Page 61 of Defining Us

Big Foot:Come on, hometown girl. You know me better than that. Just checking in. How you are?

Natalie:See, now you make me feel bad for being mean?

Big Foot:Good! Now tell me what you’re up to.

Natalie:Same as you, probably. Just watching the draft. Seeing who the new linebacker for the Lions will be.

Big Foot:Ooohh nasty. But to be honest, I’m waiting to see who the new quarterback is going to be. It’s been kept hushed until now.

Natalie:Wait, what the hell!

Natalie:Where is Jordan going, is he injured?

Natalie:I can’t believe they are getting rid of him.

Natalie:How is he? Is he pissed or coping with it?

Natalie:Xavier is going to have a meltdown when I tell him. Can’t believe Jordan didn’t tell him!

Big Foot:Oh, you are too easy. Seriously, Nat, you think the Lions are that stupid? Don’t panic, lover boy is fine and nice and comfy in his Lions jersey.

Natalie:Not my lover boy, remember! He’s Sasha’s.

Big Foot:Whatever. That’s as believable as you being my lover girl.

Natalie:Pfft, you wouldn’t know what to do with me.

Big Foot:You’ve never given me a chance to try.

Natalie:Stop it, you, no joking around now. Serious business is on in front of us.

Big Foot:Since you’ve known me, when have I ever been serious?

Natalie:Valid point!

Big Foot:Been up to anything interesting? Any hot dates or sleepovers? ;)

Natalie:Like I’d tell you. You’d just go stalk them on social media and give me your unwanted opinion anyway. There may have been some but no names for you.

Natalie:I’ve just been working hard, well, working my clients hard. That’s the joy of being a trainer. I get to inflict the pain on others.

Big Foot:Stop talking dirty to me.

Natalie:OMG stop it! What about you? Who’s the current girl of the week?

Big Foot:I’m sure you’ve seen it over social media anyway. Drives me insane. They wonder why we can never find a girlfriend if every first date is everyone else’s business.

Natalie:You love it! Don’t deny it. The limelight and the constant attention.

Big Foot:Oh wow, how can you say such a thing?

Natalie:Because I know it’s true. You love the variety of women.

Big Foot:Well, we can’t all be serious like lover boy and get married—to the wrong woman, I might add.

Natalie:You promised not to go there. Remember, that’s on the blacklist of topics.

Big Foot:Yeah, yeah. He’s still a dick in my eyes. Just sayin!