telling yourself that.” Kane is laughing while at the same time Jordan answers as well.

“Like she has a choice of getting rid of you. Not sure the cord has been cut between you two yet.” He thinks he’s funny, but I’ve got news for him.

“That’s what you think! I could pick up my life and move halfway across the country tomorrow and it wouldn’t bother me!” I keep my eyes pinned on Jordan, so he gets the message that he has pissed me off finally.

But all I see is a smile.

What the hell is that!




For a woman who continually told me she would never leave this city, or be more than a few miles from her brother, she’s now sitting in front of me blurting out that she’d happily move her life tomorrow.

Well, well, well, isn’t that news to us all.

I can tell she’s had a bit to drink, which worries me a little because the night is young, but maybe it’s a little truth serum for her inner voice finally.

“Sure you would.” Xavier’s sarcasm is very evident. “You wouldn’t move away from me. We’re inseparable—in a good way.” I think he’s as shocked as I am with Nat’s comments.