Page 60 of Defining Us

“Look at you, it’s already begun, Mr. Superstar Quarterback. Go and do your duty and smile nicely for the camera in your suit and tie. I love that color, it’s my favorite.”

“I know,” he says before pausing. “Got to go, Nat. Please keep in touch. I love hearing from you occasionally, not just from your ugly brother.”

“I’ll tell him you said that,” is all I say so I don’t really have to answer him.

“Don’t worry, he already knows he’s the ugly one and you’re the beautiful one. I’ve told him before.”

“I’m sure he loved hearing that… not. Train hard, Jordan, and show them what you’re made of. Congrats again and can’t wait to watch you run out in your first game. You better go.”

I hear his name being called again.

“Yeah, they’re getting antsy waiting for me. Thanks for your well wishes and congratulations. Means a lot. And I meant what I said. Keep in touch. I’d rather hear about your life from you, instead of Xavier or damn Lonigan.” His voice is almost a growl by the end.

“I’ll try. Now go. You don’t want to get into trouble on your first day. Goodbye, Jordan.”

“Very funny. Talk soon. See you, Nat, stay safe.” With that he’s gone, and I’m left in the middle of field at our old high school where I have no idea how far I walked. I stare up at the sky, looking up at the stars and knowing Jordan has his dream at last, and everything I’ve done and all the hurt were worth it.

And I know that I finally have to work out what my dream is and move on without Jordan.

It was never meant to be.

“Nat, are you even paying attention to me, or are you just too busy stuffing your face with pizza?” Xavier’s voice snaps me out of my memory and back to concentrate on the current year’s draft. That memory was like a lifetime ago. Jordan is now one of the biggest quarterbacks in the NFL. Way out of my league.

“Well, if you said any words that were worth listening to then you might keep my attention on you,” I say, trying to hide the fact I have no idea what he said to me.

“See the crap I have to put up with, Kane? This happens on a daily basis.” He’s complaining but with the biggest smirk on his face.

“I bet. That’s why you’re in business together and see each other every day, then choose to spend the nights together too. Because Nat is so painful to be around.” Kane rolls his eyes and jokes, as he and I tap our beers together.

“You aren’t supposed to take her side, asshole. You’re my friend, remember.” Xavier chucks a scrunched-up napkin across the room at us.

The conversation now ceases as the commentator walks onto the stage and the picks are about to start.

Serious Xavier enters the room, and he’s ready to spout all his knowledge to Kane, and I can tell Kane’s ready for it, holding the bucket ready to catch all of Xavier’s word vomit.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like to watch football. I’m a sports lover and I grew up watching Xavier play. Over the years, Xav and I have continued to watch games together, and in the early days, he used to drag me to a bar to watch Jordan play. I’m sure it was so he could impress people by saying he knew Jordan, and then he had me there as a backup to verify his story. I was his wing girl, that’s for sure.

The night goes on as we discuss each pick and if it’s a good move for the team or the player in our opinion—or let’s say in Xavier’s opinion, that Kane then agrees or disagrees with.

I’m sitting back now on the couch eating my chocolate lava cake, which I really didn’t need but I’m eating anyway. Listening to the boys go back and forth on each pick, I just laugh on the inside.

My phone lying on the couch next to me lights up with a message, and I can’t help but smile to myself. The guys are oblivious to what I’m up to.

Big Foot: Remember that one time where Chase Lonigan was traded and became a first-round pick?

Natalie:Who’s he, does he even still play anymore?

Big Foot:Oooohhh I’m shocked. How could you even say that?

Natalie:Because believe it or not, I know that guy, and believe me, he doesn’t need any more encouragement to talk about how good he is.

Big Foot:Everyone needs a big head at times.

Natalie:Ugh, please don’t go there. Boys and their double meanings.

Big Foot:All man here, thanks.

Natalie:Did you actually message me for a grown-up reason, or just to brag about yourself?