Page 37 of The Wrong Man

“Kara was just our childhood bud who ended up fucking the two of you when we were old enough. Always trying to start shit between us, tear us apart. ’Cause that’s what bitches do.” Dixson sat back in his seat and downed the rest of his beer. He let out a heavy sigh. “I just hope this one doesn’t.” He huffed, then pointed his empty bottleneck toward Essa, who was returning with another plate and two waters.

She handed me a glass and sat on the other side of me. Dixson jumped up and headed toward the front door.

“Tell Adon thanks.” Louder, he yelled, “See ya, Rhodes!”

My brother told him bye from the kitchen.

“He’s quiet,” Essa said as Dixson left.

“Yeah, he’s a quiet guy. Until you get to know him, then he won’t shut his mouth.” I wasn’t quite sure what to make of his anger toward Essa. In the past, he was always arguing with Kara. Maybe he was just worried about Essa coming between us. Problem was, I was changing so much under her influence; it would be less of Essa’s doing and more of my own growing up. And moving apart from the person I was before.

“Ugh… I ate way too much.” Essa leaned back and rubbed her stomach.

“Need a nap now?” I put my arm around her little shoulders and kissed her temple. “Want me to take you home?”

“Yes, please.”

We told my family goodbye, then I drove us to her house. It had transformed to beourplace. Half my clothes were sorted in her closet, my toiletries tossed into one drawer of the bathroom, and even her kitchen cabinets and fridge were stocked with my health foods. Her bed usually gave me a better night’s rest than the one in my basement apartment.

However, after the holiday, my nightmares returned. Spending time with Davis and Dixon must have loosened all subconscious memories back to the surface. For weeks, I ruminated over the interactions with my old friends. At night, I would lay on my back, desperate for a whiskey to wash away the dreams.

Essa usually didn’t notice, or, if she did, I told her I was worried about work. She would rub my back to try to get me to fall back asleep, and I would pretend it had helped, but her steady little breaths would even out long before my own.

Wandering into the den, I stood at the side of the couch. I moved the coffee table out of the way, then lay on the carpet and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I was back to that night.

My body felt heavy, sluggish… drained. Rolling to my side, my eyes took in Pete’s face, which was screwed up in agony. Blood pooled under his body. Kara was screaming frantically for Davis from another room, but Davis was with me. He was in this very room, standing behind me near the sofa. His legs stumbled backwards, and his hand clutched his chest like he’d been shot. Maybe he had been shot. A loud moan growled from his chest. Had I shot him? How many times did I shoot Pete? There was so much blood coming from Pete’s body; it must have been dozens of times.

“Eli, what’s going on? What are you doing?”

Back in the present, my girlfriend’s scratchy voice snapped me to attention. A sleepy Essa was standing in the doorway, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her fists. Jumping up, I ran over to her and grabbed her into a tight embrace, kissing the top of her head.

“Hey, sorry. I couldn’t sleep. Let’s go back to bed.” Holding her shoulders, I guided her upstairs. When we slid under the covers, she snuggled her back against my chest. Sticking my face in her hair, I inhaled deeply. Green apple flora infiltrated my nostrils. “Essa, are you awake?”

She hummed a yes and turned her head to look at me. “Hmm?”

“I love you.”

She rolled over to face me and placed her hand against my cheek, her eyes filling with tears. “Really?”

“Yes, I love you. I have for a long time now, maybe always.”

“Me, too. I love you, too, Eli.”

I needed to hear it. Especially knowing what I was planning to do.

Watching her expression for any resistance, I reached under her panties and felt for her clit, stroking softly, gently, with the pad of my finger. She whimpered a little. While I played with her, my teeth nibbled on her lower lip, while I memorized her scent and the taste that was all her. I never wanted to forget.

My erection quickly hardened to its full capacity. Pulling her panties down, I tossed them, lifted her leg, and grazed the tip of my cock along her wet slit. Barely, I nudged inside of her while monitoring her softening expression.

Dipping the end in and out, I wet my dick with her juices, then dove in carefully, feeling every hot, wet, tight inch of her engulfing me. Essa closed her eyes, but I tapped my finger on her cheek to get her to look at me, then grasped her face so that I could devour her lips.

As I entered her fully, I held my cock close to her womb. My body stilled as I became entrenched inside her. This was where I belonged, it was where I was supposed to be. Feeling her breath on my lips, her silky hair falling over us, her smooth skin next to mine, I never wanted to leave.

“I love you,” I said again as I thrust. “I love you.” And I did it again so she would know that’s what this was. So, she wouldn’t forget and would never doubt. She wouldknowsomeone loved her, and she was worthy of that love.

“I love you,” she said breathlessly as I punched in again.

Flipping her onto her back while staying within her sheath, I surrounded her body with mine on top. Plunging in again, we both huffed breaths at each other from the pleasure of the sensation. Working inside her, I slapped my hips against hers. She came quickly, crying tears of happiness. Leaning over, my tongue collected a tear that had escaped down her cheek, then my lips captured the warm pink skin there.