Page 70 of Defining Us

Standing in front of Xavier’s door, I can hardly function. I know once I open it, there’s no going back. I’ve got to be ready to put on my friendly poker face.

I can do this!

Well, so I’ve been telling myself for the last three hours while I changed my outfit thirteen times. That unlucky number should have told me the disaster that tonight is going to be. I went from jeans to pants, then I tried a skirt and felt like it was a job interview. A few dresses made the cut, but in the end, I settled on an old favorite. One that I feel comfortable in, which should give me one less thing to freak out about. It’s just a long-sleeved dress, gray with silver thread through it, scoop neckline and fitted all over. It’s super stretchy, hence the comfort factor. Oh, and it may just show off my toned body too, but that’s a bonus. It’s cold outside so I paired it with my black knee-high boots and black tights. Of course, I needed a trench coat for the drive over. I was borderline as to whether I should even be driving so I played it safe and took an Uber.

Thinking about the fact that I’ve had three tequila shots before I even left my apartment—for courage—it was definitely the right decision. Damn you, Lilly, for leaving the tequila at my place last girls’ night. Obviously, I can’t be trusted. I don’t normally drink and certainly not on my own, but I just couldn’t calm my nerves. Having dinner with Jordan tonight is overwhelming to say the least.

I take a few deep breaths and spray my mouth freshener again for the tenth time, trying to hide the smell of the alcohol.

Knocking on the door, I realize I’ve already fucked up. I never knock. I have a key, and Xavier is going to think it’s super weird that I’m standing here waiting for him to open up.

Thinking quickly on my feet, I have it all sorted in my head by the time I hear the rattle of the handle and the door starts being pulled back.

“Nat, I thought it was Jordan. Why didn’t you let yourself in?” I run over my words in my head again before I just blurt it out.

“I forgot my key, plus I need to stop doing that. Who knows what you and Alesha are up to? I can’t just burst in. I mean, you might be having sex here on the couch.” Yep, way to keep the answer simple and not embarrass anyone, including myself.

“Wow, okay, Nat. I get the picture, and yes, maybe it’s a good idea you don’t use that key anymore. I mean, we’ve already christened the couch, but you never know.” Xavier starts laughing to himself as Alesha comes from the kitchen. Stupidly I’m the one with the pink cheeks from embarrassment.

“Do I want to know what he said?” Alesha asks me as she comes in for a hug.

“Not at all.” I look over her shoulder during the welcome embrace. “Where is everyone?” Scanning the room, I notice I’m the first to arrive.

“Kane just messaged and he’ll be down any minute. Lilly is running late which is actually normal timing in her eyes, and Jordan has just left his hotel so should be here in about fifteen minutes or so.” That should make me feel better that I have a bit of time, but instead it just ties my stomach in a few more knots.

“Do you want a drink?” Alesha offers, and I should say no, but I just can’t seem to get the word out of my mouth before, “Yes, thanks,” is falling from my lips.

“Xavier got a little excited, as per usual. You know we have enough food in the kitchen to feed the whole building, as well as the alcohol stash being as much as any good bar would hold. So, he’s in charge of the champagne for the girls tonight.”

Great, just what I need, more alcohol that comes in the form of bubbles of stupidity. That’s definitely going to help me keep putting my foot in my mouth.

Taking my first sip as Kane arrives, I can already tell I need to sit before the champagne hits me. Finding the armchair so I can make sure I have personal space for the night, I place my butt in the seat. I want to zip my boots off and curl up my legs under me, but I’m trying to stay composed and look like I’m under control.

The guys are catching up and I can hear Alesha buzzing around in the kitchen, even though Xavier is the better cook between the two of them. He enjoys it, and I don’t blame her for letting him take the reins in the kitchen. I mean, if I had a man who was happy to cook for me every night, I’d be taking full advantage of it too.

I can’t help myself, I’m constantly watching the clock on the wall. There are about three minutes left until we should expect Jordan. The way my stomach is doing somersaults, I’m not sure if it’s the panic of his impending arrival, the excitement of seeing him that I don’t want to admit to, or if it’s just plain and simple the amount I have had to drink so far.

Maybe I should just excuse myself to the bathroom and then stay in there for the next thirty minutes, telling them I don’t feel well.

Closing my eyes and laying my head back on the couch, I take big slow breaths. Seriously, I need to get my life together. For fuck’s sake, I’m not a kid anymore. Time to grow and deal with Jordan one way or another.

Finally, my stomach is taking a much-needed break from its gymnastic routine—just as the knock on the door sets it straight back off again.

I wish I could believe it’s Lilly arriving, but history tells me I’d be fooling myself. That woman works on Lilly time, which always allows for the grand entrance.

Jordan’s voice wafting in from past the door as Xavier opens it tells me what I already knew.

Okay, pull yourself together, it’s showtime.

“Hey, man, sorry I’m late, getting a taxi was ridiculous. Obviously been living in New York too long when you expect them on every corner.” That smooth rasp has my heart racing.

“Hey, buddy, come in, come in. You’re not late at all unless Lilly beats you here, and then you know you suck at being on time.” Xavier laughs to himself as he opens the door and ushers Jordan in.

Kane puts his hand out to Jordan, and they embrace in a man hug. Having met a few times now and bonding, they’ve now become good friends too.

“Brain still working in there?” Kane asks as he ruffles Jordan’s hair. “I missed the game but saw the highlights. That was one hell of a hit you took.”

“Nothing I haven’t had before, but yeah, I’m feeling fine. Not much that can take the wind out of me.” Jordan releases Kane and stares straight at me.