Page 32 of Mister Write

Besides… I’ve wanted to wrap myself in his muscular arms since I saw him standing apprehensively on my front porch. Who cares what anyone thinks of him, or us, or what we’re doing? If this is my chance to be with him, then I’m taking it.

I kiss the inside of his palm, whispering against his skin. “This is crazy, you know that?”

“I wanna be crazy with you,” he stage-whispers back, making me giggle.

Is this really happening?

A man I’ve known—technically lived with—for four weeks is staying here to be with me. No one will believe this story, but it doesn’t make it any less true. It’sourstory and it’s perfect. Nate makes me happy, and I want to take this leap with him.



“Then let’s be crazy together.”

I scooch in closer and smile at him. Instead of replying with words, Nate leans in and presses his lips to mine. It doesn’t matter if we’re here or New York or anywhere else, because as long as I’m kissing this man,I’m home.

His mouth works slowly and gently, silently asking for my forgiveness for what happened. I grant it to him with my parted lips. Our tongues move together as perfectly as they did that first time almost a month ago. And the familiarity of his skin touching mine and his bergamot-sandalwood scent make all other thoughts vanish from my mind. He has my complete focus now.

As if he’s afraid I might disappear, he presses his strong hands against my back, caressing me and tugging me closer. Then he deftly shifts and lies back on the couch, pulling me down with him until I straddle his waist. But I want him to know I’m stronger than I look, and though I forgive him, there are consequences for his actions.

Feeling a swell of confidence as I sit on top of him with my thick thighs holding him in place, I press his wrists to the sofa and roll my hips against his. His expression is full of surprise since he’s usually the one in control. But it quickly morphs into arousal and his cock hardens beneath my ass.

“You didn’t think you’d get off that easy, did you? You still need to make it up to me, Nate.” I tease us both by rubbing my heated core along his length.

His full lips break into a wolfish grin as his body relaxes into the cushions. “I’m happy to oblige with plenty of orgasms, Teddie Bear.”

My heart stutters with adoration upon hearing his pet name for me. “Let’s get this off, shall we?” I lift the hem of his worn cotton t-shirt, rocking back on my ass to give him room to move.

When he sits up, I help him pull his shirt off, leaving his sculpted bare chest on display for me. For all the times I’ve seen him naked, I’ve never allowed myself a moment to stare. So I use this time wisely to visually appreciate his sexy body.

Lightly tanned skin stretches over his hard, smooth pecs. Chiseled abs seemingly carved from stone. A faint trail of dark hair disappearing beneath the waistband of his jeans. I gingerly drag my fingertips across his chest, feeling his heart beat beneath my touch. Running my hand down his stomach, the muscles of his core begin to twitch and flex as if demanding my attention. I take my time, slowly stroking his body, allowing my fingers to dance along his skin. Then I circle his nipples, loosely pinching them between my fingers, simultaneously giving both subtle tugs.

“Fuck, Teddie, where did you learn to do that?” His eyes drift close as he focuses on what he’s feeling.

“Hmmm… you like a little nipple play, huh? I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

His hips buck underneath me, but I still his movements by sinking down and firmly pressing my pussy over his jean-covered dick. “I want you to stop teasing me,” he hisses between clenched teeth.

No, this is too much fun.

Seeing him so responsive to my touch turns me on more than I thought it would. I understand why men find this so appealing. My damp panties cling to my skin as I grind against him, eliciting hushed moans from both of us. When my pussy begins to throb, an ache stirs inside me, and I quickly learn I don’t have the patience to play the long game.

I climb off Nate as carefully as I can, pulling him up to stand with me. He reaches out, but I playfully bat his hands away before I flick open the button of his jeans. I yank them down, taking his boxer briefs too while freeing his thick, rigid cock to bob in my face while I rid him of his clothes and shoes.

Unable to resist, I get a little taste and lick the head before undressing myself. He groans when I tease him, but he keeps his eyes on me as I strip off my shirt and bra, followed by my leggings and panties. We gaze at each other’s naked bodies, the tension growing thick and palpable between us.

I look up at him, my eyelids heavy with lust. “Take me to my room, Nate. It’s time for that make-up sex you owe me.”

He grins as he lunges forward, scooping me up in a bridal carry as if I weigh no more than a feather. I feel sexy and feminine and ready to let him take control. His ravenous gaze scans over me in his arms while he walks us to my room. I yelp when he tosses me onto the mattress, then joins me on the bed and rolls me over him. Once again, he’s got me on top.

He tightly grips my hips while his cock twitches below my slick pussy. “Is it my turn to play now?” He stares at where our bodies come together.

“I’m all yours.”

He glances to my face upon hearing the sincerity in my voice, and he knows I’m talking about more than just sex. “Maybe this isn’t the best time to say it, but the words are still true. I love you, Teddie.”

My heart melts with emotion. “I know everything is happening so fast, but I love you too. I’m happy you’re here with me.” I bend down, needing a kiss to ground me.