Page 75 of The Wrong Man

With a breathy low voice, she murmured, “I need you now, daddy. Please…” Quick glances around the parking lot told me no one was nearby. “Please, daddy.” Fuck. I couldn’t say no when she looked like this, and I needed her just as badly.

“Yes, baby. I need to be inside you right now. It’s been too long. I-I have to be inside you.” She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. It wasn’t like other times. My need was too great. We could get arrested, but I didn’t care.

Pushing her up against her car, my finger wiggled its way to her panties, then pushed them aside. As soon as I unzipped, I thrust my hardness all the way inside while burrowing my face into her neck. Her moan vibrated the skin of my cheek as I sheathed myself in her safety.

My hips worked in a frantic pace, desperate to have more of her as her nails dug into the skin of my arms underneath my T-shirt.

“Did you stop your pills already, baby girl?”

“Y-yes, but did you still want to?” She breathed into my ear, causing shivers to go down my spine. Pulling back, I caught her bright blue eyes sparkling in the sun and held her gaze.

“Yes, baby. I want to get you pregnant now. We’ll go to the courthouse and get hitched right after. You can have a wedding if you want one. Whatever. Life is too”—I plunged into her forcefully—“fucking short to wait.”

She put her head in the side of my neck and nodded. “Put a baby in me, then. Do it now.”

The car windows smudged with her sweat as I railed into her like an escaped convict. Her wet hole was a firm pocket that my cock fit into neatly, and I never wanted to leave. Slamming into her, I felt her inner muscles contract around my cock, and I knew I could release.

“Eli, I love you.” Her pussy pulsed around me, and I smiled.

“I love you too, baby girl. Daddy wants to get his little girl pregnant. You want daddy’s baby?” She nodded. “Here you go.” Ropes of my cum shot close to her womb. It was probably too soon for her to get pregnant, but I was going to keep trying.

Cuddling her tight little body, I held her against the car, catching my breath in between kisses along her neck, her jaw, the corners of her mouth… When I could capture some air again, we both glanced around to see if anyone had seen us, and her giggle caused vibrations on my cock. Fortunately, no one was nearby.

“Fuck, baby, I needed that. Never want to be away from you ever again.”

Placing her soft hand on my cheek, I pressed my face into it as she said, “You won’t be.” Our lips met again, then I dropped her legs. I loved this woman with all my heart. There was nothing that was going to keep us away from each other from now on.

“Make sure all that stays in there. I’ll drive and you keep your legs propped up on the dash.” I smirked at her, and she laughed like a babbling brook. “Whose place you want to go to?”

“Yours. I left a week’s worth of stuff there in case I had to stay. Rhodes and Adon were worried about Davis breaking into my house to hurt me.”

“Good.” A broad grin escaped my lips at the thought that she was officially part of our family now. “That was smart of them. Let’s go.”

We arrived at Rhodes’s house and went down to the basement. It was late. Essa headed to bed, while I took a shower, cleaned up, and had a snack. Even frozen pizza pockets were so much better than prison food.

When I slipped in between my soft sheets, sounds of Essa’s steady sweet breaths hit my ears like music. She was asleep, but I didn’t care. Spooning her tiny waist, I pulled her close and held her against my chest. She smiled and nuzzled against me.

Carefully, I lifted her leg and lined up with her wet entrance. Poking inside carefully, she continued to cuddle me and sleep soundly. Her tiny pussy was still dripping with my cum from earlier. Hopefully, it would stay inside her for nine months.

Gently edging in, I slowly used her tight hole, trying to steady my breathing. She moaned in pleasure.


“Yeah, sunshine. It’s me. Just go back to sleep. I need to put more cum in you.” She nodded and whimpered a reply of affirmation, then settled more into me with a contented sigh. My love for her was so great, I wasn’t sure how I could stop touching her. Scooping deeper inside of her, I felt my balls tingle in anticipation of their release. Thinking about fucking my girl every night while she slept, every morning when we woke up together, creating life together, I shot another hot load inside her with a choked groan.

Immediately, I fell deeply asleep, still buried inside of her.

The next morning, I fucked her awake in much the same away, but sucked her neck hard until she squealed and woke up, pressing her lips to mine. We eventually decided we needed food and got dressed.

Rhodes had left me a note saying welcome back. He was still sleeping from his late shift at work, so I didn’t bother him. Next to his note on the kitchen counter was a set of Dodge Charger keys. The Charger was parked in the driveway next to his car. Essa had parked on the street. Before I could sneak out to see my parole officer, Rhodes came down the stairs, wiping his eyes.

“Baby bro,” he said with a hoarse, sleepy voice. Gathering me into a warm embrace, I held him for a moment before releasing.

“Thank you for everything. Seriously.”

Rhodes smiled and ran his hand through his hair. “Essa did it. You’ve got a wonderful woman.”

“Yeah, I do.”