Page 4 of The Wrong Man

“Man, it’s good to see you. It’s been a while. You gonna show me how it’s done around here? I have no idea what I’m doing.” A small chuckle escaped my chest, but it was still tight with the anxiety held within. What did I know about fixing cars?

“Yes, he will.” Adon approached us as we gathered in the lot out front. He put an arm around my shoulder and pinched, the only affection he’d probably show. “But there’s a lot of rules here, Eli. Come on back to my office. Two people have been dying to see you again.”

Tate headed back toward the cars with a salute while Rhodes followed our brother and me inside.

The front of the shop was filled with glass windows stained with the business logo on the front. A line of plastic seats formed a waiting area facing a long counter with a computer. Behind the sales area was a rack of products with lit-up colored discount signs. Everything was so clean and light, my eyes squinted at the brightness. It wasn’t like in my cinder block cell.

A metal door at the back led to a small office with a desk and two chairs that were occupied by children. I hadn’t seen my niece and nephew in so long that I almost didn’t recognize them. Those wet drops returned to my eyes. There was no way I wanted to get sent away again. I didn’t want to miss any more than I already had.

“Avery? Wow. You are so big. How old are you now?” Snatching my niece into a side hug, I was shocked to see how tall she’d grown.

“Twelve.” She had her mother’s green eyes, but everything else about her resembled Adon. Olive skin, coffee-brown hair, and a serious expression.

“And Odin? I know you probably don’t remember me at all, but pretty sure I had to change your diapers one night. I’m sorry about that.” I patted my nephew on the back.

The kids were shy, but I didn’t blame them. They didn’t know me, and I was a scary-looking motherfucker. Probably seemed like a giant from their storybooks.

“Wait here while I take Uncle Eli around for a tour. Start on your homework, and I’ll be back.” Adon led me out of the office as the kids pulled out their backpacks.

“Do you still talk with Emily?” Seeing Adon operate as a single parent reminded me of him trying to father us after our mom died. I was such a wild shit at thirteen. Sick feelings of guilt infiltrated my chest at the thought of Adon having to put up with my antics back then.

“We’re cordial. Split custody, so we have to be. She’s got someone new. I keep an eye on him for the kids. I think he’ll be fine, though.” Adon and Emily divorced two years ago.

“What about you? Anyone?”

“No.” His answer was abrupt, so I didn’t push, especially with the warning look Rhodes gave me. “Here’s the bays. Tate will show you everything. I expect you here every morning at 8 a.m. sharp. Close is at five.”

Rhodes walked over to chat with Tate, taking some hint from our brother. Adon turned to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. We stood eye to eye; I was finally his size. “Elijah, no more drugs. No more alcohol. No fucking around. If I even sense that you’re altered, I’ll call your P.O. myself. Show up here, work your job, don’t give me any lip, and that’s it. Got me?”

“Yes, sir.” That knot in my stomach tightened. I didn’t want to let him down… not again.

He squeezed a bit harder on my shoulders. “Welcome back.”

We said goodbye to Tate, then Rhodes drove me to his house, a newer two-story with a full basement apartment that walked out into the small backyard. It was nicer than I could have imagined. Before we got out of the car, he tossed me the keys to the Charger.

Catching them in my hand, I glanced at the metal with wonder. “What’s this for?”

One side of his lips curled up. “Yours. Adon is lending it to you. Said, ‘I’ll snatch it back if he screws up.’”

I’m sure he would. Turning over the key, I stared at it for a long time. I had a car… something I never deserved. My heart clenched with guilt.

After a tour of the full kitchen on the main floor, Rhodes showed me the apartment. It had a kitchenette, which had everything I needed: a microwave, sink, and mini fridge. “The place is amazing, Rhodes. Damn. You’ve done well.”

“Yeah, Celine helped me decorate down here for you.”

A heavy sigh escaped my open mouth. “So…that’sstill a thing.”

“Don’t start.”

“Is she just fucking you now, or half the neighborhood?”

Rhodes smacked the back of my head lightly. “We have an open relationship. It works for us.”

“Yes, she has always been open. I’m sure it worksfor her.” No one liked her. I was hoping she had disappeared while I was in prison. Rhodes never did seem to choose what was best for him. It’s like hewantedthe abuse.

“Anyway, you’re only supposed to use the Charger for meetings with your parole officer and work. I’m assuming he would allow visits to Ward and Davis.”

“Thank you. Seriously.” I didn’t deserve any of this. My brothers took good care of me, and there was nothing I could ever do to repay them. It all made me feel like a big piece of shit.