Page 95 of Defining Us

I push his name on my phone before I’m even behind the door to my room.

“Pick me up at seven,” is all I say, and he roars with laughter.

“Let me guess, the big macho star walked in and told you to stay away from little old me?” I’m surprised he can even talk through the laughter.

“Nothing little about you, Chase.” I shut myself in the bathroom so Jordan can’t hear me.

“Ain’t that the truth, little darlin’. Now, where are we going tonight on our hot date?”

Crap, what have I done?

“It’s not a date. You know that.” Seeing myself in the mirror, I look like trash. Anger is not good for the complexion, and neither is no sleep.

“Correction, hometown girl. In the big city, when a woman calls me and tells me to pick her up at seven, it means one of two things. A date or a booty call. Now I’m calling it a date, but I’d be very happy to take the second option. I just don’t think lover boy will cope with that. The date is going to kill any chance I have of being on his future Christmas card list, but the booty call might mean I don’t even make it to next Christmas.”

“You are an idiot, you know that, right?” My body is shaking a little now and it’s not from the anger. I’ve dug myself a hole and now I have to get out of it.

“Perhaps, yet you still asked me out on a date. So, I can’t be too bad.”

“I give up, seriously, Chase.” My head drops into my hand, and I try to calm myself down.

“Winner! I’ll be out front of the building at seven, because I actually like my beautiful face the way it is. Normally I would pick you up from the door, but I think we would be really pushing it. I’ve poked the bear enough today.”

“You think? Okay, message me when you’re here and I’ll head down. If I don’t arrive then call the cops because he will have tied me up in the big tower and thrown away the key.”

“And Nat, don’t worry about him, okay. He’ll deal with it, and I’ll take care of you, deep down he knows that. It’s just pure jealousy, which is denting the pride, that’s all.” He pauses for a moment and all the joking has left his voice and the sweet guy I met in college returns. “I’m really looking forward to seeing you.”

Besides the shit fight it will take to get out the door, surprisingly, I’m looking forward to it too.

“Me too.”

“Okay, I’ll let you get ready, and just remember, if he gets too much just pack your bag and stay with me.”

Oh yeah, like that would happen. I’m not that stupid. For my sanity as well as Jordan’s.

“Just don’t be late and that will be enough to impress me.”

“Done. See ya soon, hometown girl.”

“Can you drop that tonight? Otherwise I will call you Big Foot and that will be much harder to explain to people.”

“Happy to tell everyone with a wink, why you call me Big Foot, baby.”

“You never stop, do you.” He might be crazy, but he really does put a smile on my face. Not like the jerk downstairs is right now.

“And that’s why you love me.”

“Cough, cough, sure, that’s it. Bye.” Not giving him a chance to keep it going, I push end and look at myself in the mirror again.

“Well, stupid girl, if you are going out on the town in the Big Apple, you better get yourself a little dolled up.” I roll my eyes at my reflection in the mirror, knowing that having packed in such a hurry, I only threw one dress and pair of shoes in my bag. Which is going to be a little problematic because my subconscious at the time was thinking I would be wearing it out with Jordan and Sasha and wanted to keep up with the supermodel. And perhaps spark the jealous streak in Jordan, that I now know is very close to the surface anyway.

“Oh well, the jealously part is going to be right on target. Take that, you fucker!”

* * *

After hiding in my room for a few hours, I’m surprised Jordan hasn’t come busting through the door with more demands. Who knew he could be so heated when it comes to me? It was like I was back in high school when him and Xavier scared off any guy that even looked sideways at me. Lord help them if they attempted to ask me out. Why do brothers do that? Especially ones who are the same age. It’s like they don’t think we can make good choices. I mean, seriously, it’s the twenty-first century. Women have brains and are educated.

Not that it seemed to help me to think like a smart person this afternoon. I put myself in the firing line and loaded the gun. I’m so dumb sometimes, but it’s too late now.