Page 87 of Defining Us

“A sparkling water will be fine, thanks, champagne didn’t end so well last time. In fact, it landed me here.” Nervously I take the glass from him and sit on the edge of the couch. As far away from him as possible. Opposite to us is Sasha and Dani on the other couch. Being too close is not a problem, because the size of these brown leather couches means Jordan could lay his six-foot-four body down and still not reach the end. I’m guessing that’s the point.

“Well, cheers to the champagne that got you finally visiting us here in the Big Apple.” Sasha holds out her glass and we all raise ours to toast to that. Except Jordan who is grumbling as our glasses all touch.

“Hey, without the shoulder issue would have been a better option, but yes, cheers to you being here, Nat.”

“You’re pathetic,” Dani says with a laugh. Suck it up, princess, and get on with getting strong again.” Then she turns back to me. “Right, now about these stories. Start spilling, woman, we’ve got all night.”

“Ughh,” Jordan groans. “Maybe you being here isn’t such a smart idea after all. I’m sure I’m about to regret it.” Jordan rolling his eyes and taking another mouthful of his beer has us all laughing.

* * *

For all my fear of meeting Sasha, she is nothing like I imagined. Don’t get me wrong, her being married to Jordan still hurts… a lot. But I can see why he’s with her. She is down to earth and not as pretentious as she looks. Their home here really is a place they can be themselves away from the flashes of the cameras and the reporters and fans.

“And that is how he finally passed his driver’s test,” I say. Everyone is in stiches laughing, with Jordan trying to make it all sound better but failing miserably.

The exhaustion of today finally catching up with me, I yawn, feeling like I could shut my eyes at any moment.

“Sorry, I need to head to bed. It’s been a big day and I’m fading fast.” Standing, I stretch my legs that have been curled up underneath me. It didn’t take me long to feel comfortable enough to sag back into the couch and settle in for the night of talking and laughter.

“I’ll walk you up.” Jordan stands next to me.

“Don’t be silly, I’m a big girl. See you all in the morning.” Heading for the stairs, Sasha calls out from behind me.

“I’m really glad you’re here, Nat. I have a feeling we will become best friends. Sleep well.” Smiling at them all, I don’t think I can stretch our friendship that far, but I’m sure we can be friends of some sort. Gone is the hatred, and left in its wake is just pure jealousy that she has what I can’t have.

Walking the hall, I realize I can do this. Be here and get Jordan back to one hundred percent and strengthen this friendship with him and the girls. Maybe this is what I need to move on. This could be the closure I have needed all along, learning to navigate Jordan as a friend instead of my soul mate.

Crawling into bed in my unicorn pajamas, I can’t help but giggle. What twenty-eight-year-old woman still wears unicorns? If I had more time when I was packing, I would have picked something else, but instead, I just picked up the ones that were still on my bed from the night before. I’ll just have to make sure no one sees me in them. Doubt they’re the type of things that Sasha would wear. Hers are probably some silky lace numbers that make her look sexy as hell.

Stop it. Don’t even think about that.

Picking up my phone off the nightstand, it lights up, showing me a missed call from Xavier and fifteen missed calls from Zara, eleven text messages, and two voice messages. Shit, I was so preoccupied I left my phone in my room. Xavier is not a problem because he would have just messaged Jordan and then went on with his night. To him, this is just me helping Jordan out.

Zara, that’s a different matter.

She will want to kill me, the same as I would have if the tables were turned. It’s too late to call her back, but I can’t help but scroll through the messages, laughing to myself.

Zara:Xavier told me about the jet! WTH! Pity mile-high club is off the table… or is it?

Zara:Did you arrive at Jordan’s okay, what’s the apartment like?

Zara:Are you still alive? Please tell me he hasn’t kidnapped you to some tropical island somewhere! Oh, maybe that could work!!

Zara:Hope you aren’t wearing your Nana undies lol

Zara:Okay, now you’re worrying me. Please call me.

Zara:Bitch, you better answer me or I’m sending out the search team.

Zara:Right, that’s it, I’m sending worse than a search team. I’m sending Grant!

Zara:The only excuse better be that he has you tied up in the best possible way!

Zara:I know, not funny, you know, married and all, but was hoping it would at least get me a reply!!!!!! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE??

Zara:That’s it, we aren’t friends anymore. You killed me. I had to pretend to talk to Xavier about a training session that I supposedly need. He informs me you arrived safely and are sitting having drinks with Jordan and SASHA!! WTF woman, why aren’t you calling me to save you? Oh, that’s right, you have gone radio silent. So not only do I have to train with the hard-ass in the morning just to get your gossip, but I will not be able to sleep knowing you had to put up with a night with the man-stealer!! Call me tomorrow, bitch, or I will come there and stab you myself. Have to go, Grant is hovering and mumbling something about calming the savage woman in his apartment who needs a good pounding! Yes, at least the stress was worth this, hehe. Love you xx

PS You suck, you know I hate typing long text messages.