Page 82 of Defining Us

“It’s a lunch with Alesha’s family to sort out some wedding plans. I said I would be there to support Xavier. You know, from the crazy mother-in-law, Sophia.” I pull my standby sports coat out of the closet at the front door. “Man, I can’t wait to get my favorite coat back from Nat’s place while I’m there. This one isn’t as comfy.”

The chime on my phone alerts me that my town car is here. I didn’t want to worry about driving, so that way I can get to the private airport and jump on the jet. Yeah, a bit extravagant but worth it to get straight home for the lunch and back again today, plus not having to mix with the public. I don’t have the energy or patience right now. My shoulder is still aching, so I want to be able to get up and walk around during the flight, with no questions from anyone or videos that end up on social media. So far, I’ve managed to limp through this week and not had anyone notice. The game yesterday didn’t call for much from me and they wanted to give the rookie a couple of plays on the field to see how he copes under pressure. Coach is blooding him in slowly. The team we were playing was weak and the win was an easy one.

“How did you manage to leave your coat at Nat’s house?” Sasha asks as she hands me the small bag I grabbed to take a present to Alesha’s niece and nephews. When they showed little Samuel a game with me playing on the television, he got excited about football. So of course, I got him a jersey and a football. A soft mascot for baby Thomas and one of the little girl shirts for Sophia. Not sure she’ll care but I wanted to include her too.

“Left her place in a hurry and didn’t have a chance to go back. Anyway, I better run, don’t want to keep the car waiting.” Leaning forward, I give her a hug, then I’m straight out the door. I wasn’t in the mood for any more questions.

Today is going to be a big day. I haven’t heard one thing from Nat since last weekend. Not that I’m surprised. I totally freaked her out and pushed her to finally think about us. Was it the right thing to do? Well, we’re about to find out today when she has to see me again.

I used this week to really organize my mind and what I need to do.

Today is the beginning of what I hope will be finally sorting this shitshow out.

* * *

“We will see you later this afternoon, Mr. Brandon. We are due to fly out at six-thirty pm.” John, the cabin crew member, acknowledges me as I’m leaving the plane.

“Thanks, John, I’ll make sure I’m back in plenty of time.” I walk down the stairs to Xavier’s car. He drove out to pick me up with Alesha and Kane. I figured I won’t need a car unless things go south at the lunch with Nat, and I have to leave. I’ll deal with that if it happens. She is the only person who can get behind the tough barrier that I show the rest of the world. Nat has the power to wound me without even trying. I have never let anyone else get close enough to give them that control over my heart.

That stops today. I’m done with waiting.

I’m taking the control back.

The drive to Zach’s place, Alesha’s brother’s farm, is giving me time to sort out my words. Not that I need to decide what to say. I have been going over this for a week now. I just hope today comes together the way I plan it will. Everyone else in the car is talking, but I’m just agreeing with most things and not really paying attention.

Pulling into the drive, the house looks stunning. It’s one of those old farmhouses that tell the story of family and living the good life. From what Xavier has been telling me, it took a lot of time to restore the place after Zach bought it. But from the outside I can tell he did an amazing job.

There are a few cars parked by the garage. I can see Nat’s car parked to the side. I was worried she might pull the sick card again, like she has many times before, but I’m not giving up seeing her today. I would’ve just gone and got her. She can run but she can’t hide. She has done that for too long and I’ve let her. Enough is enough, and we need to sort this out once and for all.

“Daddy, Daddy, that man, the football man is here.” I hear the excited screaming from who I’m guessing is Samuel. I follow the noise of all the adults laughing at that statement.

“Hey, how come I don’t get that sort of reception when I arrive here, Sammy?” Xavier asks from beside me while we watch the little boy running flat out at me, with his sister in tow. She’s sort of running, adding in a few skips every few steps. A cuter sight I haven’t seen in a long time.

Before I even get time to take a few steps, the little bombshell takes a flying leap, and luckily, I drop my bag in time to catch him. Instinct is to use both hands, but my brain kicks in quick enough, and I just catch him with my good arm.

Still, the impact is enough to make me wince a little. No game-day padding makes it harder to protect my injury.

Looking up to where everyone is cheering my catch of the wild child, I spot those brown eyes. The ones that floor me every time. Although she doesn’t look excited to see me; instead, there is an expression I wasn’t expecting. One of concern. Her eyes drop to my shoulder and back again.

“You okay?” she mouths at me.

I am now that I can see you, and know, that no matter how angry you are at me, you still care.

Giving her a smile and nod, she just nods to me too and then disappears inside the house.

Okay, it’s a start. I need to get over there and settle in before I find the right time to talk to her.

I was totally ignoring poor Samuel who had been talking nonstop since he launched himself at me. Bending down to grab my bag, I place him down on the ground.

“Well, hello there, you two. I’m Jordan, and you must be Samuel and Sophia.” I put out my hand to shake theirs which has the little girl giggling.

“You can call me Sammy, everyone else does.” He’s bouncing on his toes. Boy, this kid has some energy. His poor parents.

“Okay, well, Sammy it is then. Now someone told me that you both saw me on the television.” They both nod their heads up and down.

Xavier says, “I showed them the ugly, lazy guy on the field who only walks out there, passes the ball, and then sits down again.” I look up at Xavier and Luke who I met once before.

“Hey, Luke, nice to see you again. And this guy, don’t listen to a word he says. It’s all just jealousy. He wishes he was on TV too.” The kids both giggle again, and Luke shakes my hand I had reached out with.