Page 11 of Defining Us

Yet there are some things that are exactly the same. Like the fact that I’m still hopelessly in love with Natalie Lane.

She’s still in love with me too… it’s just that she gave up on admitting that years ago.

I wish I could go back and change how it all happened, then maybe I wouldn’t be in the mess I’m sitting in now.

Married to one woman and in love with another.

Fuck, how do I fix this?


Ten Years Earlier


One foot in front of the other. Left, right, left, right.

Keep pushing. Don’t show weakness.

My mind is trying to concentrate and get in the zone.

We’re back!

It’s senior year… my final year of school and the most important one so far. It could be the difference between the road to the NFL or a boring desk job that will kill my soul.

Ugh, don’t even think about that. Too depressing.

Keep sucking in the oxygen.

Left, right, left, right.

Time to stop, finally.

“Ten more laps, and you can blame Johnson for that. Less lip and more effort, boys,” Coach Sampson is screaming from the sidelines.

“Fucking Johnson,” Xavier mumbles under his breath beside me as we turn and head back down the field.

My reply is not much more than grunting, because I don’t want to be the next guy blamed for more fitness drills.

A quiet hush falls over the team, and I only hear our feet thumping against the hard field and the panting of the guys who are struggling with their fitness. Too much partying was had by most of the team over the summer, and that includes me.

Today’s the first training run of the year for my last season of high school football.

The year of leading my team as Captain and enjoying the bonuses that come with that title.

I haven’t fluked into this position, but I’m not sure I really deserve it. Sure, my skills are the best in the squad. I can read a game better than half the coaching staff for this team.

But truth be known, my attitude has been shit. Too much partying, not enough studying, and getting up to way too many things that should have gotten me kicked off the team.

If it wasn’t for Coach, Principal Collise would have kicked my sorry ass to the curb a long time ago.

You see, being the star quarterback of not only the school, but my district, has given me an unfair advantage over the other players. Because the school needs me more than they will admit. But Coach tells me they don’t want my cocky attitude anymore, and the reputation of me having more girls hanging off me than any guy can handle is just not a good look for them or for me.

It confuses the shit out of me, because isn’t that what high school is all about? And then college too, from what I’ve heard.

I guess I just pushed the boundaries one too many times.

Coach showed up at my house two weeks ago and asked me to take a drive with him, and I know that will be a moment I look back on in years to come as a major turning point. For the better.