Page 22 of The Wrong Man

Because I’m at work and my dick is fucking raging hard thinking about you right now.

Tate’s looking at me n it’s awkward.

We’d only talked on the phone or online but texted all day back and forth since that night at my house. Eli said he wouldn’t be able to resist me, and the feral look he’d given me the night as he led me to my stairs let me know, he probably would turn into an animal if he got around me. I felt the same about him. Neither of us wanted to ruin my chances at the money if we were together physically, so we stayed apart.

If things turned a bit flirty when we talked, which they almost always did, he’d make a deep groan and said he couldn’t jerk off with me listening because he’d be too tempted to drive over and take me. Just the sound of his voice was enough to soak me, but when he called me his baby girl or his sunshine, that would send me over the edge. I knew whenever I called him my daddy, I’d get him hard and I could get whatever I wanted from him, but he was right. We needed to stay apart until the film shoot.


U rdy to lose your safety seal to your prison bf, E?

Piper was giddy to learn that I had a “prison boyfriend” after I told her about our history together.

Yes, I’m so nervous.

Did you take some ibuprofen like I told you???


And tell them your name?

Yes, mom. Muffy Cummers is ready to make her debut.

lol damn I picked a good one

It was a Saturday, and taping was scheduled for that afternoon. My virginity would be gone in a matter of hours, taken by massive Eli, well, Dirk Hawk. It was the name he chose for the shoot.

Given how nervous I was, Eli devised a strategy for our sex scene.“Ignore everyone else and focus on my eyes the entire time, baby girl,”he said while we were chatting about it on the phone one night. It was a good idea. I could easily get lost in his gaze anyway. Piper told me I’d have a lot of pain, but Eli said he would go very slow with me, then things should start to feel better once I got used to the size of him.

The oddest experience was getting a complete wax two days before. Our contracts stated we needed to be hairless down there. While I spread myself wide in front of the esthetician, I imagined what having a camera between my legs would be like, showcasing everything to the internet. Breathing through the entire event, I made it without too much red flaming my cheeks. Eli went in the room after me and emerged, looking just as embarrassed as I felt.

Eli picked me up in his black Charger, and my heart fluttered as his muscular body jumped out of his car. He ran inside the front door before I could walk out.

Grabbing my hand in his oversized warm one, he pressed his mouth to my fingers, then gently teased my lips with his. Bending over, he placed his forehead on mine and softly said, “You ready, sunshine?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” My pulse was racing, and thinking about how huge he was under his jeans made me even more of a wreck. “I’m nervous.”

“Me, too. We’re in this together. Remember, keep your eyes on me.”

It was strange, I knew, but I completely trusted Eli. He was an ex-con. His body was gigantic, threatening, terrifying, really, but he was like my own personal monster. My guardian.

Once we arrived, I marveled at the interior of the porn studio. It was apparent Internal Affairs pulled in a lot of money. Between the gold-veined marble floors, fancy brocade wallpapers, and pictures of naked people, I didn’t know where to look.

A production assistant led us to the wardrobe department on the second floor. On our way up the stairs, I did a double take at one of the highlighted movie posters. My head tilted as I inspectedAss Bangers 4. The woman starring in the film was a heavily made-up Leticia Lake. She hadn’t even used a fake name.

“Huh.” I pointed at the frame on the wall.

“What’s up?” Eli glanced at the poster, scrunched his brow, then darted his eyes away. He put his large hand on the small of my back and continued to lead us up the stairs with our busty host waiting at the end of the hall.

“I think that was my father’s girlfriend in that movie,” I said to him in a whisper.

“Small world.” Eli didn’t seem that interested, turning his head to peer inside the other studio doors.

It was strange that my father’s ex-girlfriend would work for the same studio that bid for my virginity. Briefly, I wondered if there could be some connection there. Before I could think about it too much, I was shuffled in front of a wardrobe lady.

The outfit chosen for me was a pair of rainbow-striped cotton panties and a frilly pink camisole, something I wore when I was twelve. They gave me a big fluffy robe and slippers to wear the rest of the time. Layers of cake foundation were applied to my face in the makeup room. Even Eli got some, and I giggled as he sat in the chair next to me, getting pampered.

“Not everyone is as naturally good-looking as you, sunshine.” He peeked one eye open to glance at me with his lips lifting into a small smile. The sight of him so relaxed put me at ease for the moment.