Page 22 of Defining Us

My face is flushed, I can feel the heat rising up my neck. I just can’t tell if it’s from the embarrassment or the attention from Jordan that I’m trying to ignore. His statement is more than a side comment to wind my brother up and we both know it. Needing to defuse this and divert the attention off me, I do the only thing I can and deflect. “Yes, and I wouldn’t waste my time on any of you losers!” My palms are sweaty, and my body is vibrating trying to look all confident when I’m far from it.

“Oh, burn!” one of the hockey boys yells from the other corner of the room, and everyone erupts in laughter and goes back to their conversations.

Dropping my head, I know Jordan is still looking at me, I can feel the intensity.

“Sorry, Nat, I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Selena whispers quietly. Of all the girls she is the one I’m closest too. I think underneath her act, she’s not as superficial as she appears when around the rest of the cheer squad.

Maybe that’s what high school is all about, learning when it’s time to break free from the skin that you have been carrying around for most of your teens, just trying to fit into the crowd. I bet if we really dug deep, most people in this room aren’t really the person that we all see them as.

Me included.

“Not your fault, I should have been a little quieter. No harm. It’s not like it’s news that I’m single.” The truth is that none of them would realize that I’ve been single my whole life, because they only started being friends with me in the last two years when I made the cheer squad.

Of course, unless you count Bobby Thorley who called me his girlfriend in first grade because I held his hand when we had to walk to the library as a class. I mean, he was kinda cute back then, and he would share his teddy biscuits with me every day. What more does a girl need?

Talissa, who hates when the attention has moved off her, starts talking about the party again, her outfit, who she’s going with, and where she is getting her alcohol from.

The old saying of “saved by the bell” is exactly what happens. I’m not sure I can handle being in this room much longer. Thank goodness I only have one more class and then I can crawl into my bed when I get home and binge-watch something on Netflix while I devour the tub of toffee ice cream hidden from Xavier in the freezer.

Standing at my locker, I quickly grab my books, listening to the noise of the locker doors banging and everyone jostling to squeeze past on their way to class. It’s surreal that it’s nearly over.

I’m about to shut my locker when I sense someone behind the door. Looking down, I see big size-thirteen shoes on the ground. No prizes for guessing who is behind door number one.

I slam the door like I’m in a hurry.

“Got to run, Jordan, late for class.” As I try to move, he’s smirking at me while he is totally blocking my path.

“Since we’re in the same class, I know you have time to talk to me.” Leaning against the locker next me, he looks like a model, just staring at me.

“Fine, well, get on with it then, you know I hate being late and having to sit near some random.”

“Let me take you to the party.” The soft words coming out of his mouth take all the sass out of my sails.

I want to jump up and down, running down the hallway high-fiving people, screaming out “Jordan Brandon, my high school crush and the hottest guy in school, just asked me out,”but of course, that is just a dream, and this is reality.

“Thanks, Jordan, but I don’t need a pity date. I’m sure you have a list as long as your arm of girls to take. Any of them would be a much better option.”

“Fuck, you are so stubborn. You know that’s not what this is, but oh wait, maybe you don’t, because you have refused to talk to me since that night, so how could you possibly know?”

I feel like such an awful person. I have made this whole thing about me and never once considered what Jordan’s point of view is or how he feels. It’s too late now, though, to let down my guard.

“Then you should have gotten the message loud and clear by now. It was a mistake and I’ve totally forgotten about it. I suggest you do the same.” My legs are shaking and my knees are about to buckle when I take my escape and call out to Selena.

“Selena, wait up.” Scooting around Jordan, I leave him leaning on my locker door with his forehead as I take one last look before turning the corner of the corridor to head to class.

Graduation can’t come soon enough.

School finished, party over, and Jordan heading off to training camp.

Far away from me before I do something stupid.

Really, really stupid… like kissing those lips that haunt my dreams every single night.

Jordan Brandon, you are frying my brain.
