Page 61 of The Wrong Man

“Fuck, Griff. This isn’t good. It smells like a bourbon barrel in here.” He stood at the foot of my bed, looking around my room. Then, letting out a deep sigh, he said, “Come on. Let’s go over to Slim’s. He’s having another party. You’ll feel better.”

Rolling over, I considered his proposal. I had avoided using while with the guys thus far, but wasn’t sure how long I could resist the dust’s thrall. As I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to decide if I should go with Dixson or not, the world tilted sideways.

“Damn, take a shower first. You’re rank.” Dixson waved his hand in front of his nose as if warding off my body odor.

“Yeah, yeah. Gimme twenty.”

My balance was off. Dixson caught me as I stumbled, struggling to get to the bathroom. He put his shoulder under my arm and walked me to the tub, turning on the hot water while I tried to hold myself up on the wall. I pulled off my boxer briefs and made it inside the shower. Once I was under the spray, I closed my eyes and reveled in the sensation of the hot droplets beating into my skin. It gave me a hint of the flagellation I deserved.

“I’ve got some dinner waiting for us when you’re done.” Dixson left after a minute and shut the door.

While washing up, I vomited a few times. My legs wouldn’t hold me up any longer, so I slid down the tiles. Sitting on the floor of the tub, I almost fell asleep with my head resting on the edge until Dixson banged on the door.

“You all right in there?” He poked his head inside.

“Yeah, yeah!” I sat up and finished getting ready.

After getting dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans, I wandered into the main living space. Dixson was watching basketball on the big screen. A plate of steak and asparagus was laid out for me on the dining table with a glass of water.

“What’s this?”

“Picked it up from Sullivan’s. Figured you needed meat.” The corner of his lips raised in a smirk.

I snorted and sat down to eat a meal for the first time in a week. The food nourished me until I felt almost human again. By the time I finished, I was almost sober for the first time in weeks.

“You ready?” Dixson got up and helped me toss the trash from the meal.

“Hey…” I grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. His blue eyes met my dark ones. “Thanks, man.”

His face lit up. “No problem. I gotta take care of you, Griff.”

We clamored up the hill outside and got in Dixson’s Jeep, then headed toward Slim’s house. By the time we made it to the party, things had picked up. There were more people inside than before. When we walked in, I went straight to the liquor cabinet to pour some whiskey.

Meandering back into the living room, I sat on the only empty chair, sipping my cup. A heavily tattooed woman with thick curves came over and sat on my lap. Her fire-engine red hair was shaved on one side of her scalp, revealing an intricate pattern of tattoos there. Before I could ask, she turned around and kissed me, tasting of scotch and sorrow.

“Hey, I’m Quinn. You’re fucking hot.”

A grunt left my lips in reply. She was definitely good to go, but fucking her would only prolong my misery and I knew it.

“Quinn, get the fuck off the man. Let him breathe a sec.Jesus.” Dixson was eyeing her, and everyone in the room turned to watch the spectacle, laughing at her boldness.

“Jealous, Dix?” she asked as she got up from my lap with a sneer. Her tight black leather pants hugged her perfect ass as she sashayed into the next room, hips moving with a dangerous rhythm.

“That girl is trouble,” Dixson said, as we all watched her walk away.

Shrugging, I got up to get more whiskey, running into Oakes’s large body in the kitchen. Some chick pressed her body into his chest and was sucking on his earlobe as he nodded at me.

“Heard you spent seven in the pen. Glad you made it out in one piece, Griff. It’s tough in there.”

“Yeah. You were in?” A few more sips of whiskey made me feel a bit warmer inside.

“Only eighteen months. Possession, and they got me for burglary with assault, but I didn’t do anything.” He filled a cup with gin and pointed behind me with the rim as he gripped his girl’s ass with his other hand.

Turning, I spotted a tall woman with long brown hair and another lighter brunette, both eye-fucking me from the corner of the room. The two were giggling, whispering to each other, and smiled at me when I looked. Someone slapped me on the back, and I jumped to see Fednarc, the skinny bastard. He laughed at my surprise.

“Hey, man. Good to have you back around. So, you been working for Bruno, huh?”

“What? No. Not anymore.”