Page 52 of Defining Us


The noise of the sheets moving has me listening, worried that Nat will need to get to the bathroom again. Although I doubt there is anything left in her stomach after the amount she yakked last night when we got home.

I want to roll over and check on her, but I know I can’t. If she’s awake, she won’t want to know that I am too. She probably thinks she’s being quiet, but I’m such a light sleeper that I hear the faintest sniffle a couple of times.

Shit, she’s crying.

I need to comfort her, but she doesn’t want me. I need to accept that.

I’m torn about what to do, but she takes the decision out of my hands. The noises coming from behind me indicate she’s moving. I keep my breathing steady and don’t move an inch, eyes closed so when she heads to the bathroom, I won’t embarrass her.

The mattress dipping behind me shocks the hell out of me. I can feel the warmth from her. So close yet so far. The smallest hint of her breath on my back as she goes still again. Staying frozen in one place is just about killing me, but I don’t want to spook her. I’ve got no idea what she’s doing right now but I’m not objecting.

Warmth is now spreading through me as she cuddles her body against the back of mine.

Holy fucking shit.

Spooning me, her arm now around me links us together.

I don’t know how long she’ll stay here so I’m just soaking it up. Every second I can get of Nat wrapped around me is worth it. Slowly her body is molding into mine.

The sound of her breathing is settling and there’s no hint of any more tears.

I wish she would talk to me, tell me what is inside that head of hers. The words she tells me aren’t what she’s thinking about. Her eyes tell me that every time I look at her.

I hear a few voices in the corridor outside my room, the drunken whispers that are supposed to be quiet but are louder than normal talking volume. Opening my eyes a mere slit to see the time, I see it’s approaching dawn. I’m guessing the party was a big one. Whoever it is will be struggling at our team recovery session later today.

There is no way I can get back to sleep now.

Thank God I don’t have one of those old-fashioned clocks in the room that has the second hand ticking around in circles. I would be going stir crazy by now.

Expecting that Nat would have moved by now, it occurs to me that maybe she was never awake to begin with. A drunken sleepwalk in the middle of the night. Weirder things have happened. Because she was adamant that I wasn’t the one for her.

Yet here we are.

Wrapped together under the blanket, with her head lying on my back and arm pulling me tighter by the minute.

It seems like we have been lying here for so long that I’m finding it harder to keep my eyes open. However we got here, I’ll take the peace I’m feeling right now.

I should lift her back up onto my bed, so she doesn’t wake embarrassed because she’s in bed with me.

I’ll just take a few more minutes and then I’ll get up.

After I rest my eyelids, then I’ll move her…

* * *

“Shut up, phone, head’s hurting.” The sweet voice vibrates against my chest. Pulling her body closer into mine, I agree totally with the wise words. Wish it would stop ringing too. Just need a few more hours’ sleep.

“Mmhmm, yeah, turn it off.” The moment the words leave my lips, my eyes spring open and I’m looking straight into a set of panicked ones. Even when she is about to freak the fuck out, they are still the most stunning eyes I’ve seen. The ringtone stops and neither of us are moving; it’s like we’re frozen in place, and no one is about to admit the position we’re in right now.

“Jordan…” Her whisper is begging for the answer of what she’s already panicking about. “What happened… um, why am I…?”

I can feel her body already tensing like she’s going to pull away from me at any moment.

In our sleep we’ve moved, and waking up this morning, I’m flat on my back with Nat snuggled nice and tight at my side. Her head is on my chest with her gorgeous brown hair all fanned out over her back. Our legs are intertwined, and the way she is looking up at me now, our lips aren’t far from each other. In fact, if I just lean down that little few inches, we would be right back where we started this weekend. As much as I want that, there is no way I’m putting myself in that position again.

“Don’t panic. Nothing happened. You were drunk, so I’m guessing you don’t remember, but you just changed beds during the night, and I didn’t want to wake you.” Go with the denial defense, it’s just easier.