Page 4 of Defining Us

“You know why. I couldn’t walk away from my dream, not until I at least tried to reach it. But now it’s game on.”

Both of us go a little quiet.

The words are spinning in my head.

It’s a different scenario but the exact same reason.

I had to at least let him try to live his dream.

The difference between mine and Zara’s situation, though, is just one big fat word.


The moment Jordan slipped that wedding ring on his finger, my fantasies became nothing more than just that. A life that can only be lived in my head. It’s not like I can do anything about it now. Even if I changed my mind, which I definitely haven’t—well,maybeI haven’t. Anyway, it’s too late now.

She’s got him, and all I’ve got is memories.

* * *

“Why did you let me eat so much at dinner? There is no way I’ll be able to rehearse tomorrow.” Walking along the street, Zara hooks her arm into mine.

“Right, like you ate sooooo much. I ate twice the amount you did. You should be rolling me down the street from the size of that steak. I should have just stuck to the salmon like you did.”

Jergen Street on a Thursday night is always so busy with people out for a good time, happy they have almost survived the week and looking to catch up with friends and getting in the mood, ready to party away the weekend. It’s the place to be. The restaurants are mixed in between the bars that range from the quieter ones, for that intimate moment, dim lights and tables for two. And then there are the louder sports bars that will be packed tonight to watch the game. Including the Grand Hotel up ahead where I can already hear the cheering seeping out the doors at the front.

“Can we stop in at the bar? I need to use the bathroom and I’m not going to make it home.” Zara looks at me pleadingly.

“Seriously, for someone who has the strongest core muscles I know, you have the weakest bladder.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll only be a minute. Come on.” My arm is getting pulled with her toward the door, and I have no choice unless I want to stand outside and look like a real loner. “You know the girl code. You always need a friend to find the bathroom with.”

“Seriously, what are we, in junior high again?” I mumble as we continue toward the door of the hotel.

“God, I hope not, I hated school. I only ever turned up so I could dance and perv on the hot guys. That academic stuff was not for me.”

“Shut up, says the girl who finished school with an A-plus average, plus danced like a professional.” I nudge her in the side.

“Less talking, more walking. I’m bursting.” Zara’s face is one of concentration now.

The doorman pointing us in the right direction, Zara slips off to the back of the room while I stand near the bar just waiting, trying to just blend in. Not that it’s that hard, because most eyes are on the big screens all around the room that are playing tonight’s big game. I don’t need to watch it, because I know Xavier will be reliving the game Saturday night with Jordan at dinner. It will be a complete blow-by-blow description.

Looking around, my eyes catch the name running across the bottom of the screen.

Jordan Brandon taking the field for New York Lions.

The cheers in the bar get louder as he runs onto the field.

One thing is certain, he got his dream and then some. He’s one of the most popular players in the league and I’m guessing one of the highest paid.

None of that means anything to me, though.

He’s still just my Jordan.

And man, that guy has a seriously hot ass in those pants.

Not that I’m looking… well, not really, kind of… okay, not my fault that my eyes can’t look away.

My legs clench a little tighter together, my panties already wet just at the sight of him.