Page 66 of Defining Us

“Yes, go to your wife. Bye, talk later.” My screen instantly goes back to me looking at myself in the camera, and she’s gone.

I hate how she always refers to Sasha as my wife and never calls her by name. It’s like she wants to keep reminding me what she is, when I damn well know.

I was the one who said, “I do,”in the wedding chapel with a couple hundred guests. Most of whom I had no idea who they were. Of course, my family was there and some teammates. But then, being such a high-profile wedding, there was the who’s who of the celebrity circle. Both our publicists made sure of it.

That’s the thing about being an NFL player. There is so much more to it than playing the actual game. We have limited time to secure sponsorship deals while we are fit, healthy, and injury-free, and for Sasha, her age will start to impact her for different ad campaigns in her career. We’re both lucky, as our publicists work in the same agency, so they work toward the best for both of us individually and together. Our wedding was their dream gig.

“Jordan,” Sasha calls as she’s coming down the hallway.

“In bed,” I call out.

Walking into the room, she looks exhausted.

“Hey, Sash, you’re back early. Did the shoot go well?” Sitting up with my back against the headboard, she leans down and kisses my forehead. She’s still all made up and her lips are bright red with lipstick.

“Hi, J, yeah, it went so well we wrapped up early. The weather was perfect, no wind, sun in the right position, and they captured the light off the ocean like a disco ball. Photographer was happy. Preliminary shots look great. But when the day is running smoothly it means no break for me, so I end up exhausted.”

I can see the fatigue in her eyes as she stands leaning against the chest of drawers behind her. She’s got tiny, shiny black shorts on, with her long legs in some knee-high nude-color boots, or I think that’s what color she calls them. I’m just a football player, how would I know what the hell the colors of the rainbow are. They make her legs look longer than they already are. Her shirt is one of those halter-neck ones, same color as her boots. The little bit of skin showing on her stomach is like a tease, and the top hugs her body like a second skin. I bet every man on that plane was checking her out. The funny thing is, she would have been oblivious to it all. She knows where her heart lies.

“Oh well, at least you’re home now. You can get a good sleep in your own bed.”

Her tired smile tells me that’s exactly what she needs. “Yeah, can’t wait. I’m just going to hit the shower and then I’ll call it a night.” Standing again, she leans down and gives me another kiss on the cheek and turns to make her way to the shower.

I know a shower for her takes an hour by the time she removes her make-up, showers, and then does some ridiculous skin routine. Fuck that. I’m in and out in ten minutes on a good day, less if needed. I’m tired and I know my eyes will be shut before she even turns the water off. It’s what our life is like, but it works for us.

In fact, it’s perfect just the way it is.

* * *

“Ugh, what is that smell? You better not be eating bacon that I have to sit here and watch you enjoying it,” Sasha grumbles as she walks into the kitchen. She runs her hand through her perfect ponytail, not a hair out of place.

“Morning, grumpy. You don’t have to watch me if it upsets you that much.” I shove another piece of bacon and some egg into my mouth.

“Upset me! Who are you kidding? I’m just so damn jealous. I can’t tell you the last time a piece of meat passed these lips.” I almost choke and Dani behind me starts laughing out loud.

“Oh, aren’t you two so funny this morning.” Sasha glares at us both.

Dani is Sasha’s PA, nutritionist, and trainer. She travels everywhere with her and lives with us too. The apartment is huge so there’s plenty of room, and it just makes it easier for Sasha. Like now, for instance, where Dani is in the middle of whipping her up an egg-white omelet with kale and vegetables. Not sure it would be as easy for Sasha to stick to her strict diet if it wasn’t for Dani, because there is no way I’d want to cook or eat that shit.

“Don’t worry, sunshine, if you close your eyes, you can dream this is the same breakfast that Jordan is eating.” Dani tries to keep a straight face as she places the plate down in front of Sasha. My eyes meet Sasha’s and we both let out, “Nope,” at the same time. Dani rolls her eyes.

“Not a chance.” I can’t help laughing.

“Shut up, both of you, and eat. You both have gym sessions to get to, so unless you want cramps from what you have eaten, then I suggest more chewing less talking.” Dani is standing in front of us with her hands on her hips. I know who is in charge in this house and it’s not me.

“Yes, boss,” we reply in unison and get stuck into our breakfast.

I have to admit, though, Dani is one cool chick. We clicked the first time we met and both care about Sasha and her career, and we’re both very protective of her. At least when Sash is travelling, I don’t have to worry about her when I can’t be there. I know Dani will never let anyone near her or take advantage of her soft nature. Dani might seem badass and strong, but we both know deep down she has this gentle heart that she doesn’t show very often.

Because my breakfast is much larger than Sasha’s, I’m still chewing my last mouthful when she and Dani start clearing away the dishes.

“Come on, He-Man, hurry up so we can head downstairs to the gym,” Sasha says. Dani is trying to get Sasha moving and she is of course looking for any excuse to slow down, pretending she is waiting for me.

“Hey, I’m on my off-season break, you get punished all on your own today, Sash. I think I might head out for the day and catch up with Tarek and the boys. Play a bit of X-Box, you know, the usual.” Placing my plate in the dishwasher, I’m turning it on as I hear Sasha complaining behind me.

“Why don’t I get an off season? You know, so I can go and lie on the beach somewhere, when it’s not to have my body photographed.” She’s complaining but everyone in this room knows she doesn’t mean it. Sasha loves her career and wouldn’t change it for the world. I knew what she was like before we got married and nothing has changed.

“Well, you should ask your PA about that, she’s the one who handles all your bookings. Although I’ve heard she’s a hard-ass when dealing with the agents. Won’t take any crap, so be careful, otherwise when she swaps hats and becomes the trainer downstairs, she will take no prisoners.” I lean with my backside on my kitchen counter near the sink, watching the girls disappear toward the front door. Dani holds her hand in the air waving her middle finger at me.