Page 45 of Defining Us

“Does it matter?” I think he hides a sweetness that no one else gets to see. I look up into Chase’s eyes. He’s obviously just concerned about me.

“Yeah, because I don’t want my eyes clawed out tonight by the girl squad that Stacey has following her around.”

Bending his large body to sit down next to me on the wall, his knees are almost up around his chin getting this low to the ground.

“Don’t you worry about her. If she behaves, she’ll probably get what she’s after by the end of the night anyway. But you, young Nat, look like you could use a friend. It’s written all over your face that you wish you were anywhere but here right now. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Again, his strong arm is around my shoulders, and it feels kind of nice. Not in an “I want to jump your bones” kind of way, but the comfort of a friend who has my back kind of way.

“Just a bit tired and possibly a little drunk… maybe a smidgin more than a little.” Holding up my fingers, I try to give a small gap between my thumb and first finger. His hand comes down on mine and stretches the gap to a whole lot more than a little.

Letting out a little giggle, I can’t help getting a warm feeling just resting my head on his shoulder. He feels safe in a way I’m not sure I’ve felt before.

“Tell big Loni your troubles, my little hometown girl.” I might be a little drunk, but he is too. Though I’m sure he holds his liquor far better than I do.

“Sure, like I’m going to blurt out all my deepest darkest secrets to the loudest member of the team.” Which brings a loud outburst of laughter from him.

“Oh, come on, don’t I look like I can keep a secret? You know, the big secret that you think no one can see.”

“What?” My fuzzy brain is confused.

“You’re in love with that big superstar, and he is too busy off chasing those blondes, who aren’t worth the effort, let me assure you.”

Trying to act like I don’t know what he is talking about, I know I’m not doing a very good job.

“You don’t have to say a word. The panic on your face tells me everything I need to know. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. But let’s just say he’s a fucking idiot if he lets you walk away. You deserve better than that.”

If only Chase knew, it’s me who’s the idiot, and I can’t blame Jordan for wanting to go bury his rejection someplace else.

“You don’t even know me,” I whisper but loud enough he hears me.

“Yeah, I do, sunshine. You’re like my three sisters. Small-town beauties with a big heart, but they never seem to learn to put that heart first before others. They may think round here that I’m the big, loudmouth guy, but that’s all they choose to see. There is more to Chase Lonigan than that.”

Even in my drunken haze I can tell that. “You’re right, I could use a friend tonight.” I’m fighting back tears that have been on the verge of spilling all night.

“Then I’m your man. Now give me your phone.” He holds his hand out, waiting. I know better than to hand it over to a stranger, yet I do it anyway.

Tapping away on it, I hear a buzz, and he drags his phone out of his pocket, checking it.

“Anytime you need a friend, no matter where you are, I will always be on the other end of this,” he says, shaking my phone in front of my face. I can’t help but smile at the name he has programmed for himself into my phone.


And the text message that follows has me finally losing it.

BIG FOOT: Big Foot, big….

BIG FOOT:Ears, that are great for listening.

“Please tell me I didn’t say that comment about your shoe size out loud before.” I hide my face in my hands.

“Okay, I won’t tell you, but you can guess the answer to the thing you didn’t want me to acknowledge.” His elbowing me in the ribs makes me look up and then die of embarrassment again.

“Ugh. I should have stayed home this weekend.” I knew that before I even left, but I still did it anyway.

“Oh, come on. Then you never would have met me. That makes it worthwhile.”

“I suppose so.” I pretend to look a little confused, even though he knows I’m joking.