Page 6 of Defining Us

“Because drinking alone is irresponsible, and you wouldn’t let a sister down, would you?” I look at her with my big pleading eyes.

Both bursting out laughing, we head down the street toward home, arms linked again. If I had a sister, I imagine this is how we would be together. Sometimes when we’re out together, we get mistaken as being related or sisters. We’re both slim with brown hair, except she’s taller than I am. Those long dancer’s legs were not on the list to be handed out when I was born. Lucky her!

“You know you don’t drink like that, so I know we’re both safe tonight. Anyway, I’ve got my own reasons to drown my sorrows. So, stop being selfish and wait until after I’ve left Grant here, then you can come to New York and we can get drunk together!”

“Deal! Now I’m tired, walk faster. I need sleep. I have an early-morning client, plus a whole day having to listen to Xavier ramble on about Jordan.”

“Wow, now who’s the old lady in this friendship. I might have a weak bladder but at least I stay up later than nine pm.”

I can’t help giggling again and think to myself how lucky I am to have Zara.

“Love you. Who needs enemies when they have friends like you?”

“Beautiful, you’d be lost without me! Remember, stuck like glue.”

“Likewise! Now show me how good a friend you are by telling me how I’m getting out of dinner Saturday night. And don’t you dare say you don’t know, otherwise I will make up some excuse about how I need to look after you because you have really bad food poisoning and can’t get off the toilet.” I smile at her, waiting for it.

She gasps. “You wouldn’t!”

“Watch me, I’m a desperate woman on the edge here. Everyone is fair game.”

“Even me?”

“Even you. Now start giving me ideas!”

Laughing, we are in step heading down the road, when in my head all I can think is, it’s going to be a long few days for my hormones. Lord help me!

How will I be able to sit across from him at the table without wanting him to lay me out on it and remind me what it was like to feel every inch of that body all over me?

I think I’m going to need a shower and a date with my vibrator before I can sleep tonight.

Damn you, Jordan. You didn’t have any trouble moving on and pushing me to the side.

So why can’t I let you go?



Rolling my head slowly back and forth, I can tell it was a close call tonight.

Sitting in my cubicle in the locker room, even the noise around me is annoying, when I can usually tune that shit out.

I’m trying to work out what went wrong out there tonight, and I keep coming back to the same thing over and over again.

I lost my concentration.

I never lose my concentration!

Yet tonight I did, and I don’t even have to guess why. All week in the back of my mind, Nat is there. The vision of her big brown eyes.

Those damn eyes never leave me.

But I should have been able to block them out like I have every other game. So why couldn’t I tonight? I can’t work it out, and that makes my head hurt just as much as the hit.

What I do know, though, is that my lack of focus could have left me hurt pretty badly or cost my team the game. Either outcome would have been a catastrophe. It can’t happen again.

“Brandon, Doc wants to see you in the medical room,” my head trainer yells across the locker room. I knew this would be coming. It’s the post-game evaluation that happens to anyone who’s had a knock to their head. I wish I could blame the smack on the brain for my lack of concentration, but I know that came before I even took the field.