Page 140 of Rush: Deluxe Edition

“Great,” Klaus said. “I hear Paradiso is a good one. Or Escape?”

“Escape sounds pretty good to me,” I muttered, but Annalie was shaking her head.

“Escape is always too crowded,” she said. “I read that on Yelp.”

“YouYelpeda nightclub?” I asked, suppressing a smile.

“You don’t?”

I laughed while Klaus clapped his hands together.

“Paradiso it is.”

If Paradiso was less crowded than Escape, no one put it on Yelp. The club was packed with wall-to-wall bodies dancing under strobe lights and pounding music.

“Shots!” Jason said as soon as we entered the madness. “Ladies, shots?”

“Absolutely,” I said.

Annalie gave me a look. “We have a performance tomorrow.”

“I know, but I’m not a soloist tomorrow and I need this. I need to just stopthinkingso much.”

She studied me for a moment more, then nodded. “Very well. But I’ll be watching you.”

I smiled gratefully. “That is why I love you.”

She rolled her eyes and hmphed which only made me love her more, but I kept it to myself.

Jason, being Jason, ordered four shots of Jägermeister.

“Ugh, this tastes as if someone mixed gasoline and cough syrup,” Klaus said, choking around a laugh.

I agreed, but the liquor burned warmly in my stomach. After a few seconds, it started to take effect.

“It’s perfect,” I said and slammed down my empty shot glass. “One more and then let’s dance.”

The rest of the evening was sort of a blur after that. I lost myself in the crowd, dancing with everyone and no one in particular, only stopping when Annalie dragged me to the bar for a glass of water. Jason slipped me another shot with a wink.

“My hero,” I said and clinked my glass to his.

Annalie narrowed her eyes. “Last one.”

I was going to make a crack about her being my jailer, but I appreciated her too much. And besides, I was definitely done. That last shot seemed to go to the center of the earth, tipping it on its axis. The floor canted under my feet, but I went back into the crowd, determined to dance, sweat, cry, or puke out my fears about Noah. I scanned the faces in the strobing lights, always with that same impossible hope that he would be among them. Of course, he wasn’t.

“He’s not here,” I said under the music where no one could hear me. Then louder. “He’s nothere.”

“I am here,” said a friendly voice in my ear. A tall man, sweet face with large brown eyes, smiled down at me. “Want to dance?”

I was already dancing like a maniac, but the sudden recklessness took over.

“I sure do,” I said, and so me and the tall stranger danced.

The man bent to put his mouth near my ear. “What is your name?”

“Charlotte,” I said.

“I’m Henry,” he said.