Page 14 of The Wrong Man

Davis looked to his left and right, but all the patrons had moved into the pool area.

“Griff, you just lost it. Kara saw you. It fucked her up enough that, well, you know what happened after.” All the blood in my body stopped moving, but Davis’s blue eyes held mine in an intense gaze. “You killed a man.”



“There’s just no way he could keep going after that many rounds. He wouldn’t have any cum left! I’m going to write that in my review—”


“Oh, shush yourself!” Piper smarted off to one of the library’s readers, annoyed she had to pause in her retelling of her latest smut book. “Let’s go into the office,” she said, narrowing her eyes at the man, who was standing with an open book and mouth, amazed at her brusqueness.

Hesitating, I stood near the front counter. “Am I allowed back there?”

“Pfft. No one will care. I can still see if someone needs me from in there.” She walked into the glass-enclosed area, as I hurriedly followed. The room contained a few return carts, a large wooden desk, and an older-model computer. Sitting on one of the green-padded guest chairs, I placed my backpack on the floor next to me.

That morning, I returned my latest Agatha Christie and brought Piper a cranberry walnut muffin from Sugar Glaze bakery, her favorite. Pulling out a chocolate chip cookie, I took a bite.

“Remember when we were talking about selling virginity online?” I asked, ready to confess everything to my friend.

“Oh my god! Did you do it?” Piper spat muffin bits on the computer monitor and then wiped it with a paper napkin.

“Yeah, I did. I’m going to accept this one bid. Probably. Most likely. It’s for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

“What? Wow! I am super jealous. Maybe I could fake being a virgin and make that much. How would they know?”

Chewing my cookie crumbles slowly, I considered this. “I think I have to visit a doctor. I’m not sure. Maybe they just take a picture down there.” Reluctant to tell her the next part, I bit another chunk off the sweet. With my mouth full, I said, “Anyway, the offer is from an adult video production company. It was high because they want me to do a video for them. Do you think that’s incredibly stupid?”

“Not for that kind of money. I think it could work out better, honestly.”

“Yeah, I thought about it being safer than meeting a stranger somewhere. At least there would be witnesses, right?” Finishing my cookie, I tossed my trash in the wastebasket while brushing crumbs off my red T-shirt.

Piper put her feet up on the desk. “Hmm, good point. Of course, the video would be on the internet forever. Is that something you could live with? Like, in your future and all?”

Pursing my lips, I considered my answer carefully. “I think so… It’s only one video. And there are a lot of girls who do porn. It’s just a ton of money. I’m desperate. Do you think I should accept?” I’d thought about all these questions before and even wrote out a long pros and cons list. The only thing I was waiting on was someone to tell me if I was making a huge mistake or not.

“Yes. I think you should do it.” She sat up in her chair and fluffed her pink hair. “You need that cash. Oh, and don’t porn stars have to be clean? They can’t have their actors spreading syphilis or anything.”

“I’ve heard that. They want me to do the video without a condom, so that would make sense.” A heavy sigh left my chest. If only it were Eli, I’d feel like I wouldn’t have to worry about that as much, knowing he’d make sure I was safe.

As if her head was going to explode with a new idea, her dark blue eyes rounded, and she gasped. “Hey! Who do you think will be your co-star? You should check out some porn and see which big dick is going to fuck you for your first time. It could get really painful.” She turned to the old computer on her desk, but stopped before typing anything on the keyboard. “Probably shouldn’t check while I’m at work… Check on your computer when you get home. I’ll do research too, send you some dick pics.”

My mind started racing, thinking of all the men it could be. Knots tied in my stomach as I envisioned each one grimier and creepier than the last. “It’s probably going to be some fat old man.” In my head, all I could picture was Eddie in his white tank top.

“Will you be scared?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Swallowing the lump in my throat, I thought about all the men it could be. “It would be nice to have someone there who would comfort me, make me not want to throw up beforehand.” Lacing my fingers together, I stretched them, popping the knuckles.

“I’ll come!” Piper smiled brightly, flashing her white teeth.

“No! That would be too embarrassing. I couldn’t dothatin front of you.”

“Understandable; it would be weird for me, too. What’s the company’s name so I can look up some stars for you?” She opened the search engine on her computer.

“I think it’s Internal Affairs.”

Piper snorted. “Good name.”