Page 15 of Mister Write

My eyes close, and my core spasms at his words. I move against him, fucking myself on his thick cock as wetness drips from my throbbing pussy. His weight bears down on my legs while he plunges his dick deep inside me with short, hard flicks of his hips. Euphoric tears roll from my eyes, and I drag my nails down his back, trying to ground myself to something. My knees are almost to the mattress, and I feel him everywhere, seemingly as desperate to come as I am to see it. Another orgasm stirs in my belly, and I pray he’s close behind me.

Just as my hips rise, my hands find purchase on his muscular forearms, and my climax rips through me, a primal groan escapes his lips as he comes inside me. Tightly gripping my body, he continues fucking me through his release in an almost hypnotic state as he watches his glistening dick glide slowly in and out. I can’t explain it, but I find it so erotic and sexy.

I’m suddenly caught off guard when another orgasm takes me by surprise as I think about Nate’s cum being deep inside me. I’m on birth control, so I’m not worried about that. It’s more about being marked by this insanely gorgeous man and knowing I’m the one who made him lose control.

We stay where we are, my rounded fingernails repeatedly running down his back while he gently rests on top of me like he can’t bear the thought of our bodies separating. I slightly turn my head, once again inhaling the fragrant scent of his bergamot shampoo and spicy sandalwood soap. His fingers stroke the delicate skin of my sides, lulling me into a relaxed state until my legs release from around his hips and fall open to the sides.

My heart rate finally slows, and Nate pulls back, dragging his softened cock through my walls one last time before it pops out of my deliciously sore pussy. I feel his cum dripping out of me, but I can’t be bothered to clean it up. Exhaustion has hit me like a freight train, and I’m no match for the seductive mistress of sleep.

Nate stirs above me, and my arms limply fall onto the bed as my heavy eyelids begin to drift closed.

“Teddie,” he whispers, his tone lacking some of the confidence it held only moments ago. Like he’s afraid to shatter this fragile moment between us. “That was…”

“Awesome,” I slur out, giving into the heaviness setting into my limbs.

He chuckles, warm and rich, and brushes a stray tendril away from my face. “I was going to say something perhaps more poetic. But, yes, that was certainlyawesome.”

The bed shifts, and I focus my vision to see him getting up and walking away. A mix of annoyance and dejection rises in my throat at the sight of his back when he moves to the bathroom door, and I prop myself up on my elbows.

“Where are you going?” I hate how pathetic and immature I sound, but the idea that he would leave immediately after being intimate terrifies me.

He pauses and turns around, seeing my hackles raised, before tilting his head and smiling softly. “I’m just going to get a washcloth. I can’t imaginethat…” His gaze darts down to the sticky mess between my spread legs. “…is all that comfortable.” It’s not the best view from this angle, but it’s enough that I can see him stroke his cock a few times, as if the sight of my cum-filled pussy gets him riled up again. But he pushes aside his arousal and clears his throat. “Lie down, Teddie Bear. I’ll be right back.”

Before I can say anything, he struts into the bathroom and out of earshot. With nothing else to do, I follow his instructions and curl up on the bed. I try to stay awake, knowing we should talk about what happened. But as soon as my head hits the pillow, my eyelids flutter closed.

Surely, I haven’t been dozing long when I feel something warm and wet dragging in gentle circles along my swollen pussy. I wince softly as I crack open an eye, spotting Nate crouched on one knee by the bed, holding a washcloth against my skin. He’s working carefully and reverently, cleaning up every drop of arousal and cum from my tired body.

When he sees me watching him, his mouth forms a lopsided grin, and he moves forward to press an affectionate kiss to my lips. He’s worn me out, and I can barely pucker up to kiss him back, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll get you cleaned for the morning.”

His honeyed voice is a lullaby singing me to sleep, and my eyes slip shut again. I embrace the slumber, relishing the first time a man has ever taken care of me.

Maybe this is something a girl should get used to.



For the first time since arriving in this godforsaken state, I’m not awakened by blinding sunlight in the morning. Instead, what has me alert and conscious as I blink open my eyes is the unexpected empty space on the opposite side of my bed. Suddenly, I’m wide awake and immediately push up on my elbows.

Where the fuck is Teddie?

My fingers test the sheets, feeling the warmth of the fabric. At least I know she hasn’t been gone for long, but that does little to put my mind at ease. I frown as I stare at her recently vacated spot, as if the void in my bed will leave a similar void in my chest. I’ve slept alone for this entire trip, but now, for some inexplicable reason, that fact seems to piss me off. I have no good explanation for it, and I’ve never felt this way before. But it’s as if Teddie carved out a piece of me last night, and she took it with her when she snuck out on me this morning. Although I’ll never admit this to anyone, I already miss her lying next to me.

Determined not to overthink this—as I typically do all things—I throw the covers off my body, deciding to prepare for the day. I hear the faint whir of the dishwasher in the kitchen, and when I hold my breath, remaining as quiet as possible, I can barely make out the sound of subtle humming.

There she is.

My muscles relax when I confirm her proximity, then I silently chastise myself for acting so clingy after a one-night stand.

What the fuck did you expect, Nate?That she'd be cuddled up in your arms and you’d wake her up with dick and kisses? Thatyou’dmakeherbreakfast in bed, instead of her cooking for you like usual?

I rub my eyes, removing the sleep and ridding myself of the ridiculous fantasy I had foolishly concocted. No, of course, she wouldn’t want that from the tourist vacationing in her house. Pushing away all thoughts of cuddling Teddie, I step over to the desk and open my laptop.

This has been my routine every morning, pulling up my manuscript to reread what I’ve previously written before trying to draft the next scene. The key word istryingbecause I’ve had little to no success with this technique. I usually stare at the screen for half an hour before giving up and getting my first coffee of the day.

However, today must be special because as soon as I open my document, I start typing. Rapid-fire typing without stopping.