Lucien made a sound like the exhale of cigarette smoke. “I will tell Mr. and Mrs. Lake the situation. I know they are anxious about Noah living alone, but I can’t make any promises. Noah can be quite the stubborn mule, lately.”

I nodded quickly. “Okay, I understand. Thank you.”

“The terms of your salary will need to be renegotiated, to account for rental fees—”

I squeezed my eyes shut and said quickly, “Same salary. $40K.”

“You wish to live rent free,” he began.

“I’d be working twenty-four seven, right? I mean, if Noah falls and hurts himself in the middle of the night, I’ll be there. Isn’t that what you want?”

Lucien sighed. “More than anything.”

“So what’s peace of mind worth to you? Or to Mr. and Mrs. Lake?”

I gave my hair a tug, knowing I was pushing it. But desperate times and all that…

“And now it is you who are manipulating me, Miss Conroy,” Lucien said, though I could hear his smile over the phone.

“I won’t fail you, Lucien,” I said, hope rising. “Or Noah.”

“My dear, that is a lot to take on. Perhaps more than you realize…”

“I can do it,” I said. “And I won’t give up. Draw up a contract. For one year, and I’ll sign it. I promise I won’t quit. Not for one year, at least.”

“I shall discuss it with the Lakes, Miss Conroy, but Noah must agree to hire you first.”

I nodded, worrying my lip between my teeth. “What are my chances?”

“A month ago, I’d say you hadn’t any. But I think the reality of the situation is something that the Lakes—and possibly even Noah—cannot ignore any longer. The instability of these strangers coming in and out of his life is not good for him. We might find him amenable.Might.”

That wasn’t much but I took it. Lucien and I hashed out a few more details and made plans to meet after my shift at Annabelle’s, then walk to the Lake’s townhouse for my official interview.

We were about to hang up when Lucien said, “Bring your violin.”


“Noah has very few entertainment options these days. He might be more open to your living there if you demonstrate your talents.”

I started to remind him I wasn’t much for performing anymore, but it occurred to me that if I could live in the townhouse, I’d have time to practice, to maybe find my music again in relative peace and quiet.

“I’ll bring it.”

We said our goodbyes and I bit back a smile. The party outside my door was in full-swing and I danced on my bed to the muffled music. It wasn’t a good idea to get my hopes up like this, but I couldn’t help it. What Lucien had said about me getting in over my head was probably true, but I’d learn to handle it. More than handle it. I wasn’t a moocher, after all. For forty thousand dollars a year and no rent, I’d be the best assistant I could be.

I just had to convince Noah Lake.

I flopped back to the bed and brought up thePlanet Xpromo pic again.

Gorgeous guy. Nice smile. There must be a good man lurking under there, right?

I traced the curve of his lips. “There must be.”

chapter seven

Lucien met me at Annabelle’s after my shift. We walked to the Lake townhome through a beautiful spring afternoon, me with my violin case in hand. I’d had a pretty good day tips-wise, which meant the rent check I’d given Emily that morning—hopefully my last, though I didn’t tell her that yet—wasn’t going to bounce. Lucien and I had hashed out the finer points of my employment. I’d get to keep the $40K salary, have Sundays off, practice time, and have the living space on the first floor all to myself.

My living space. All to myself.