Page 12 of The Wrong Man

“Ah. ’Cause this girl isn’t just some girl. I know she’s got a friend on the inside who was writing to her for several years… One who may have told her things he wasn’t supposed to. Maybe her father told her things…” His eyebrows raise knowingly.

Fuck. The pounding of my heartbeat filled my ears as I wrapped a hand around the back of my neck to tug on the tense muscle there. This was my worst nightmare… These goons could have come after Essa and she was innocent in all of this.

“No. Bruno, I haven’t said shit, and you know that. Her father never contacted her once in her life. You guys didn’t even know about her existence until… Well, maybe I led you there. Is that it? You were watching me?” The shrillness in my voice escalated before I could rein it back.

“Of course. Then when little Miss Muff decided to auction herself off, Boss thought it was a good idea to make the offer to her. Get her snared in and have her come work for us.”

“And then rope me into doing videos, too.”

Bruno nodded. “Let’s show you around. Give you an idea of what the day of shooting would be like for you and Inessa Minsky.”

That would give me time to think up a strategy here. “Sure.”

Bruno led me up the gold-carpeted stairs to the in-house studio rooms. We passed by the first, set up like a doctor’s office. Next was a classroom with two women filming inside. One was obviously dressed as a teacher, paddling the younger student on the desk. You could hear her loud moans from outside the door.

Bruno lifted his eyebrows at me and said, “Care to join them?”

When I didn’t answer, he moved on to the next room, set up as a sex dungeon with complicated bondage equipment. We entered to the sound of several loud slaps of skin. Men were shouting, “Slut!” and “Such a dirty whore!”

Black velvet lined the walls, and the carpet was a deep red. In the center of the room behind the cameras was a large round mattress covered by a latex material. On top of the bed, a curvaceous woman wore a harness and collar attached to a long silver chain.

She was riding one man in cowgirl while another was kneeling behind her, taking her ass in double penetration. A third man was pounding into her mouth in front, but missing so that his dick was poking into her cheek.

“I think there’s room for one or two more in there,” Bruno said with a grin, offering for me to step forward by showcasing his fat palm.

It was taking every ounce of patience I had learned over the last seven years not to kill him. Digging my nails into my palms, I held it together. He’d only gain satisfaction knowing he pissed me off, and I wasn’t going back to prison.

The last area he showed me was designed as a teen’s room. Inside was a bed covered with a polka-dot blanket, topped with numerous stuffed animals. This was the studio he wanted us to use. I understood what my role here was supposed to be—the monster of a little girl’s nightmares.

Inappropriately, my dick started to grow thick in my jeans, imagining this would be the place I would bust Essa’s cherry. My mind held on to a picture of her screaming into one of those teddy bears while I railed her hard, her blood coating the cute blanket. Wasn’t that what I was trying to protect her from? Wasn’t I the type of man I was trying to keep her from?

Despite this, all I wanted was to be her first. It would be everything I fantasized about over the last several months since she’d changed from a friend into something more. There was no way I wanted to let some stranger hurt her, and I knew Bruno would eat it up if they did. I could keep her safe, be the one she needed, and make sure her first time was a good one.

Sensing my surrender, Bruno clapped my shoulder, with his fingers covered in gold rings, and turned us back toward the stairs. “Let’s discuss.”

Shoving a whiskey at my face, Bruno took up residence across the desk from me as I sat down. I set the glass on a side table and leaned forward on my elbows.

“Questions?” His neck roll spilled over the top of his collar when he brought his glass up to his face.

“How much did Pete owe your boss?”

“Money? Twenty grand. But Boss won’t be satisfied with just a payoff. He wants his daughter defiled. As a personal vendetta.”

I nod. Even if I agreed, I knew he could try to make us work for him later, but accepting things as they were, I could delay that time, maybe even escape with Essa to start a new life somewhere else.

“Okay, Bruno. I’ll do it under these conditions: I want Essa only; just her and I and your crew, that’s it. Nobody else will be in the room with us. Neither she nor I will shoot another video for you. Ever. It’s a one-time thing for both of us.” He opened his mouth to object, but I butted in. “Once. That’s it. Your boss gets his video as his final act of vengeance or whatever. And you take whatever you would pay me as Pete’s debt payment. Otherwise, you get neither of us.”

Bruno sat back in his chair, folding his hands across his rotund gut. He considered me for quite some time, even spinning in his chair.

“What if she gets a taste for it and wants more?”

“She won’t.” Standing, I stared him down.

Bruno strutted around the table on his little legs and extended his arm. “You really don’t remember that night, do you?” Shaking my hand, he laughed.

“No.” I was sick of telling people that and everyone else seeming to know what happened, except for me.

“Well, then, we have a deal. Shooting will start in about a month, I’d say. We’ll get you on the schedule. Make sure she’s bare down there. And you, too. Want to see as much of that footlong as we can.”