Page 75 of Defining Us

Yet she accepted me anyway.

I’m grateful to have Sasha in my life, and what we have together works for us.

Now it’s time to go punish myself and lie down on the bed, with the frozen peas to soothe the injury.

Or perhaps I should be using them to shrivel up my cock that’s going to look like a tent pole all night.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Have my years of pining over this woman, now tucked up beside me on her soft comfy bed, led me to being so overprotective that this injury could now jeopardize my career?

But if anyone asked me if I had a choice of dropping Nat or stopping my injury from happening?

I would hands down choose Nat every fucking time!

Stupid question.



My head hurts… a lot.

What was I thinking last night?

Well, I think the tiny jackhammer running in my head when I haven’t even moved or opened my eyes yet proves there was no rational thought happening with each glass I consumed.

I roll onto my side and pull the blanket with me. Maybe if I sleep a little longer this headache will go away. Nuzzling into his armpit and the comfort of his arm pulling me close helps it settle a little.

Wait… WTF! Where the hell am I and who am I lying on? Even though I’m in full panic mode I’m too scared to open my eyes. What did I do last night?

Surely my brother wouldn’t have let me go out without him if I was that drunk that I can’t remember.

My heart is like a drum roll in my chest. I’m breathing fast like a freight train, and it’s what has me slowly opening one eye.

Before I’ve lifted my eyelid, I’ve worked it out. Breathing so fast I sucked in so much air from around me, the scent is a dead giveaway. I know that smell. The mixture of aftershave and man, but not just any man.


I would know that smell anywhere.

It smells like home.

Well, not my actual home, but my metaphorical home. The only time I have ever felt like I belonged in someone’s arms.

What have I done? God, please tell me I didn’t sleep with him and become the cheating whore-bag who is going to ruin his marriage. With both my eyes fully open now, my heart slows down to a flutter instead. You know the one you get when that special person is in the room or so close you can’t help but react to them. My head is screaming at me that I have messed everything up, but my heart is still reaching out and wants me to snuggle in tighter just to savor the moment.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Seriously!

Trying to slowly pull away, I feel a bit of relief when my brain starts to kick in. I realize the tightness across my chest is not from the panic but instead that I still have my bra and panties on from last night. Christ, at least I’m not naked, my sleep shirt covering me.

Wait, how did I get this on?

I have so many questions, not enough answers, too much confusion, and one killer hangover headache that is making me feel like I want puke every time I try to move farther away from Jordan. It’s like his damn strong arm is glued to me like a magnet. Every inch I slide away it just keeps pulling me back in.

I don’t want to wake him and suffer the embarrassment. I know the look that will be written all over his face.
