Page 21 of The Wrong Man

“Okay… daddy.” She said it with a small, flirty smile.

Hearing that, I was going to need to jerk off again.

The next morning, Essa was still asleep when I left the house. After the gym, I made it to work with plenty of time.

“Finally, man. It’s been a couple of weeks. Was going to hire a hooker for you.” Tate smacked me with a white towel as I walked past him.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on. I know you. You had some good pussy, I can tell.”

A small smile crept over my face. I couldn’t hide it. Essa made me happy as hell.

My head was so in the clouds, I screwed up several cars because I couldn’t concentrate. All my thoughts were focused on the little minx in the blue house.

With the clearness of the day, however, I couldn’t help but remember the feel of the scratchy sofa. The green carpet and the bloodstains now covered by the coffee table. This was wrong. I shouldn’t do this. She deserved better.

Adon called me into his office, likely to complain about the shitty work I was doing. When I strolled toward his door, a woman at the counter was complaining to the receptionist about her bill.

“No, you guys tacked on this fee, and it doesn’t even make sense! It’s extra charges that I didn’t agree to!”

Jackie, our receptionist, was apologetic, but tried to explain that the bill was right, and the woman had to pay.

“Can I see it?” Reaching across the counter, I slid the bill to me and looked it over.

Adon popped his head out of his office to watch.

“Sorry, bro. Just a minute. Look here, Jackie. This should be twenty-nine ninety-nine. Those parts were charged twice. I’d give her ten percent off for the trouble. I’m sorry, ma’am. The bill was wrong. I hope that makes up for it.”

“Thank you.”

I walked into Adon’s office. He stared at me with his deep-set brown eyes as he eased himself onto his desk chair.

My brow furrowed. “What?”

Shuffling some papers on his desk, he nodded slightly. “That was really good. Good customer service.”

I shrugged, then sat in the chair opposite him. “Meh, I like numbers. The bill was wrong. Easy fix. By the way, your distributor is charging you too much for those filters.”

Adon crossed his big arms. “Eli, do you want to be our new office manager?”

“Come again?” My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. Was my responsible older brother actually entrusting me with something of importance?

“Office manager. You’re a shitty mechanic. If you run the office, I can get back to helping with the cars. You’d run the office, do the books, take care of the front, help the customers, manage timecards, and all that. I can show you. Would you like to do that?”

My shoulders relaxed. It was something I never considered, but the offer seemed like a jailbreak from a life of struggle. “Yeah. Yeah, I would.”



Everything I had ever wanted was coming true. Eli had agreed to be the man to take my virginity and had prepared me for the event. Our first kiss was more than I could have imagined, and the way my body reacted to his touch, his taste… it was unbelievable. Every time I thought of him when I was alone in bed, I masturbated, remembering the way his thick fingers felt on me and how large his cock was, of his soft lips on mine. But I couldn’t think of it too often because we hadn’t progressed more physically, which was a bit frustrating, but I understood.


distract me plz. tell me about buffy.
