Page 58 of Defining Us

I don’t want this to be over, the closeness, the love and the emotion we share when we connect on this level.

“No one even comes close to you, Nat, not another living soul.” Falling to the side and rolling me on top of him, we lie peacefully as one. Just breathing and coming down from the ultimate high of what we just shared.

Not knowing what to say or do, I wait for Jordan to lead the way. I love the feeling of his strength and dominance when we’re together like this. I can let myself just be raw and in the moment.

Our breathing smooths out and I can hear his heartbeat slowing. So, this is what contentment feels like. I could stay like this forever.

If only it were that simple.

“When you said just this one time, you meant just this one night, right? Because I’m not ready to give you up again, and I don’t think you are either.” He always catches me at my most vulnerable.

“Just this one night and no one can ever know. You are my little secret that I don’t have to share with the world. But then you’ve got to let me go. We can’t hold on any longer. Life moves on.”

Because after tonight that’s all you’ll ever be.

Just my little secret.


If you think that I will ever let you go, Nat, then you don’t know me as well as you think. No matter what happens in my life, I will always come back to you. You are the center of my universe, my happy place. The keeper of my soul.

I know you haven’t worked it all out yet, but one day. And I will bide my time until that one day comes and I become your world.

Until then, I will take all thejust one more timesI can get. And that is my little secret.

Like she knows what I’m thinking, her head tilts up perfectly for me and I let her taste herself on my lips and enjoy the beginning of the best night of passion I know how to give.

She might call it fucking, but to me, every time I touch her it is with pure love. That will never change.

“Jordan, can you fuck me just one more time?” Lust is dripping in her quivering voice.

Like music to my ears.

Six Years Later


“Hurry up, Nat, otherwise you’ll miss the first pick!” Xavier is screaming at me from the living room. I’m too busy in the kitchen trying to sort out all the food he ordered for everyone. Everyone, being only three of us, but he always orders enough for about ten people.

“Is he always this excited to watch the NFL draft?” Kane, Xavier’s buddy who lives in the apartment upstairs from Xavier, asks me as he walks into the kitchen. They have become so close. As close as Xav is with Jordan.

“You have no idea. Ever since Jordan went through the draft, it’s like Xav thinks he’s the expert because one of his best friends plays in the NFL. I mean, how that even makes him know anything more than the average football lover is beyond me, but if you ask him, he will tell you his opinion.” Both of us laugh as Kane grabs the beers out of the fridge and I’m carrying the pizzas and garlic bread.

“Sure you got enough food for the three of us?” I ask my brother, placing it all down on the coffee table.

“There’s dessert too. Now shush, it’s starting.”

Rolling my eyes at Kane, I get settled into the couch and think back to the year Jordan got picked up in the draft.

Best and worst day of my life.

It’s everything Jordan has worked so hard for and dreamed about, yet a small part of me is mourning that my biggest fear has come true.

He’s off to play in the big leagues, first-round pick for the New York Lions.

Xavier is jumping in the air and screaming, along with the rest of his high school team who were able to make it to the old school gym tonight. They set up the big screen and televised it live for us all to see.

I hear the words…