Page 35 of Defining Us

It’s been two years so surely everything will be fine. Jordan will have forgotten that night, and judging by some of the stories that Xavier loves to share, Jordan has moved on without any problems. Not sure if my brother, who seems to be oblivious to most things, has even noticed that I don’t want to hear the stories, because they just keep coming.

I can’t be upset, though, because it’s what I wanted for Jordan. To experience and live the life of a college football star. Whatever that means.

My life hasn’t been much different to my high school days. Xavier still drags me out to parties I don’t want to be at. Meeting guys who are after more than I want to give them and listening to girls fall for my brother like he’s going to be the man they marry, laughing to myself, knowing full well that it will never happen. Xavier I’m sure will be the eternal playboy. Settling down for marriage and kids? I just can’t see it.

Throwing some clothes in an overnight bag along with my laptop and some books, I’m almost ready when Jenny from the room next door comes bouncing into my room.

“I saw Xavier leaving before. Are you two coming to the party at the Omega frat house tonight? It’ll be great if we could all go together.” What she’s really asking is if she can tag along with me to get closer to Xavier. She’s a first-year student who’s had a crush on him since the day she moved in.

“Sorry, Jen, we’re off to see a friend of ours play football. Maybe next time.” The look of disappointment on her face is priceless. “You should still go, though, I’m sure you’ll have a fun time. Might even find yourself a hot guy for the night. I hear the hockey team will be there,” I say, trying not to giggle.

“Ugh, you know that doesn’t appeal to me. Most of them are so cocky that it’s such a turn-off.”

“Then what the hell do you see in my brother? He is one of the cockiest guys I know. I’m not sure how we are even related.” I watch the fake look of shock on her face.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Nat. Xavier is just a friend, he’s your brother. That’s all.” She fidgets from one foot to the other.

“Mmhmm, if you say so.” Throwing my pjs into my bag, I’m about to zip it up, but before I swing it onto my shoulder, my eyes hesitate over the top of my closet. At the back of it is the jersey Jordan sent me the first week he arrived on campus. His name and number across the back. There was no card or message, but I guess the jersey was enough of a message. He wanted me walking around with his name on my back. I don’t know if it was meant to keep reminding me of him or to try to keep the other guys on my campus away from me. Neither thing matters because I’ve never worn it. It just lives in the top of my closet with his blanket that I can’t ever get rid of. Sometimes on the lonely nights I’ll get it down and snuggle up with it. At first, I could still smell him as clear as anything, but over time, that has faded, and like everything, just the memories of what it means remain.

The door to my room starts to open, and hearing Xavier’s voice outside talking to someone, Jenny’s face immediately whips around to face the door. I make the quick decision to grab my jersey and throw it in my bag. Just because I have it with me doesn’t mean I have to wear it.

The voices stop as Xavier bounds into the room wearing his jersey that Jordan also sent him. His is a bit faded and worn in, compared to mine that still has the tag attached.

“You better be ready—oh, hi, Jenny. Didn’t see you there. How’s your day been?” The flush creeps up Jenny’s face as she tries to answer him. Surely my brother is not that stupid that he can’t see the poor girl falls to pieces whenever he’s nearby.

“Umm, good, thanks. Sorry, I’d better go so you can leave.” With that she is out the door and I hear the door to her room bang shut behind her.

“That poor girl almost crawls under the bed whenever you turn up.” I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder.

“I can’t help that my hot body does that to her. She’s sweet but not for me,” he says, ushering me through the door.

“Oh my God, you are so full of yourself. Can you just pass me the barf bag now? I’m not sure I can last a long road trip with you and your giant ego.” I smack his chest as I pass, and he locks my room door before we head for the parking lot. “Let’s take my car, it’ll be comfier,” I try, knowing I don’t have a chance.

“Nice try, Sis, but we’re taking my truck, that way I get to choose the music.”

He opens my door for me, and I climb in before I drop the great news.

“Fine, your music,” I say. He’s smiling to himself as he runs around the truck and jumps in his side. “But I get to choose the topics we’re studying along the way.”

“Wait, what!” He spins to look at me. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“Well, if I can’t study, I can’t come, simple as that. And if I’m studying, then I’m sure as shit not the only one. You may as well get some benefit too since you try to avoid this at every possible turn—like leaving town a week before finals.” I know I’ve got him cornered, and the satisfaction is great.

“Ugh! Fine, you win. But I’m not doing it the whole trip. You’ll drive me insane.” Xavier starts the truck and reverses out of the spot.

Yes! I’ve got him right where I want him.

“Okay, I can live with that. We do thirty minutes on then thirty minutes off the whole way there.”

“Are you serious? How about we do thirty minutes and then that’s it for the rest of the trip. That sounds like a better option.” He looks at me like a little kid with his big eyes.

“For you, maybe, but that won’t do anything to help either of us. So, you can let me out here if you want.”

“Oh my God, you drive a hard bargain. Alright, you win, but at least give me time to get on the highway first.” I smile to myself, but he then continues to mumble, “He better thank me for this later.”

“What did you say?” He looks at me with innocence like it all meant nothing. Shit, does Xavier know? Did Jordan say something to him? My heart’s beating so hard I’m sure Xavier will be able to hear it.

“I said he better thank me for this later.” He’s looking at me strangely now, like I’m asking him to explain something that’s obvious.