Page 16 of Defining Us

“Just remember, they are here to look at every player on the field. Every one of us has the chance today to impress them. So, let’s go out and play the shit out of this game. Show them what we’re made of and that being a Rocklee High Ram means we are the fucking best players they have ever seen!”

The bus erupts with high-fives, back slaps, yelling, and all the encouragement we need to focus on doing this together. I never want to be the kind of guy who thinks he deserves anything more than the guy next to him.

Before I go to sit down so the guys will settle again, I see Nat hold her hands up in front of her chest so only I will notice them. Both hands have fingers crossed and I know she’s trying to tell me in her quiet way that she’s rooting for me today and believes in me.

“You’ve got this,” she mouths to me and then turns and starts chatting to Selena like nothing has happened.

Flopping back into my seat, Xavier slaps me on the thigh.

“Good speech, bro. But we both know they’re here to see you play, and I couldn’t be happier for you. I’m going to be doing everything possible out there today to make your sorry ass look the best it can. Now get those fucking earphones back on and your head in the playbook. Don’t mess up the mojo, man.” Grabbing his phone, I know he’s about to start playing Candy Crush, which all the guys give him shit over, but it’s what works for him.

“Don’t you worry about my mojo, buddy. All the scouts will be doing is checking out my ass in this uniform which is a sight for all to admire. Just ask the cheer squad.”

Xavier’s eyes are rolling at me now; he knows I’m talking crap just trying to distract myself.

We both settle back for the last ten minutes of the trip before it’s time to get our game on, Nat’s words from yesterday echoing in my head.

Tomorrow is going to be the start of your brand-new adventure.

* * *

“Brandon, Coach is looking for you in the corridor,” our assistant coach is yelling at me across the locker room.

All eyes are on me as I stand from the bench I was sitting on, waiting for a shower. The mood is somber in the room after we lost by two points. Not the result any of us wanted. For me, my insides are churning, not knowing what the eyes on me all game thought of my performance. Of course, a win would have been a better look, but let’s hope I’ve done enough.

“Go get em, buddy, just remember this is the first of many scouts,” Xavier quietly says as I start walking away, not making a big fuss in the room but letting me know he has my back if things turn to shit.

Opening the door to the locker room, I find Coach Sampson standing in the corridor with Mike Trenton who I know is the head scout for Syracuse University College. My heart is beating a little fast and the pit of my stomach is churning.

I’m standing here in just my football pants and a towel draped around my neck; I probably should have thrown a shirt on, but it’s the last thing that crossed my mind as I got called for.

“Jordan Brandon, this is Mike Trenton from Syracuse University College who came out to see you play today.” Coach looks as nervous as I am.

I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Trenton, thank you for coming to the game today.”

“Pleasure is all mine, son. We have been watching you for a while from a distance. Even though Coach here sent me some great highlights, you’ve been on my radar for some time.” I gently rest my ass against the wall to steady myself.

“I know you’ll start getting a few offers over the next few games but let me be the first to congratulate you on a great season, and I wanted to let you know that you will be receiving an offer from Syracuse University College for a full football scholarship. I know all the rest of the colleges will be offering all sorts of incentives, but just know that we have the best program of the lot. We want you, and we will do great things for your career.”

This time, instead of my heart racing, the thud in my chest tells me it’s stopped pumping.

I’m in shock from the words that just came out of his mouth.


They want me!

To play college football has been part of my childhood dream that I have never let myself really entertain until now.

Until this moment, when the wordsfull scholarshipleft his mouth.

The fact that he believes I will get more than one offer.

What the actual fuck is happening!

“Jordan.” Coach’s voice bounces around in my head.

“Sorry, sorry, sir, I just…” I’m stumbling over my words.