Page 56 of Defining Us

“Okay, let’s do this. You ready?” Nat nods at me, clinging her bag to her chest. We both bail out of the truck and run for cover. For me, I’m just adding to the already-wet clothes, and Nat has wet spots all over my shirt but isn’t too bad.

Walking through the front door, it’s overwhelming in a way. It feels like home to me as much as it does Nat. I spent so much time here growing up. The smells of the kitchen are the same and not a thing has changed. Still the same couch, and the carpet hall runners haven’t aged any worse than since we used to run up and down them as kids like a race track.

“I’ve missed this house.”

“Me too, nothing like being home.” She’s looking up at me.

“I miss the people in it even more.” I don’t want to push her, but I hope she understands I mean her.

“Mmhmm.” It’s all I get as she turns to head into the kitchen. She dumps her wet bag on the table and pulls out her laptop to make sure it’s okay. “I would have killed myself if this got wet. It contains my whole college life on there.”

“Well, the good thing is that it’s dry now, so why don’t you do the same. Go get changed and I’ll wait here.”

“Okay, and I’ll give you this shirt back because it’s not too wet, and maybe Xavier has some shorts you can change into,” she says, talking to me over her shoulder as she’s heading to her bedroom.

“Not likely, these athlete legs are bigger than his.”

“That’s what she said.” I hear her laughing at her own joke as the door closes.

Stripping off my shirt, I set it in the laundry sink so it doesn’t make a mess, when I hear a blood-curdling scream from Nat. My legs have never moved so quickly, busting through her door to see her standing on her bed in just her panties and her hands across her chest trying hard to hide her breasts but falling miserably.

The distraction of her being naked is quickly wiped as she starts pointing and screaming again.

“What the hell are you screaming at?” I’m trying so hard to look where she is pointing and not keep peeking back at all that skin, but it’s dragging my body closer toward it.

“The spider, there, can’t you see it? It’s huge, the big black hairy one!” Her voice hits a shrill high pitch.

Finally, I spot this tiny little spider that is no bigger than my pinky nail.

“What, this one?” Picking up her shoe, I squash it.

“Is it dead, likedeaddead? Where it won’t move anymore, no life?”

“Yes, like its head being squashed through its ass dead. Does that work?” While I’m staring at her on the bed, it’s now dawning on her that she is almost naked and that my shorts are tented to the point I can’t hide it anymore.

Walking to her, I put my hands on her waist, which she can’t do a thing about as her hands are preoccupied.

I lift her down off the bed so she’s standing mere inches away from me.

“Jordan, we can’t do this.” Her whisper tells me she’s only saying that because she believes she should, not because that’s what she wants.

The lust in her eyes and the beautiful pink flush coming onto her body tells me otherwise.

“No one needs to know, just this one time.” Famous last words. They never seem to stick.

As I gently kiss her lips and slowly slide her hands from her chest, there is no fight in her. She wants this as much as I do. “Tell me to stop, Nat.”

The only reply I hear is…

“Just this one time.”



“Tell me to stop, Nat.”

Don’t you understand, Jordan? I can’t. Your touch undoes me. My heart stops and every sensation in my body is on high alert. We aren’t kids anymore. I know I shouldn’t, but I need you, the Jordan I want, the man you’ve become.